On a good day, it's surprising that I don't have more callouses on my feet from dragging them so much. Took me forever to get my black belt, I'm still working on finishing my college degree, I was 40 when I finally decided to get married. So of course I waited until I'm approaching my mid-40's to have our first kid. And I want to tell you about it. Interested?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Pics of Five Fifth's...*

More to come. Go see "Greatest Moments of Kung Fu Theatre History" at Intermedia Arts. Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday afternoons May 3rd through 13th. We may even get beers after. Or tea, if you are a tea-totaler.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Busy Crack
1. Height?
5' 10"
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
I thought you injected it? (No. Doi)
3. Do you own a gun?
Several realistic toys/bb guns that work well as props. If you need to own a gun, you're fooling yourself. Open up a newspaper to figure that lil' equation out...fucking guns. Ugh.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Nah. Mostly because I haven't been to the doc in over 7 years now, I may have forgotten what it feels like.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
The only time I'll eat'em are at live sporting events. Otherwise, even the sight of those gray gas station dogs that look like they've sat their since the 1st Bush adminstration make me want to vom.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I like'em all, actually. Except for that lame ass Paul McCartney song "Simply, Having, A wonderful Christmas time!". GODS! You were a Beatle, Man! There are enough muzak cover versions of your songs that we don't need you to actually WRITE one that gets AIRPLAY! My head throbs thinking about it. Bad form, Sir McCartney. Thou shouldst know the better!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
OJ, Water, One cuppa java. (Sometimes a skinny mocha at a coffee shop if it's a study-Sunday for buddies)
9. Can you do push ups?
Yup. All sorts. Great pre-exhaust workout before you wail on your pecs.
10. Is your bathroom clean?
Tidy. I've been so busy that the dust is what's grossin' me out. I need to do a deep cleaning before friends/family visit again. And I was thinking of having a cast party for GMIKFTH? Iiiiiii don't tink so!
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
My ichi-yen necklace
12. Do you like painkillers?
Ibuprofen is my b#tch right now. (Always is during fight shows. Especially now that I'm doing two) The heavy stuff not so much. It usually leaves me feeling like I'm having an out of body experience (Not very comfortable in my own skin. Well, less comfortable than I normally am anyway) And it interrupts my sleep pattern to a greater extent. (W/in the last 1.5 years I've taken painkiller/muscle relaxants twice. Both times, instead of putting me out? I was lucid and frassy until the wee hours)
13. What do you do to lure in the opposite sex?
My all new old cheap moves, bold behavior, a certain fading bedside manner, a knack for subversive double-entendres...and roofies.
14. Do you have A.D.D.?
I'd say I qualify as a...hey! A bunny!
16. Middle Name?
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1. I have a runny nose, sneezes, and a sore throat. If working/rehearsing/studying 7 days a week for the last two and the next 2 weeks is doing this to me...I'll be pissed. 2. When will my federal refund come, dammit! 3. I've got a lot of s#it to do this week.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought?
Veggie burrito from Little T's/Garlic skin roller from Kitchen Window/Shared brunch for buddies at the Independent.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Water/Any Diet (Mt. Dew, Coke, Caffeine free Coke)/Pinot Grigio
22. Current worry?
The same. Debt. Health. Time.
23. Current hate?
My washing machine and refrigerator. The former, b/c it still doesn't work and I haven't had a lot of time to f#ck with it before seeing if it requires actual replacement. (And then, do I want a stacked W/D set up to make room for the future "2nd downstairs bathroom?") The latter, b/c it's old (Energy Hog)...ugly (Really old)...and doesn't have a working light fixture (Broke).
And the City of Mipples, for citing my old garage for being ugly and needing re-painted...or else I get a fine. F#ck you, city.
24. Favorite place to be?
Right now, home and bed would be stellar. Meesa tired.
25. How did you bring in the New Year?
At Dorajar and Magrooder's casa. It was keen!
26. Where would you like to go?
As in on a trip? Ideally, Dorajar and I have been frassin' about going to Paris then Rome (via Ryan Air) and doing Europe on the cheap. Right now it's come down to (hopefully) flying to CO and renting a car, then driving South to camp throughout the upper Southwest. We may just settle for a weekend in Two Harbors. We're both booked until the end of June it seems. : (
27. Do you own slippers?
Oh God yes. Do you understand what state we're in?
28. What shirt are you wearing?
Black Baccarat dress shirt with tiny white pin stripes. Probably more fashionable two years ago when the verticle stripe fad was in. (And it was much less "fade-y"...I suck at laundry)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Mmmmmm, beer...
I met up w/her at the Towner (After a quickie tech) where we nibbled TERRIBLE dinners and had a mutual pint. And headed in to do the show.
It was grand, being able to frass w/peeps backstage. Watching the other peeps business (Ari and co. 3-Sticks, The Scrimmy-scrimmy-buck-bucks w/CeeJ, Bedlam, and we goofs. We happy goofs) Dorajar made her singing debut (Hence, the powering down of pints) and the night was a s#it-ton of fun. Which is the way it should be. Word.
After schmoozing w/Mama and Papa-san, we grabbed our free beer. (What? Summit is a sponsor you say? Shut UP!) before heading to the Towner for another sad pint. (It should be said, that at this point? Dorajar felt really good.) I had almost forgot how much I like beer on warm days.
The next day, I had remembered how much I despise beer bloat. (And prefer cocktails/wine over da beer)
Back to frassin' w/the High School kidlets and getting "GMIKFTH" up and running. We only have, what, 4 or 5 rehearsals left until tech?
Not a problem.
Monday, April 16, 2007
From the diary of Baby P, circa Spring 1990.
It's a little weird that Dorajar and I have been reading each other's old journal excerpts to one and other. (Although, she WAS jonesin' to get to the naughty bits about lost virginity, etc.) Weirder still (to me) is that 1990 had very...different meanings to each of us. The following are some excerpts of my journal circa 1990. Please note, I wasn't just angsty and hormonal in every single entry I wrote in my hasty scribble. I did have some interesting current events that I wrote about, including my "at the time" political leanings. (Which, remarkably, were similar to my folks. Go fig. They are posted later for your pleasure)
Highlights from my archaic journalling...:
"I'm feeling love pangs towards________" ("Pangs"? Really?)
"I'm taking _________ to the Sculpture Gardens for some spiritual release"
"I'm excited because I might get (RSvP's) room!"
"They had a party with out me. B****!"
"I played an ultra-good game of hockey, scoring with .00001 seconds left"
"The teacher accused me of cheating on the test but I didn't. I guess God likes me"
"It was an uneventful weekend in an uneventful life"
"I got a call from 5 different girls!"
"French kissing is the BEST!"
"And I DIDN'T have sex with her, thank you. And I'm VERY proud of myself for that." (How proud can you be when you're 15 and hormonal? Pretty proud I guess.)
"Went to the party. _______ sat around like a lump. Great"
And for the aforementioned political/current events of 1990-1991-
"Gorbachev visited today. My dad met him, shook his hand, and gave him a hat"
"Go Bush!"
"Well, the ground war started today in Iraq. Pray for our troops"
(And a later thread...when the journal was tapering off)
"Bill Clinton was just elected president. The first Democrat in over 12 years."
(I could smell the love pangs at losing a Republican president. Smell 'em. Funny that I don't remember leaning that way as a kid.)
All of this, contained, in a black velvet diary from B-Daltons. Complete with a silver unicorn on the cover. Yup. My gernal. Wow.
So, If anyone wants some cheap fun I encourage you to read (if you kept them) any and all old letters/journals/diaries. Hands down, the best entertainment you can find.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Chiisai Ryu*
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A week or so, in photographic art...
Here's my last week or so i n a quasi-Herb Ritts-y spread. Okay, no. Here it is anyway. Enjoy and stuff. (Sans cute baby pictures this time. I will probably soon be filling cyber-space with pictures of my nephew)

Baby P and Ry-gonn...stuffed with tubesteak. Looking disappointed. See the angle and how high up we were? Yup, I keep forgetting the mild case of vertigo I get (and did get) going up and down stadium stairs. I have another (really?) unnatural fear of tumbling over high heavily raked stadium seats and not stopping. I grab the bar on the stairs down. Dork-pie. So if you're planning on gifting me tickets to a major sporting event? Courtside only, please

Kung Fu Bunnies at Ma and Pa Per-Per. Lookit the lil' pugilistic lepus! He's treating that big guy like he's a Bop'em Clown. Heh. Clown Boxers.

How to cope with the holidays. That represents the largest portion of white wine our festive group of 8 imbibed. It's almost beautiful. And did it ever make us pass out. (Along with the crusted chicken breasts, 4 different spreads, bread, cheese, cheesy potatoes, sauteed vegetables...etc) We feasted. And laughed a lot. At Dorajar's melodramatic reading of her 4th Grade Journal. Quite angsty and political for a 9 year old.
To re-cap...there is, so much
1- "GMIKFTH" has been chugging along for the last 3 weeks. The 'Ography is coming back, slowly but surely. I miss having cats like MD and RSvP in the show, but HE selfishly decided to up and make his wife preggers or something. Jerk. We're doing the same goofy s#it, albeit rehearsing in a smaller room with (I'm hoping) less broken glass ground into the floor. Actually...Have we rehearsed anything besides "Oedipus"? Will we? Guys? FRASSSSSSS
2- "Five Fifths of the Fringe-2007" This coming Monday we'll (And by "we'll", I mean "No Refunds") be performing at the Fringe Fundraiser @ the Southern with 4 other theatre companies. We've been given the last 5th of "The Wizard of Oz" to Kung-Fu (ck) up. Rehearsals for that beast have been up and down pour moi. (Feeling old, frassy, sore, and not very martial-artsy) ASIDES from all that, it'll be good times I'm sure. I think people are going to like what we do. Annnnnnd we have one rehearsal left before we are at go-time.
3- "Kung Fu Hamlet" at Centennial High School, Circle Pines. Well, I got tapped to be a fight choreographer. There I said it. TLC obtained the rights, and I'm actually getting PAID to do this shite!?! Can you believe it? I'm putting together scene breakdowns, watching the tape (reviewing the tape? Isn't that what fighters do?) yadda yadda. I showed up to the school last night for a preliminary warm-up/fitness check. I got to explain the show and concept. Then I led the kids through a bunch of stretches, got a head count of who has previous martial arts experience (0, with the exception of a guy who did Tung So Doo 4 years ago. He's maaaaybe going to be our Hammy. We'll see.) teach them some basic stances/punches/kicks so that the director can see how they move. I talk to the kids about who can do kip-ups or aerials (0..but they seemed eager to learn) And we watched the movie.
I seem to be doing a lot of kung fu stuff. I might need to slip a "straight" play in one of these days. Most folks'll think I can't act unless someone is reading my lines off stage and I'm trying to punch Shinobi-wan in the throat...
And I rehearse almost Every. Single. Day.
Ry-gonn and I hit a T'Wolves game last Saturday where I ate way too much brat-age, french fry-age, and Miller Lite Beer-age out of plastic bottles. (Note to self: Bring your own flask and buy soda. At $7 a pop, those beers be expensive.) Dorajar and I have been frassin' over when and if we'll ever be able to take a vacation this year. (Current ideas are: Flying to Colorado, renting a car, and driving down through the Southwest, ala' 4 corners.) Still trying to do practice tests for my "6" and get my score up over 80% (I'm still down in the 60%ile) I've gone over to Redwrights for a couple of soaks, and I'm fixing to sneak over more often. Annnnnnnd, I need to do my frassin' taxes.
I hit a sushi lunch at Wasabi with buddies, and that night we ate an Early Easter Greek din-din at the Gardens of Salonica with ma and pa P. Easter itself was spent studying, and then hit Ma and Pa Dorajar's with X, Chenny, Pad, and G-ma. We ATE all day some wonderful nibbles and managed to polish off...(sigh) go with me: 3 magnums of Pinot Grigio and a couple of other bottles of wine. Oof.
Oh, and the big brother baby factory. That's pretty huge news too.
To re-cap...there is, so much
1- "GMIKFTH" has been chugging along for the last 3 weeks. The 'Ography is coming back, slowly but surely. I miss having cats like MD and RSvP in the show, but HE selfishly decided to up and make his wife preggers or something. Jerk. We're doing the same goofy s#it, albeit rehearsing in a smaller room with (I'm hoping) less broken glass ground into the floor. Actually...Have we rehearsed anything besides "Oedipus"? Will we? Guys? FRASSSSSSS
2- "Five Fifths of the Fringe-2007" This coming Monday we'll (And by "we'll", I mean "No Refunds") be performing at the Fringe Fundraiser @ the Southern with 4 other theatre companies. We've been given the last 5th of "The Wizard of Oz" to Kung-Fu (ck) up. Rehearsals for that beast have been up and down pour moi. (Feeling old, frassy, sore, and not very martial-artsy) ASIDES from all that, it'll be good times I'm sure. I think people are going to like what we do. Annnnnnd we have one rehearsal left before we are at go-time.
3- "Kung Fu Hamlet" at Centennial High School, Circle Pines. Well, I got tapped to be a fight choreographer. There I said it. TLC obtained the rights, and I'm actually getting PAID to do this shite!?! Can you believe it? I'm putting together scene breakdowns, watching the tape (reviewing the tape? Isn't that what fighters do?) yadda yadda. I showed up to the school last night for a preliminary warm-up/fitness check. I got to explain the show and concept. Then I led the kids through a bunch of stretches, got a head count of who has previous martial arts experience (0, with the exception of a guy who did Tung So Doo 4 years ago. He's maaaaybe going to be our Hammy. We'll see.) teach them some basic stances/punches/kicks so that the director can see how they move. I talk to the kids about who can do kip-ups or aerials (0..but they seemed eager to learn) And we watched the movie.
I seem to be doing a lot of kung fu stuff. I might need to slip a "straight" play in one of these days. Most folks'll think I can't act unless someone is reading my lines off stage and I'm trying to punch Shinobi-wan in the throat...
And I rehearse almost Every. Single. Day.
Ry-gonn and I hit a T'Wolves game last Saturday where I ate way too much brat-age, french fry-age, and Miller Lite Beer-age out of plastic bottles. (Note to self: Bring your own flask and buy soda. At $7 a pop, those beers be expensive.) Dorajar and I have been frassin' over when and if we'll ever be able to take a vacation this year. (Current ideas are: Flying to Colorado, renting a car, and driving down through the Southwest, ala' 4 corners.) Still trying to do practice tests for my "6" and get my score up over 80% (I'm still down in the 60%ile) I've gone over to Redwrights for a couple of soaks, and I'm fixing to sneak over more often. Annnnnnnd, I need to do my frassin' taxes.
I hit a sushi lunch at Wasabi with buddies, and that night we ate an Early Easter Greek din-din at the Gardens of Salonica with ma and pa P. Easter itself was spent studying, and then hit Ma and Pa Dorajar's with X, Chenny, Pad, and G-ma. We ATE all day some wonderful nibbles and managed to polish off...(sigh) go with me: 3 magnums of Pinot Grigio and a couple of other bottles of wine. Oof.
Oh, and the big brother baby factory. That's pretty huge news too.
Yeah...busy pants
Hey. This is Zachary Ryan. (Heretofore known for the purposes of this blog as "Zerp") Born last Thursday, April 5th @ 2:23pm. 3.37 kgs. 52cm. Heeeeeeeee's a button! And I would have been completely remiss if I didn't post a picture of this handsome little man. Congratulations you two!
He's gonna be a great dad. And to all the aunties and uncles out there, I get it. I used to think it was such a strange and trivial thing when all the aunties and uncles I know got worked up about future nieces and nephews. It always struck me as sort of a guest-starring role in terms of child birth, with the wife and hubby taking center stage.
I got myself super excited over that frassy, poopy baby. And since I don't have any goals for chitlins in the immediate future- I'll take him. He is beautiful, like mama and papa. Everyone who reads/lurks/etc. Do me a easy favor?
Cyber send them all your love.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Wait, rewind.
Sunday was a day of rest. After a frassy Saturday (The afore-blogged foot injury) a great night at Mario's (Happy B'day Chowsie. Hope you didn't find yourself at the bottom of too many boots) moving onto another great b'day at Nye's (Ugh. I am glad I missed the vomtastic action behind us. Gross gross gross.) it was, in a few words...a long assed day.
So Sunday we slept, got up , studied for a while at Wilde Roast, and headed to the new Lunds to get some lunch/dinner (Thanks Dorajar's Mom for the gift card.) That new NE Lunds is pretty sweet too. No pay parking. Clean. Friendly staff (Like. Friendly friendly small town friendly.) An amazing deli (Including Mediterranean/Indian food area's) If it wasn't so cost-prohibitive I'd probably do a shite ton more shopping there. We headed back home for lunch and a nap where I had a s#itty dream that I lost my house to a new owner without prior knowledge. Yeah, I show up and this lady that looked kinda like Christine Baranski was putting a massage studio in my bedroom and putting up all of this faux rock/brick inlay where the hardwood was. I was pissed.
Afterwards, we hit a matinee of "300" (Which you should all. See. F#cking cool.) before heading home for dinner and another movie ("Little Miss Sunshine". Which you should all. See.)
Din-Din was devine: Fresh caught salmon, steamed rice w/lime & cilantro. Garlic rosemary bread. And spinach salad with a balsamic soy dressing. W/full bellies, we headed upstairs, watched the movie. And bed.
Which circles back to my first train of thought. I don't think I got more than an aggregate 2 hours sleep last night. I was suhWEATING bullets, and I'd switch between under the covers, above the covers (Dried, cooled off) then back under the covers (sswwwwwweat) and above the covers. 2:00 am (Okay, 3.5 hours. Plenty of rest.) 3:17am (Sighs..still 2+ hours) 4:30 a.m. (This isn't going to happen, is it?) 5:26 am (I bet I start to sleep, right about BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP)
Urf. So it was probably the rich late dinner which caused my metabolism to race like a demon, the nap earlier in the day, the diet coke during the movie (I was groggy before we sat down to watch it...and belching is fun)
Anyway, feeling out of body today. May post something appropriately rambly later. Urf.