Thursday, June 24, 2010

When Wine-ing is a good thing. (Day 5)

(Ed. Note- The Christmasbaby Blog is going to be a play by play of our trip to Portland last week. What you'll be reading, matey's, is my observances/experiences of the trip for your amusement. Links to applicable restaurants/sites will be included in case you're planning a trip any time soon. Dates listed are from Saturday, June 12th through Friday the 18th.)

No sleeping in for the wicked! Everyone was up and bustling to get packed and moving. After a quick breakfast we KP'ed as best we could and spread hugs as Moda and I were on our way for our solo jaunt to the sea. It was also the 1st full day of misty gray that didn't go away. I confess that this sort of colored my mood. My bad.

Our 1st stop was the David Hill Winery ( where we were impressed enough to walk away with 3 bottles. I also learned that the wine tastings are ridiculously informal. You pay. Stand at the counter. And swill. (For some reason I thought it'd be a swanky affair)

Then next stop was the Montinore Winery where our Boston Celtics loving pourer chatted us up and we discovered the local "wine kitty". (It was cute, and I missed Georgie) It was about here that I get an urgent message from my temp agency that sounded suspiciously like I was getting the "let go" message. No good. Fortunately they were just checking in, but for about 10 minutes I had that stomach dropping feeling I'd be getting home to unemployment. This, friends, is what really colored my day.

We were back on track to hit the Tillamook Cheese Factory -( First of all, TIllamook smells like Iowa. Cow. Shit. Central. We hadn't eaten since breakfast so we were both peckish and punchy. The factory itself was kind of disturbing. People mill in and out because it's free and they get free cheese. Watching them process the big, shiny blocks was...weird. Not cool. Weird.

Then it was back out. We finally "saw" the ocean and began our trial in finding a inexpensive place to put us up. I was able to get my kicks off and my feet wet in spite of the drizzle. So that mission was accomplished. But I tell you, we must have stopped in a half a dozen places and it was all expensive nonsense. (And to the offices that didn't have anyone in them? Rude)

Eventually we found our way into Wheeler where we found our gem. Tired and a little disgruntled I mosey'd into the this place on the bay armed w/my usual questions (How much, do they accept AAA, etc.) The owner gave me the rundown on the inexpensive rooms, also volunteering that they rent out 2 movies, supply breakfast food, and have free books and games. I mean, watch their video. They're adorable. *(

I told him I'd consult my companion and get back to him. We meandered to the lodgings closest to the bay and discovered their "suites"- They have their own matching Adirondacks on a "porch" as well as a hot tub. It was a little out of our price range, but eff it. We booked it. And it turns out that you get 10% your tab at the local eateries. So we "rented" "Shitter Island" and "He's just not that into you", were given the low-down on the Lodge kitties ("Don't let them into your room") and got ourselves cozy. Dinner was right across the street at Tsunami (Not great, but definitely serviceable- and did we crack open some wine, bundle up and read on the porch, hot tub, then watch a flick? You're damn straight.

ps- ICYC, most pictures are up on FB to all my gentle readers who prefer visual aids. Coming up tomorrow? GOONIES ROCK!

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