Tuesday, June 08, 2010


We did it. On Sunday, we ran the Minneapolis Half-Marathon/Marathon. We got up at 4:30 munched a bagel (Muscle Milk for me) and biked to the Depot. Team Awesome convened and at 7 a.m. we were off. We stayed tight until around mile 4 when after a water station we were split up. Moda and I stayed close to our pace group (10:53) but closing in on the next mile she put on speed and I gave her the thumbs up and I ate her dust.

Around the 10K mark there was an incline and I started shallow breathing so I slowed down and gave my self some deep yogi breaths. (This also marks the point where the faster half marathoners were already doubling back)

Mile 7/8...I started noticing the pings. After mile 8 I had to start 1 minute walks then 8 minute runs.

Mile 9- The hip. I also learned the hard way that the crappy glucose packs they give you taste like prune favored paste. I was like a dog eating peanut butter.

Mile 11.5 was when my Achilles tendons both started snapping. It was also here that I think I started hallucinating.

Mile 12.5- There's a marching band. I sally forth for a strong finish.

So that's crossed off the list. We're already planning on a pre-July 4th 10K around Lake Harriet (twice) with our PR's (ideally) under 60 minutes.

And now, a timeline:

Mid-February: After hearing stories from her buddy, Moda gets it into her mind to run (at least) a half marathon. I agree to train with her. We begin by increasing our run time on the treadmill from our (normal) 30 minutes to around 45.

March: I'm topping out at 5 miles. Moda is already shooting for PRs and gets up to 6, then 8. Getting off the treadmill is a daunting task. I manage my 1st outdoor run. On a long evening walk, we come up with the moniker of "Pam and Sam". We join "Mapmyrun.com"

April: 1st 6 mile outdoor run for us. (Isles and Calhoun) Our long runs are officially relegated to the weekend followed by a big brunch somewhere where we'll moan getting up and walking again. Another nice weekend brings us to our first long trail run (and last run before the 10K) around Hyland. Moda starts having hip flexor frass, my lower back gets twitchy two days later. We both invest in foam rollers.

4/24 we run our first race. 10K. In the rain. We feel like achey drowned rats afterwards.

May: After a week long break, we start again. All runs, indoor and (mostly) outdoor runs are mapped and never less than 5.75/6 miles. The training culminates in a 10+ mile hike around all 3 of the chain of lakes. We have a CB gathering which involves softball and utilizing a lot of the fast twitch muscle fibers. I mightily manage to pull/strain both hamstrings. I can barely move for 3 days. Mo makes an appointment to see a sports physician for her hip. Our taper week begins Memorial Day weekend, and we're both feeling less pain after long distances.

Which leads us to race day...Pip Pip.


Unknown said...

Awesome achievement!
Well done to you and M.
The question is... will you do it again?

P said...

Good question. I'm all for tackling another half and Mo would like to attempt a full, but right now the timing in 2010 is pretty bad for both of us.

There is, however, a half on December 5th in Las Vegas that looked pretty awesome. Just sayin'...

Hope you're well, Love! Thanks!

Halsiv...Short for "half sieve". It doesn't sieve anything.