Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Words of Wisdom from Papa P...

My dad just talked my ear off about "preparing for the worst" on the impending road trip- I just called to see if I could borrow their DVR to document our hijinks, and the following is what ensued:

Dad-"What if you show up and they gave away your campsite?"
P- "Dad, we made reservations online"
Dad-"Hah. (His laugh is kind of like I'm naive for planning "online", or not thinking of this next part which comes straight from the movie "Vacation") Live and learn, Mikey...live and learn. Just you wait...you two'lll show up and then they'll say: 'Well we don't have a record of this', and then you're screwed."
P-"Dad, that won't happen...it's confir-"
Dad-(Ignoring Baby son) "So yeah, I'll get that campstove for you, and some cooking pans. Mikey, when you're out in the middle of no where you'll be so Goddamn grateful you can boil some clean water to wash your hands"
P-"Dad, it's the KOA campground for Chrissakes! Tennis courts? Pool? Jacuzzi?"
Dad-"Oh Yeah, those are pretty nice...you'll probably get your own shower stall. Or tub. They'll charge ya a couple bucks to us'em though"

At least he's looking out for me.

; )

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