Monday, June 26, 2006

Proud Weekend

No, really, seriously.

Rotten weather frass kept me from getting out of doors Saturday afternoon to engage in hard core manual labor frass, BUT it didn’t keep me from having a stellar time at the No Refunds BQ where I ate way, too, much food. (I was a protein piggy, big time. The final tally was 2 Boca Patties, grilled chicky boob, a kebab, and what amounted to a whole yuppie chicken spinach feta brat. Which was damn tasty. Damn) The only let downs of the evening were (1) The MD/H-Bomb make-out session never happened and (2) Mo-ped kicked my hearty ass in pool.
Anyway, thanks to Gabpril and the rest of the yahoo’s for throwing the shindig. It was a blast.

Sunday brought P-Ride, which I hadn’t been to since frassin’ ’03? I think? Pride used to be a huge dealio to the Porkchops and I when we were younger. Ssssssteve the Gay Burrito made the epic trip from his WI farm to join me in parade/'mo watching and reminisching about Pride’s past. (Including the infamous Pride ’99 which many of us who are still living have great difficulty remembering the intricate details. Well... I remember drinking Chard shooters at 9am, Orley flashing the parade, ugly-assed queens, pictures in the big green chair, and walking...many, many, blocks...back to our car. Glorious) After a good 2 hours of watching, laughing, and frassing, ‘Peppa and the Jungle Bonny came toodling along amidst shouts of "Hey Perry’s…Looking Good!". She jumped ship and we headed over to Joe’s and the park for cocktails, restroom visits (I haven’t had to go to the baffroom that bad in aaages) and people watching. Mullets, hickeys, lube venders, and parrots were all spotted… In addition to a shite-ton of puntable puppies. In short: It was the Pridiest Pride in Pridesville.

After a pit stop at the Palacio del Peppa + the local ‘Bucks for fraps, we headed back to mi Casa for some patio BS. As the day waned, the Gay burrito jumped back into this burrito-mobile for the epic return voyage to the farm…And I’d just like to put out there: He bought a horse. He has become the Green Acres Gay.

Hope y’all had a happy Pride ’06!

*Please send your love to the ‘Peppa, who experienced a rainstorm freeway spin-out in her Peppa-mobile Saturday afternoon. She’s okay, albeit currently sans transport. Broken tire rods suck.

**Protein Piggy, btw

***This brings the Gay Burrito’s new tally of critters to: A horse, several chickens, 3 dogs, 4 cats, and a boyfriend

****I heart the following: Trader Joe’s Wine/Curry mix/Vegetables. I also heart my co-op yuppie chicken brats.

***** If you had forgotten that 6/25 is Happychristmasbaby’s half-b’day? Shame shame, I know your name. I was in full anticipation of spankings/open mouth kisses/general debauchery. (And here I was I was at Pride fer Chrissakes.) Instead the Gay Burrito points at me, laughs, and says "HA we’re OLD!"

: P to all. ‘Peppa remembered. Although for the life of me I'm not sure what to do with racist literature, a tinfoil wrapped ball of smack, and a broken salt shaker. ; )

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