Sunday, June 20, 2010

We're going to a school? (Day 2)

(Ed. Note- The Christmasbaby Blog is going to be a play by play of our trip to Portland last week. What you'll be reading, matey's, is my observances/experiences of the trip for your amusement. Links to applicable restaurants/sites will be included in case you're planning a trip any time soon. Dates listed are from Saturday, June 12th through Friday the 18th.)

Moda dreamt of chasing down frogs to cut off their legs...I had weird dreams of being chased... That's what late nights and rich delicious food'll do to you I guess.

I woke up way too early for having had way too late a night but my shoulder was not letting me turn on my right side so after tossing and turning for a few hours I gave up and decided to try out the fitness center for some rehab. My ROM was terrible and I could barely lift anything on my right side but it was nice to get running again since I realized that it'd been only a week since the 1/2 marathon and only the 3rd time I'd ran since completing it.

After we properly awoke, we decided to keep trying places on L and D's recommendation list and try bloody Mary's/breakfast at a popular P-town restaurant, the Tin Shed. ( After a wait on the patio reading we were sat in about 45 minutes. (In town, if a place is good AND popular be prepared to wait a while) The food was delicious, and also where I discovered OR's peculiar bloody habit- Instead of a pickle they add a pickled green bean to their BM's. Not so jarring that it'd ruin it but a strange taste sensation regardless. Moda was a big fan of her 'Mary. For my part, I was content. We headed back to the hotel for a power nap hoping we could squeeze in more activities b4 the Bride/Groom dinner that evening buuuut....Boom.

Fast forward 2.5 hours. Whoops.

We woke up with enough time to shower and toodle around the neighborhood pre-dinner where we checked out Powell's world famous bookstore ( - To be fair, we wandered in to the cookbook store first before finding the used bookstore proper. Very cool, and would be an easy way to kill an hour or more.) We then headed out to school.

Now, the idea of an old school getting converted into living space isn't a new one. (The Porkchops used to live in an apartment that, I believe, was the cafeteria section in Uptown on 34th and Dupont) When I first heard that the party was here I didn't give it a second thought until I re-read the itinerary and said "Holy s#it. Holy S#IT!" ( Class rooms converted into event space, smattered with hotel rooms that still have chalk boards? The gym pool is now the hotel pool? Two full service bars? The detention hall is now a cigar and whiskey lounge? Sign me up.

The party itself was lovely with family and friends taking time to share memories and stories with the room. (It was weird introducing myself as the "Right Reverend Mo's" boyfriend.) It spilled over into a smaller bar for a nightcap before heading back to have a good nights sleep.

I think we did well with offering our assistance to the wedding party with any odds and ends that they would like to delegate. Sure enough, our game plan for the game day was going to be as follows- Moda would get dropped off and head to the site with the party early in the a.m. I'd join around noon with the rental car and pick up the pre-ordered lunch for everyone. (Hooray for helping!) I started to fade while Moda checked, re-checked, and wrote down instructions on how to get to the restaurant and then to the site...And that's all I remember...except a little anxiety.

How the f#ck was I supposed to navigate around this baffling a##ed...but

Final thought- Everyone...and I mean everyone- has a tattoo in Portland. And not just something tribal or douche-y like a seahorse on their ankle- I mean unique unique unique. For example, our server at the Tin Shed had a Bettie Page-esque pin-up girl on her arm...except it had three heads. The 40-something bartender at Kennedy's had a starfish- On. His. Elbow.

The ink doth floweth. And it's crazy.

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