Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mikeflix Review- "The King's Speech"

(Currently available on Netflix/Red Box.)

Right. Okay. Ha ha. This has already been in theatres and come/gone and the hoopla from last month during the Oscar's has died down. And this is going to be a simple review b/c, well...quite frankly...what everyone else said. My friend Adam said he went to see it when "Tron" was sold out, knowing nothing about it and walked out feeling like he found $1,000. I'm bummed that I couldn't get to see this one on the big screen, the last to show it being "The Heights" and it was the "edited" version. (Those who have seen it, know that cussing plays an important part in the narrative. I wasn't about to pay to go see the "Clean-flix" version, no sir.)

Anyway, this was the final flick on the Oscar's "Best Picture" list that we needed to view in order to say we saw them all. And why bother reviewing it at all?

This was an excellent movie. Compelling. Fraught with drama, hope, and some of the best writing/performances I'd seen all year. (How Geoffrey Rush managed that shitty "ninja" movie before this is a mystery.)

Rent this one immediately if you haven't seen it yet. 4 out of 4 Stars.

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