I kill things. More to the point, I kill words. Here is a short list of terms/sayings/noises that are slowly (and some quickly) becoming endangered:
Calling people "Hookers" or "Racist"
Making the sound effect "prrrrrt" (In response to just about everything)
Shit Ton
Um, yeah.
Oh no! I'm still trying to forcibly insert that into popular vocabulary! It'll be big, I tell ya!
what the hell is IJS
and prrrrt is awsome...just like Chowie
Really, if this is the biggest worry in your life, you're doing okay. :P
Oh no...no worries. The only thing I worry about are the flying monkeys and poppies.
IJS= "I'm just sayin'", yo.
tqulgu? Tequila Lugie?
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