Wednesday, June 07, 2006

2 guys, a girl, and two pizza places...

Anatomy of flibbertygibbetness. Observe.

Montag (In what felt like my 1st free night off in God knows how long.) Mopes, X and I decided to hook up for a walk 'round the Lakes followed up with din-din. Weather proved to be a bit too forboding for walking so we kiboshed it in order to head str8 to dinner. (Note: I've no compunctions about walking in the rain, mind you...just having to plunk our wet butts down in an air-conditioned restaurant didn't sound super-appealing. At least to me.)

Stop 1 was at D'Amico+ Kids.

Now, do y'all ever get a jones to go somewhere, stand inside, and then realize that nothing moves you? That's what happened as I stood there staring at the deli case. What was funnier is that they both were sharing the exact same thought, which was: "Nuh-uh". A quick decision was made (Red Dragon woulda equaled ordering a Wonderous Punch, which would have in turn equaled an early night.) so we opted for Leaning Tower of Pizza, where we could nibble some Pizza, imbibe lite libations, and frass outdoors.

And yet? Not one of us got pizza. Unbeleebable, I know. 2 underwhelming caesar salads, a buffalo chick for X, and a few thingytails later? We were ready to depart.But...still...'Peppa and I were hungry for, of all things...a slice of 'za (Paraphrased X-quote: "I done told you healthy bitches with yo' salads you'd still be hongry!") Not wanting to go back in to the same restaurant we'd just left, we opted to head down to Luce'down the street.

This is where we ended up splitting a yugely discounted bottle of wine and an order of vegan bruschetta. (Which I'd like to take a second to pernt out that it was, in no finer terms- The bomb shit. Garlic/Tomato/Ricotta goodness, and just enough to share so that you both smell, healthy enough that you don't feel like you've gorged on, say, nacho's? And small enough portions so you don't feel hella stuffed.)

I guess the point of this whole dither, was that we decided to patronize two restaurants in one evening, both pizza joints, with the possible and explicit purpose of getting pizza...and avoided getting any pizza entirely.

Nin. Com. Poops.

1 comment:

P said...

No. I hate Mesopotamians. I only racist against ancient dead civilizations...don't get me started on the Aztecs...hoooo grrr.

xodra- A winged, multi-headed serpent that destroyed people by kissing them to death. When you cut off one of its heads, 2 more came back in its place...turning it into XXXOOOdra.