Wednesday, April 06, 2011

How I know the world is going to hell...

Some bastard has requested they change the programming on my ("my") treadmill from NBC to CBS. Unfortunately, what this means is that instead of my steady stream of news reporting that I'm accustomed to watching (It meant that, while funemployed, even if I hit the gym at 8am I was guaranteed another 2.5 hours of local and national news.)

Well now it seems that the programming ends at 9 and we're served up a pile of talk-show in the form of "Ellen". I have nothing against her, mind you. I think she was funny when she did stand up, had an unfortunate run of a luke-warm sit-com when hit sit-coms were starting to peter out creatively. And her show was actually kind of funny- Until I found out she pulls "Jackass" level stunts on her studio guests for her own amusement.

i.e. She's kind of a dick. She might as well find new ways of throwing Bam Margera into a snake pit.

Anyway, out of my peripheral vision from my ("my") treadmill I can usually rely on the noise provided by CNN which gives soundbites of news followed by hours of commercials telling us how awesome their reporters are, when they had a commercial showing their next segment about the tragedy in Japan, the radioactive waste leeching into the ocean, and their special correspondent (wait for it) "Bill Nye the Science Guy" was going to share his thoughts on the subject.

This is akin to interviewing Ronald McDonald about the a large recall of salmonella tainted beef. And apparently, it's news. *

*Speaking of beef, I guess the Porky's is gone the way of the dodo. I understand the sentiment that goes with a neighborhood restaurant closing and how it affects the community as well as long standing patrons. HOWever, the abruptness in which it announced it's closing and the subsequent mobs that turned out (yes. Mobs. Complete with pitchforks, torches feels like they cheapened the event and could have maybe planned their swan song a little bit better- meaning gotten a lot more dough. Instead, they decided to create a scene. And I guess I don't approve.

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