Thursday, December 30, 2004


Have a great new years everybody. I hope y'all have teeeriff plans. Mine'll include having the next three days OFF! Annnd heading out to the Chan for their annual NYE soiree'. (It was pretty cool last year. This year we've got a better hotel, complete w/jacuzzi. Located right next to the theatre, we can just stumble on back after midnight. That's what I'm talking 'bout.) Did I mention I have 3 days off? 3 days to keep chipping away at the new digs. We're moving January 30th. Just the 4 bigger pieces that we can't move by ourselves. (Big, not heavy. Mattresses, Couch, and Chair. Aren't we fucking nice?) Hint Hint....: )

I did pick up an "ice-blue" Geoffery Beene shirt and complimentary tie from Mo-Fo's. Last years ensemble was a black suit with the red on red. This year I make for a "cooler" approach. If I can figure out how to scan them, I'll try and post the photo's of us. We just need a digital camera for Christmas. Or a Hippopotamus.

Her new haircut looks stylin'. Having it thinned out and trimmed bangs really changes her look. It was actually kinda weird when she got home last night. I asked her if these changes were all because she found another guy. (Actually I started to cry and said "I read Cosmo...I SEE THE SIGNS!!!) She said no, and gave me a very nice smooch to back that up. So I'm a paranoic sometimes. It's the fat lonely kid in me. Seriously, I ate a fat lonely kid for lunch. Okay, I ate lunch with a fat lonely kid. Okay, I just had lo-fat soup for lunch. Happy now? Anyway, we ended up talking about drywall again. (sighs...) Shitrock. That'll be a bitch.

Merry New Year. As I toast, I'll be raising it for y'all, and for the families of those less fortunate in the Tsunami-ravaged countries. I hope the worst days of 2004 turn into your best days of 2005.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Henry the...what?

I think I'm doing a show, really. Henry, dot dot dot "something or rather?"

Rehearsals around the holidays, boy...tough to get everyone's schedules together. 'Specially yours truly. (Violin solo as he snivel's AGAIN about his various jobs/house/wedding woes...I hate the violin! )

I'm still amazed and very gracious that I was cast in Henry the Fifth. Since our first read-through on November 29th, I have attended a total of 4 rehearsals. (sighs) Par for the course in a Pigs Eye show. I've found out that I'm not fighting in the big war scenes (My character, "Montjoy", is a French Herald. I'm told that he wouldn't be actually participating in the battle. Which is cool. The warrior in me, however, craves battle...) Oddly enough, I'm not freaking out about the # of rehearsals I've attended. My blocking is down (Easy in and out stuff. Ooooooo dirty), I've had my lines down pat since early December. Seriuosly. No worries. If the show was called "Montjoy the 1st" I'd probably be a little concerned. That's the Capricorn in me. We just don't get wound up over every little wankin' thing.

Funny Fiancee' story: Whenever I pass out before the J gets home, she usually goes up to the TV room to unwind and sometimes pass out herself. (Finding her way back down to the BR 'round 3am)I was awoke last night to one wide awake lady. Her eyeballs were wide open, big ol' smile on her face. "Can't sleep!" she says, "My brain's racin'". She then takes her hair, and pulls her newly trimmed bangs to the front of her chin. "Whaddya think?". I reply as best I can in my sleepy condition. "That is fantastic! Maybe we should make with the love to get you appropriately sleepy too?" (This is my typical response when I can't think of on more appropo. Can't sleep? Sex'll help! Feeling Sick? Naughty-naughty big kid action is the cure! Rent is due? Well that must mean that it's time for whoopie.) No such luck. Which is her typical response to my stupid typical response.

She laughed, mirthlessly. "Noooo. I'm thinking about the house. We should probably sheet rock the bedroom too...(etc.) Anyway, we ended up talking about the house stuff for an hour. Needless to say, I'm pretty darn sleepy now too. I do love that crazy, insomniac gal.

I got a NYE party at the Chan. Must find appropriate dress shirt. I'll bore you with my purchase later.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Amino Resolutions

Catchy name for a band, huh?
So, a couple of months ago I was waiting for my flight at the airport. Looking for some in-flight reading material, I ended up picking this random Fitness rag. As I flipped through the pages, it dawned on me that they've been printing the same type of shitty articles for-EVER. How to work out, what to eat, what to wear, blah blah blah. I seriously used to buy in to all that crap. I was a guinea pig, following all of those articles. And here's my 2 cents (Which won't make up for the $'s I've spent on all that fitness crap) If you've ever bought one, or thought about buying one -Don't buy a fitness mag, ever again. If any of you ever have a question about health and fitness, ask me (Or your doctor)

I used to subscribe to rags like the one previously mentioned. In '89 right after my old man got outta the hospital "post-angioplasty", our family took a subsequent healthy turn. No more fast food,sugary pop, or ground beef with everything. ('Course, my dad still loves him some peebs before dinner. And yeah, Subway wasn't around as much) The following year, I shed most of my pubescent chubs and gained an extra inch in height. Perverts. My philosophy was this: If I'm not gonna be a good looking "hottie", I might as well be in good shape. The exercise that would make me such- the bicep curl.

Even though Musclemag, Muscle and Fitness, and their ilk were my monthly reads, I never had the desire to be bulit like Arnold. More like, Van Damme (Hey, he was topical at the time.) or Brad Pitt. I believed that I could fight my narrow-shouldered wide-hipped genetics by educating myself with the training tips offered by these rags. I tried new exercises, new and unique supplements: MCT oil, NO2, HGB, Branched Chain Amino's, L-Carnitine straight, Protein Drinks (Ugg, undigested pro would make me nearly barf), Raw Whey, Lecithin, Mega-Mass (Pure sugar. I blimped out to 195 after eating that happy crappy.) soy. NAME IT!!! (I learned a few years ago from Covert Bailey-author of "Fit or Fat" that normal people buying supplements is like putting jet fuel in a Pinto) In the interest of obtaining the coveted "gator belly", I began cardio work- Starting, literally, jogging in place while watching a movie. I've used every type of equipment, taken all sorts of aerobic-y classes, worked with personal trainers. (I even begain studying A & P in college so that I could get my degree in Kinesiology) This is really been a huge passion of mine for years. Almost as long as I've been on stage. Weird how the two started 'round the same time. I've pissed off friends, gf's, family (bitching about the chubs) And once, when I lost 30 lbs in a month, everyone thought I had Cancer.)

Look, if your goal is to get in shape or lose weight. (I'm not just talking from a health and well-being stand point. I'm talking specifically toward getting your body ready for something.) Maybe you're in a show, maybe you're getting ready for a warm vacation. Well here's the magic pill: Eat fewer calories, and they have to be healthy...and exercise. To speed up burning chubs, you gotta jog/run. (It works the best. Otherwise, pick a different cardio and go longer.) To get toned, you gotta do resistance: (Lift/Yoga/Pilates/Chop wood whatever.)

And you can't eat: Fast Food, Cheese, BBQ Sauce, Fried/Breaded anything, Mayo (Or things that contain, said, salad dressing), guac, sour cream, milk other than skim, sugary beverages, even (I shudder to think of this one) booze.

If you're a casual fitnesser, go for a walk. Buy some dumbells or (yuck) a Tae Bo tape. Do some push-ups.

This was born from people talking about resolutions today. I don't have them. I don't make them. (Hello? I'd forget my own ass if it wasn't stapled to my back) and somebody was literally whining about how she wants to "get in shape". Blug. Find time. Do it.

Just don't try and go to the gym the week after new years. All of the other resolutioners are trying to get their butts to the gym too. They'll quit soon enough.

ps: Arizona does another bang-up job in terms of staying "open-minded" 1st they boycott MLK jr. Day, and now...this:

Monday, December 27, 2004

How many days are left?

So this is a tiny peeve, but I just don't like stoopid "Best of the year" lists that don't wait to get release until AFTER the year is completely over. How can you consider a best of the year list to be comprehensive until after the 31st of December? Seriously though, there is some pretty earth shattering shite that could occur in those 4 little days. (Hellooo? One Tsunami in the Maldives coming up. And btw- It's rumored that Jet Li is on the "missing" list. Yeah...) The worst was the Y2K capitalizers who were writing about "Our Century" or "2000 years in Pictures" and putting them in bookstores as early as November, 1999. Blleeeargh. Just wait a couple more days to turn your bucks, publishers. So much can happen in a day!

This year, J and I got the all the prezzies that we wanted. (Home Depot, we'll be seeing you soon.) I've mentioned that embellished gifts can be a curse or a blessing, So I'd like to present you with two of the things that we didn't care for. Before the idea of "Thoughtless Pricko" creeps into your mind, please realize that we were both very grateful to receive ANYTHING...Still, when you don't want or ask for anything, you're left at the mercy of peeps with the best of intentions. (Names of givers will be withheld to protect the innocent.)

Barbie 45th anniversary collectors plates. 6 of them. Given to J and myself as a "Mutual" X-mas gift. They don't have an actual "Barbie" on them, just little squiggly lines ala' Figlio, with accompanying "sassy sayings": (ex: "Life's too short to shop by yourself") Right. A dimestore Socrates must have written those savage observations. We received those Frenchy Bistro plates last year. And G-ma Connies China. We're running out of room in the Hutch.

Also props for receiving not one, but 2 wine bottle openers. Either my folks think that I'm some sort of Connoisseur/sommelier (I'm not) or they think I drink too much. (I can.) I received a bottle opener last year as well. Sighs...

Everyone liked what I got them, so I think I did okay. Stop here, cause now I'm babbling:
Dad: Off the Beaten Path: A guide to "out of the way" Travel spots in MN. And I got
him some "good" coffee.
Mom: Framed Pic of Gran and I, taken on 8/31/04. I look fat. Mom Cried. I then
gave them both a carpet runner for the upstairs hall. The old one was ass.
Ro and Co: GC's to Home Depot (For a goodly sum) and Bed Bath and Beyond. (So she can
buy themselves soap dispensers to match the kitch and bath. Ro also got a T-Shirt
I picked up in Caesar's Palace that says "Roman Ale: Brewed by Gladiators" He's
been wearing it daily, since Saturday- I hear tell.
Ssss: He's got this boner for wizard paraphenalia, so I found a Antique Wizard M
Marionette at an antique sto' in Stillwater. Good Times. (The GC to Mo-Fo's
made it feel more "gifty")
Ry: Haven't seen him yet, I'll tell ya later.
The sweet-baby J: A range. Flattop, Electric. Whirlpool brand. (She got me a Dish-
washer. Quite the trade) and "Broadway: A History"/"That's Entertainment:Vols-
1,2, and 3" Containing a "Never before seen" dance routine between Fred and

There was more, but I won't bore you. The X-mas card I made (A pic from the small theatre X-mas party) was a pretty funny gag too.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Happy Boxing Day

...Ya Clown Boxers....Har.

Are there any Christmas songs that deal with the after math? And not just a verse in a song, I'm talking a whole song. You know, putting the orney-minks away, throwing away old wrapping paper, shuffling through receipts to figure out what shit has to be returned, vaccumming up pine needles. Because real tree's kick ASS!!! (sighs) I guess I'll have to compose the mo-fo myself.

Speaking of which, Do any of your families neatly unwrap presents, folding the paper and setting it aside (Like you'd use them on future presents. Seriously folks, it's wrapping paper. The gift bags I can see the point of re-use. Wrapping paper, no matter how pretty- not so much) Or do you do what the "P-Fam" does and rip them apart like the Bacchante descending on Orpheus? I'm a ripper and J's fam represents the folders. P X-mas: Done in 15 minutes, Her fam, took about 2 hours. (My families went a little longer due to my father, "Julia Childs" trying to cook and open. A multi-tasker indeed. And the yearly game of "who opens the last gift". Usually my bro and mom have a small present jammed in the cushions of the couch. This year, I win 'cause my out of town friends still have g.c's to present me with. So, take that, family!"

2 great gatherings with two great families. I'd like to speak towards the Atkinsonion feast we shared on X-mas. Prime Rib, Turkey, and Atlantic Salmon (My touch) was practically debauch. And folks- I had sweets. A piece of pie at the "J's", and a piece o' b-day cake (They remembered) at home. If you know me, and my war on my chubs you'll mark this as a momentous occasion. I felt sick for the remainder of the day. Incidentally, 30 is really no big deal. 'til I Saw it on my cake. I don't know why.

We set out later for Gameworks to do a little bowling. (With my 3rd family) I'd like to thank the peeps that made it out (And especially for their generosity) The Geef and his Weef, The Froh's, and my pal Allard. (Who burned me every Slim Shady disc. Inside joke. I'll tell you later.) I'd like to present my piss-offedness at Gameworks for cuh-LOSING at midnite. Bastiges. And also to the peeps who went to the Market for a night-cap. I was fairly inebriate and was whispered an offer I couldn't refuse. Couldn't-Refuse. : ) Incidentally, my future wife is a frickin RINGER. She tossed off 5 strikes in 2 games. I underestimated her...hmmmm. Our next meeting will be different.

I liked the fact that it was kinda a couples group (Which Allard mentioned. His schmoopie lives in the UK) it was...nice.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Ah-HA! Fooled you didn't I?

And it ain't even April 1st. Suckah's!!!

So if you're reading this, you might be wondering why I'm not out fighting the crowds in DT Mpls today. Weeeelllll, let's just say that fate is a fickle thing. I came home from work last night with the prospect of hitting the dojo and the gym one last time before I get too old to get outta bed). and was instead greeted by a CUH-RYing fiancee', who woke up feeling a little under the weather, and thruout the day her condition- as the Doc's on "ER" say- steadily worsened. Understand that when your career is hoofin' and tweetin', a sore body & sore throat becomes a little more than a "Call the boss cuz I don't feel too good". My girl is a trooper , and she plowed back out to Chan for a 2 show day in below 0 temps. Anyway, she needs the rest so I chose to let the poor thing get some x-tra Z's today, since I'm attributing her condition to stress. (Read past blogs to get caught up on that drama. With 4 jobs apiece and a house that needs finishing, it was bound to happen to one of us. I just happen to be invincible.)

She is feeling a bit better today. We'll still be a-partying on the 25th.

I also wanted to wish peeps an early Happy X-mas and to remember that this season is truly about...ZZzzzzzzzz. Sorry, lost my train of thought there. Really, I write today for the folks who are at work: I understand that it sucks-ballza, and I feel for you. However, if you work downtown and did happen to see the Mo-Fo's 8th floor exhibit, tell me how it was. I hate missing that exhibit, even if I'm trying to be all gallant and stuff.

I did get my tubby butt to the gym though. It was niiiiice and quiet.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Where's MY pie???

I know I've dithered about how having a b-day and X-mas on the same day don't suck, but sakes alive:
I came to work today thinking that my desk would be covered w/balloons saying "Happy 30th" etc...Not so much. No festive confetti. No cake. Nada. I realized that I haven't had an actual "cake" cake for my bday in, a while. (In all fairness, last year J did make a delicious chocolate/cheesecakey thing with a candle in it.)

Today marks an anniversary of sorts. One Year ago today, I proposed to the J-ster. Surprised the hell outta her when she rolled in from "Cats". I had been mulling over how I was going to do it: A romantic hot air balloon ride? A candlelit dinner? Pretend to go see a show and take her to a dark theatre and propose there? (I was going to try to do it at the Loading Dock. I thought it woulda been appropriate) I'd been in possession of "the one ring" for a few weeks (Princess cut w/2 baguette setting. You know? In case she looks at it and gets hungry?) I honestly thought I would never be able to keep it hidden. (Allright copper, see....ya got me, see? Here it is! HERE IT ISSSSS!!!!)

In the end, our schedules and the lack of funds were against me. And while I couldn't order 50 jars full of fireflies to light a path for her, I figured votive candles would work. I won't bore you all to piece's with the specifics: I kneeled, she said "Yes", we cried a bit, and spent the remainder of the night picking candle wax out of the cat's paws. (If you are really curious, ask me about it sometime.) It made a great story to tell our families over the next two nights of dinner and celebration. Although I never want to host back to back X-mas parties at our house ever again. Ever, again.

I'll be pretty busy tomorrow, my peeps. The morning will find J and I checking out the 8th floor holiday x-hibit at Mo-Fo's. ("You get so excited, it's kind of weird..." she said to me last year. It wasn't a very cool exhibit either. Downright sucked balls, actually.) The rest of the day will be spent, say it with me, AT THE NEW HOUSE. That's right, hauling ass to get it move-in worthy by January 29th. (In case you wanna help us move. It is on a weekend!) Henry V is the only drawback, and I love the show too much to consider it a problem. Tomorrow evening, vittles with her family.

Sats, will find me at my mom and dads, then prolly back to NE Mpls for more manual labor. Relaxation will FINALLY ensue when I can lose myself in vids, bowling, and air hockey. I'm sure the booze will help too. Happy Christmas, gentle readers. If you are up at 5:53am, I'll blog you a 30 year old boys birthday greeting. 30.

1.5 more days to go.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Quick funny bit...

I ran to Ridgedale today to buy a last minute gift card. They actually bagged the silly little thing. Anyway, as I ran to leave, I noticed a woman w/too many parcels in hand, trying to hit the handicap door button. I quickly side-stepped around her and like a true gent- held the door.

"Thank You" says she.
To which I reply: "Oh don't worry, I've got a smaller package"

It didn't even occur to me what I had just said until I was about 15 feet away from my Saturn. When the blood runs away from your face, it gets a lot colder outside.

The Party will commence this Saturday. Block E, at the Video-Game-A-Rama. Long Live the New Flesh, and all that stuff. I suck at bowling, so let's hope I get at least one or two folks out that like to play "ghetto-hockey" (Air-Hockey, for those who didn't grow up in Beeps.) I've had a few folks ask me why I don't just have a party on Sunday Night?
1) School night. Peeps work the next day.
2) J has Saturday night off. (And 2 shows the next day to make up for it.) It's been
a while since we've been able to go out together, much less party. So yeah. I
hope that there'll be some peeps who be free.

2 shopping days 'til I'm dirty thirty.

ps: Mo-Fo's, (i.e. Marshall Fields) carries "Acid Washed" Sweaters. Ala' the acid warshed jeans craze of the late 80's. I don't buy clothes too often, but lemme just say: Why in the hell would I wanna buy a stinkin' acid warshed sweater when I have 5 or 6 that have faded perfectly well on their own. Thank You.

Quick shout out to Latts. Everytime I get a chance to see him again, it's always really good to see him again. Not many friends are like that. Y'know?

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Birthday List

Cold. It is fucking cold out. Fact of life here I s'pose, but damn. You come home from your commute, need to use the loo. You go, and say to yourself "My hands are fucking cold. You are currently manhandling yourself with an Inuits hands." And scene.

This will mark the 1st year that I haven't created a birthday/X-mas list for my 'rents. Yes, even into my late 20's I've made a list (More or less for reference/guidance. Trust me, I would rather they didn't embellish. The resulting gifts can be, um, silencing.) I've always been kinda tickled by the "oomph" factor that having a Christmas list that also speaks toward my birthday. (Take THAT Santa and Jesus!) but I just didn't wanna fuss this year. Home Depot is now our bitch. Gift Cards in any denomination help.

Gentle readers I would like to indulge you, if you have the time, to what I would like for X-mas. Both naughty, and nice. (Or, at the very least chalk fulla schmaltz)
The Naughty (Or "If I hadda Million Dollars...):
  1. A big honkin' digital TV. Most requested gift this year, I've read. Anything 50 + inches would suffice. (Corresponding "surround sound" a must)
  2. A nicer computer.
  3. That shitty interest-only part of my home loan. If that were gone, well...the mortgage would be smalla'.
  4. The lottery. It's at 30 mil- I'm turning 30. So I got a ticket, Big deal. Besides all of the crap I'm asking for here, I'm buying and renovating the Hollywood Theatre on Johnson.
  5. Travel- Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic) and a good place for our Honeymoon. I'm thinking a nice all-inclusive resort in Hawaii. Especially around this time of year.
  6. Getting cast in every show I audition for. (Especially where I work w/my love. It'd be nice to be on the same schedule)
  7. Our wedding paid for. To be held at the Depot in Downtown Mpls. With hotel rooms for all of our out of town guests. (I thought of that one whilst at #2 job, looking at all of the reserved tuxes I'm buying for my groomies. )
  8. Naughty nights, every night, with my schmoopie...I'm up for the challenge. I'm seriously not fucking around here, I-Will-DO IT!!!
  9. The Rhee-Max headgear. Best karate headgear around. At $85, still a little outta my range.
  10. FX special edition lightsabers, and a movie quality Spiderman costume
  11. A club-quality treadmill. (And home gym. For cold fucking nights, like tonight) Not a DP or a Weslo, I'm talkin LifeFitness here.
  12. GC's for Gap, Banana Republic, and Hugo Boss. I need that suit I saw in Vegas.

The Nice...This is what I want, what I really-really want.
  1. Help moving in. It'll be cold. But there isn't much heavy stuff.
  2. To have only one job. Just one. I'm not fussy. I'm just get a little tired of not seeing my friends, not making time for new friends, or not seeing as much theatre-or as many movies. Not being able to see my folks as much. Heck, not being able to be at the house to fix it up, so my baby doesn't have to put as much time in. Just one job.
  3. To have been able to spend more time w/G-ma Rose. I was only able to make day trips to see her. Again. 2-3 jobs. (ZC, thanks for letting me be a little late to the 1st "Picasso" remount rehearsal for this very reason. I got some great pics that day, which I'm gonna give mom for X-mas)
  4. To have the conflict overseas be done. Sting said "there's no such thing as a winnable war" and day by day I'm starting to believe it.
  5. To be a little calmer on the roads, and not have the frustrating opinion that all other drivers are fly-footed, brain-dead ball-sniffers. (That won't happen)
  6. To not be so hard on myself. ( It's just a fear that as soon as I like what I see, stupid little behaviors will creep out..."I'm better than you", "my hair is fuller", or "my chest is nicer". I hate vanity and can accept my self-deprecation.)
  7. To be funny. And not in a snide and snarky way. (Fuck, that won't happen either. You can bet your ass that as soon as some dude bends over and their pants rip? I'm the first one to say "HAH!!! CRACK KILLS!!!"
  8. To let my friends and family know how much they mean to me. Every offer our families have ever given to help with the house, every time I've been cast in a show because of a referral. Whenever I come home late and J has made dinner, or left me a simple note that says "Love U!!!" This endears to me so much, that I sincerely hope that all of them realize that I love and care about them. (Even though some of my fam can drive me nuts. And some of my friends can be ego-maniacal, selfish, pothead, alkie, over-sensitive butt-nuts...doesn't mean that I wouldn't get their back, and tear liver and lung from anyone who tried fucking with you. )
  9. Get my black belt. I've been in Martial Arts for 10 years. I should have my 3rd degree by now (Hey, when the show must go on and all, damn theatre...) My instructor told me this summer, that he'd be honored to give the 2nd P their black belt. There's a lot behind a statement like that. Maybe you need to be involved in the MA to understand? Honor.
  10. To get better as an actor. At least to be recognized that "he does a good job" would be fine. I heard the same comment I've heard since college "Maybe you should be a stand-up?" Sighs...Maybe. I won't say no to everything.
  11. To stop eating out so much. That won't happen either. So long as Fresh Wok stands on 46th and Nicollet, and Subway keeps serving that delicious low-fat sweet onion Chix Teryaki sub. (No cheese.) It's muy bueno.

Mostly, to have all peeps reading this blog- or who kept reading this far....To know that it is an honor to me to have known you, or have gotten to know you, or have worked with you. Every experience I've had has left a mark, that won't (or really can't) be forgotten. I've got a good memory.

And to have sex w/my future wife every single night. Nightly. And stuff. Ah, I'm teasing.
Twice nightly.

3.5 days til 30.

ps: My 3 peeps who responded to my last blog I thank you. And you were all drunk. (Even out of state readers must have imbibed heavily.) I've seen the pictures. And I know. Faaaat guy in a little tux. (HEY! Herve Villachez wasn't using it!)

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Damn, it's cold

Hate is a pretty strong word. Acceptance should be universal. That disclaimer out of the way...let me just say that I fucking hate cold weather. Welcome to winter folks. It's not just about the shivers, the gas bill, starting your car earlier, the (pause for drama) snow. It's just how the cold kinda...follows you inside. Yech.

So, downtown Mpls has changed a bit. I met my big bro at Copelands for lunch last Friday, and I hardly recognized City Center. As a kid, my dad would bring me to the Sheriff's Office and then unleash me on the downtown scene. I'd wander the skyways, do some shopping. It got to be that I could get around fairly well. Well NOW it's all under construction and I can barely recognize a damn thing. I'll be lucky if I can find the Fields 8th floor exhibit next Friday when I take J there on our day off. Weird note: Fringe director Leah "Coop" Cooper has a picture just...lingering there on one of the walls. (Apparently to cover up the renovation, the city has displayed "Faces of the City" all around the storefronts.) We can talk about changes when I drone about my recent visit to my folks. Bee-Pee is not the town I grew up in anymore.
(ps: Borders had lightsabers. Not the "flashlight with a tube" jobbys like we had growing up. These had sound effects and EVERYTHING! Ro and I played with them. It was glorious.)

Noteworthy: The Small Theatre X-Mas party was last night. A veritable "Who's Who" in the small teatro' scene, with only one ex-geef siting. She said "Hi" and didn't even introduce me to her man. I thought I'd be original and wear a tux to the gala, considering I shill the fancy mo-fo's (Thanks to Kaiser, Papster, and Edwin for one-UPPING me!!!) I dashed out relatively early, per normal, due to an early morning baptism- having imbibed only ONE glass of wine thankyouverymuch. Why is this a big deal, you may ask?

One: I become a wanker. Well, more of a wanker than I normally am.
Two: To quote William H. Macy in "Magnolia"- "I've got so much love to give". Meaning I'll hug, kiss, compliment, squeeze, pinch, and love up anyone in my path. A throwback to my younger days, I'm not doing this out of stupidity, malice, or even trying to be flirty. Booze and groups make me act like a douchebag. And I like myself better when I don't look back at the evening with disgust, or guilt for having acted this way.

Three: ADD+booze means I'll forget shit. Throw on top of that multiple conversations, and I'm bound to squash my wonderfully detailed memory. (Thanks Dad for the attention to detail bit. the Godfather knows what I'm talking about. He remembers hella shit too.) In other words, I hate talking to people about things, then seeing them at a later date and repeating myself, or have them tell me something again that they already have told me. It reeks to me of being disrepectful and uninterested. Which I do try not to be. A lofty goal, but hopefully acheivable.

Sense has been made? Yes? I suppose this will wind up coming across as a justification of sorts, mostly because one of my dumb little phobia's is not having said "G'bye" to everyone. Which I really hope I did.

I promise to prattle on more about the house and holidays. The party was fun, canna wait to see the pics, and it makes me yearn for my big-kid birthday this Saturday. Those who read this and are in town are more than welcome to join me. I love people. : )

ps: The one and only glass of wine was raised for two ladies who couldn't attend. My delightful and terribly busy wife to be, and Portland. It was a gay old time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I may try a narrative someday...

Just not today.

Last Christmas, when the thought of spending another X-mas in the black was looming, fortune smiled upon me. I had to rent a costume for my big-kid-day-job and I went next door to my building where there was a costume shop. I saw that they were looking for a part-timer, and before you could say "tailcoat" I was shilling tuxes and costumes for 'em. Like being a cop, the store has moments of boredom, punctuated with moments of sheer panic and terror. (Read: Prom season and Halloween.) I'm generally always busy when I am there, but the quiet and tranquil moments allow me to do 2 things:
1) Practice Lines for whatever show I'm in, or work on monologues/music for auditions. (The bathroom/warehouse has really nice acoustics. Well, nice to me anyway.)
2) Try shit on, or dork around with the swords and costumes. I've been a skunk, a bumble bee, a pirate...and that was just last week! (Bah dum-dum). I was able to practice foil work which I find hilarious that this place actually sells a foil.

I'll vanquish what ever shit my brain comes up with, read through the merchandise catalogues to imagine buying some of the really cool haunted house stuff, or finding the dream wedding merchandise the J and I have always wanted.

The problem is, as soon as my shift ends, I wanna be done. Till closed, cash counted, in my car, on the freeway, heading home or to the Y. (I'm seriously packing on the lbs. folks. Seriously) I can usually pace myself so that as soon as my night's over, my night is over.

Except when peeps come in riiiiight before closing to buy something. (Mind you, costume rental closes at 6:00pm, so if they get all pissy it is on their own venerable head.) Or the strangest last night:

I've finished brushing the Santa fur, and have launched into speaking my part (Montjoy) for Henry V. I see NO cars in the lot, so I feel comfortable enough to speak full voice whilst I practice. I just finish up shutting the lights down in the warehouse (Saying a particularly saucy verse "Thou never shall hear Herald any more..." It's a tongue twister, those double "H's") when there in the front of my store is a senior. Looking very lost and apologetic on his cell phone. Turns out his car broke down next door, and he was trying to give his wife directions to our store. I told him the easiest way out here, and that he could hang out at the store and be comfy until she arrived. (Hey, it was 7 degree's out last night. He was gonna try and walk to the Rainbow 1/2 mile away. Even I'M not that mean.)

Well, his wife called, and was hella lost. Even with the easy directions. I offered to talk to her (She screamed into the phone that she didn't want to talk to me.) I even offered to drive him down to the know? (Again, she screamed no!) Rainbow, with the big green sign that HAS to be in front of you based on where you she was driving? As it turned out, she too was a senior and had a major aversion to both driving, and driving at night. Y'know the type? After taking two rights when she should have gone left, she finally found us. Finally.

I ended up leaving 45 minutes after my shift was supposed to have ended. A 15 hour marathon day between 2 jobs. And guess what? When I looked out at the parking lot where his car had broke down? It was gone. Meaning it must have magically came back to life.

I like to think that he was my protector for the evening. You know what I'm saying? If I had left on time, when I should have, I probably could have been in a serious car accident. Or mugged!. If life works that way, I'll leave that as my justification. At least it kept me from being crabby about missing a work-out.

Monday, December 13, 2004

I just like to smile. Smiling's my FAVORITE!

I saw "Elf" late Saturday, and it made the "list" of my top 5 holiday movies/specials. I laughed my butt off, and honestly I cannot begin to say how much I think that Will Ferrell is absolutely HI-larious. Not too much to report over the weekend. Working the 5 gillion jobs sucks, but...I'm employed. (AND lemme tell you. Said- x-tra jobs come in handy when your new house has a delightful find! We moved the dropped ceiling as we were tearing out the cabinetry in the kitchen, only to find a YUGE hole in the plaster. BALLS, shouted I! Subsequently, yesterday was a VERY frustrating day of fixer-uppering. Electric, Hand, then wet-sanding the plaster. 4 Ibuprofen later, I can finally make a fist again.

Today, to keep the festive holiday spirit alive, the spirit of giving, love, peace, and understanding. (11 shopping days 'til my birthday, kids!) I give you, my top 5 X-mas flicks and specials in no particular: Add to the list with some of your own! (btw- I think "It's a Wonderful Life" is the crappiest X-mas flick ever. I like Jimmy Stewart and all, but talk about forced contrivances, yeesh.) Needless to say, my list may seem rather...Unconventional?

1)Elf- Not the best holiday film ever made, but I really enjoy "That sense of Humor". And the funny/sweet mixture really got to me. A little light at the end, but tell me if you don't/didn't laugh when he was at the Doctor's office. (Or getting the perfume sample? So many bits. I chortled)

2) "Peanuts X-mas special"- Unfortunately, taught me how to dance. (Do I do the "Pig-Pen"? How about the "Sherman"?)
Love this for nostalgia, and the Linus monologue. Random, but oddly touching. Sing with me (To the tune of "Hark the Herald"): Loo, Loo, Looooooooo, loo-loo, Loo, Loo, Looooooooo!!!

3) "Lethal Weapon" (1987)/"Die Hard": Okay, so they're both celluloid blow-em up action movies. HOWEVER, they both have Christmas as a seasonal backdrop. That being said, both movies are effin' cool. And did you know that Franco Zefferelli cast Gibson as Hamlet after seeing his "suicidal breakdown" scene in front of the tv (Where he's watching Looney Tunes X-Mas Carol)
Bruce Willis escapes Moonlighting to become the live-action, everyday hero for the next generation of Non-Steroidal gun wielders. (Although, I think he kinda looks like a living Homer Simpson)

4) "The Nightmare Before Christmas": Um, Oogey-Boogey was also Broadway's original "Deuteronomy" in "Cats". Whatever! This movie kicks ass, and the best part of my trip to FL. 10 years ago was seeing the model mock-up of Halloweentown and Jack Skellington. Wonderful movie. (And even though the preview looks a little weird, I am looking forward to seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory done "Burton Style")

5)"A Christmas Story": My family. Right there on the big screen. My dad with his made up swear words. My Mom with her passive aggressive encouragement. My big brother with his yearly passionate plea's for firearms. My Parents LOVE this movie, and I guess I love to hear them laugh uproariously. (FYI: Dad's favorite bit is when the Bumpeses dogs ear gets caught in the door.) If you've ever heard my strange fixation with bunny suits, this movie is the root. Peter Billingsley is currently producing a flick with (Elf) Director Jon (Had waaaay too many sandwiches since he got famous) Favreau. It's called Zathura, and I'm betting it'll be cool.

2 Honorable Mentions:

A) "Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Christmas"- Ain't no Hoooooole in the washtuuuub!!!! A Jim Henson PJ from the 80's. Tremendous fun, and weird- did I mention I like weird? We're not birds, we're a JUG BAND!

B) Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Not X-mas movies per se, but all released on or around the Holidays in 2001, 2002, and 2003 respectively. "For Frodo..." get's me in the throat every time. : )

Friday, December 10, 2004

Whutta Week.

Zounds! Did I soapbox or did I soapbox yesterday? I should give classes, I tell ya! (With all the mommy's and kids that come into the costume shop for make up, I could have a side business. "Oh, you're an actor? What plays do you do?" "Well, porn mostly...I cater to the 'normal' sized guys if you know what I mean ma',am??"

Again with the dick jokes. He canna make it through the week without one. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I'm feeling randy...or mayb's it be Friday, me hearty's. Yarrrrr.

I was freakin' out this week a lot. A lot. Big time stresser's, on top of all that the Neue Haus Sheisse. To re-cap:

1- Had a callback @ Chan for Booty and da Beast. 1st callback in roughly 7 years of off/on auditioning there. I go from Ordway to Chan. WTF am I thinking! Music, possible dance callback??? So, after a lukewarm singing audition- I was asked if I still tumbled (yup) kip-ups, jump-spin wheels, tornado kicks, dive rolls, prat falls the works. Apparently that worked. Well, there were over 100 peeps at the cb (J sez it's the most she's ever seen there, umm ever.) I did my whole "Stretch in the corner and not talk to peeps until after it's done" the combination was actually not too tough. Some of the chan-o-saurs were gracious enough to walk me through it a bunch of times. So yeah, in and out. Got a big smooch and a "I'm so proud of you" from the lady...but I can't see why they'd cast me. It's nice to have been considered, since that's as far as I've gotten there. That, + Dieter/Ann gave some very helpful sanding tips.

2- Henry. Henry, Henry, Henry. This is par for the course, but we won't have a full cast rehearsal until the end of the month. Due to working my own 4 jobs, I've had to miss a few rehearsals myself. (I'm too good though. I was able to fanagle some time off from the Costume Shoppe so I.) I love the cutting, and I'm thinking it'll be pretty durn good. We lost a cast member though, (She picked up a big $ gig) and we're scrambling for talent. Know anybody? From rehearsal I went too...

3- Richard III cb's. I didn't think I'd get into that one either. It's really cool to be asked to come by and read. And I got to see Eitel's little peanut (His kid, ya perv's) and reunionize w/peeps who I don't get to see on a regular basis. (A veritable who's who of the small theatro' scene- Pust, Kaiser, Edwin, my old buddy Lats, Jabas, Dwizzy, Schloss, Bob, Carlton, Mother 2-electric boogaloo, and the bionic woman herself, complete with face screws. Too cool. I love talking and I love people, people. Good times. I didn't get cast, whiiich is probably a good thing with, y'know, getting hitched right after the run and all.)

4- The house. Finally showed my good friend Ry-Gonn (who biffed on the backyard tree swing. He gave himself grassy-ass stain.) It's still at the pretty over-whelming stage right now, but J and I gifted each other major appliances for X-mas. (A DW and Range) I'm officially getting close to maxing out the old CC. '05's work bonus should cut that back significantly, but we still need to remodel the kitch b4 we can actually put food on the counter. After some deep breath's, and a very late night chat w/J we're both chillin a little more. (She was a bit more stressed than I, due to a health scare in her fam. Mommy in the hospital for tests-especially during the holidays- does not a happy dancer make.)

Have a great weekend peeps. I'll be fighting the good fight against a horde of Santa-wannabe's, and even donning the old costume myself for the Winter Lights Tours. And if I'm not there, well...guess where I'll be? Take it away CSN&Y:

Ouuuuur House. Iz a VERY VERY VERY FINE house. With two cats in the yard....start swinging from MYYY NARDS!!!! (I'm awful and immature.)

Thursday, December 09, 2004

That's just, like, your

So many of them. Opinions.
I got riled up today from seeing some dumb-ass fake postings on the Callboard (fun little TC small theatre posting board.) I wrote a shitload of angryness down, and then erased it. Think before you speak, you know? Don't just launch into your first instinct. Save those for when you need to fight. See, I'm a pretty mature, laid back easy guy. All right, I fibbed. I'm a fairly complex dude, who thinks dick jokes are funny... but I like things easy? Make Sense? No?

Anyway, this brain surgeon poster did what many of the other theatre folks do and they threw in their 15 cents- Well- Their BS pissed some folks off, starting a flurry of responses, Kaiser had to pull their shit, and this all got me thinking:

There are a lot of ignorant (not stupid) mis-informed peeps out there. Wasting time, wasting energy, keeping their feet on the path in front of them, eyes never leaving the same trail. Narrow Minded goats, attached by rope from the neck to the Maypole. Circling.

My philosophy is "Different Strokes for different folks" y'know? Opinions are everywhere, but personally the bottom line is don't you shouldn't fucking judge. Judgers.

Like acting- Here's my two cents- Take or Leave.

Be on time. Always

Get headshots. You need them if you want to get work. Don't have facial hair in them (Unless that's your "thing"- male or female) if you've lost or gained a lot of weight, get new ones. Try not to take them outside, and wear darker clothes. (No white shirts) A no frickin' soft filters. What are you, Barbara Streisand? And make sure it looks like you.

Memorizing lines? Should be the 1st thing and the easiest thing. I was an extra at the Flying G years ago (Right, sorry, they call them "Essentials" nowadays) and I asked the guy playing Jacques a very naive question: "How do you learn all those LINES? Wow!"

He said: "Baby, memorizing the lines is easy. It's coming up with the believable character that's hard." Since then, my personal goal has been to be off book as quickly as possible. Ideally by my 1st walking rehearsal. Get that crutch outta yer hands.

On stage, You need to connect with the other actors, make bold choices, and lastly try not to act to the audience. Occasionally this will be a production choice. Not my fave, but it sometimes happens)

Do a Classic. Be in a Shakespeare or two. Even if you don't like it. It's good for you and it builds a paper route. (Again, I had a friend who gave bass lessons at Mars and Musictech. He would make all of the long haired "Butt-Rocker" dudes practice Jazz on an upright for weeks before he'd even let them touch an electric. "You have to learn where the shit you want to play came from, before playing the shit you wanna play..." Find your own analogy.

If you aren't in a show, see as many shows as possible. Or take Acting/Singing/Dancing lessons (Or On-Camera classes). Find a hobby that will help your craft, or just get out and exercise.

Someone glamourized the "Starving Artist" which is bullshit. Don't pigeonhole yourself exclusively as a stage actor. Mamma and Papa gotta pay the bills. Do Voiceovers, Commercials, Print (If you have the look). Try being in movies- see what you like.

Know thyself. If you have a certain look, don't expect you'll get called for everything. And if you find yourself bitching about where you work, when you work, or if you're getting called back, maybe you should re-evaluate what you're doing. Or ask someone to watch you do your monologue, or find a tactful way of asking a director if there was something you could've done better. btw: Pre-casting has been around, and will always be around. DWI. Yeah, it sometimes sucks- and if you don't dig it, then don't audition.

Don't skip an audition. Or piss away an job offer. Don't audition if you don't like the show. Don't take a gig if you really have a bad feeling about this....(Sorry, Star Wars rant.) Let me assure you- I've worked for some Shhheeeeiittty theatre companies. It sucks, and I should have gone with my instinct. Experience is not a sexy teacher, but it is the best one.

The above statements are only my opinion, and it's an opinion born of my personal experiences in addition to what I've heard/seen/and learned from my peers. I'm not a full-time professional actor- but that doesn't mean I don't show up and act professionally. Do what works best for you, but remember ultimately staying open-minded and flexible will be your best friend.

J has been an inspiration to me as well: Since we've been together, I have had the extreme fortune to work with, and see some incredibly talented people perform. She has encouraged me to keep working on going for bigger gigs. She's a keeper peepers.

It just frustrates and exhausts me to see and hear folks bitching- and not searching for solutions. It accomplishes precious little except to waste energy. There is no "one way" folks. There is no path of least resistance. You just need to keep chugging along and be patient. Go forth my grasshoppers.

ps: I like mother 2.0 and Fred's mantra- If it don't feel good, don't do it.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Pulling a Christmas boner.

FYI: We aren't moving into our new home for a while. Not until the end of January anyway. Too much stuff to get prepped before we can actually hang our hats.

So I was born on X-mas. My mom thinks that I was the best present ever. My brother thinks that I've ruined X-mas for him over the last...Almost 30 years. Big Kid birthday coming up guys. That's right. Dreizig. In 17 days. ( I don't get schmaltzy about it folks. I won't hit my stride until my 50's)

Why Happy Christmas Baby? When people find out my birthday, it almost ALWAYs promotes the same response "Huh, X-mas musta sucked for you...being your birthday and all". Not really, because I really like having almost Everybody in a celebratory mood. "Do you get twice as many presents??" Twice as many as who? Biggie and I always got the same amount of shit every year, with dad always raking in the big haul

I didn't mind not being able to have a birthday party. All the other kids would be with their fams, playing with their new toys. And my wonderful mom got creative and we used to celebrate a 1/2 B-day in June. (So I could actually have a party) This little summer tradition has been ceased. : (

The Holiday season always forced me to create a specific X-mas list (When my fam embellishes it is sometimes, unfortunately, for the worse) My dad would take me to work with him the day after Thanksgiving and let me roam the skyways. (Up until I was about 18 years old. I don't think families would let their 13 year old wander by themselves in this day and age) I would go shopping with my meager earnings. (Not much has changed there) and wander through the stores, wondering what the F+++ do I get them? (Am I the only one that makes a list people? It sucks when you ask them what they want and their replies are always "Hmmmmmm Nothing", or "I haven't thought about it yet." ) For many years, dad would get a tie or cologne. Mom would get something Nursing related. And Biggie would get toys or (When I got older) hip looking clothes. (Christmas was always really wonderful for us: Typically we'd get up early, open up our stuff, then head out to g-ma Pat's for some food and family time.

Things Change, and after my 21st BD, X-mas evenings would be spent bar-hopping to whatever bar is open on the 25th, (Usually in Mpls this means Gabbys or the Gay 90's/Saloon.) and getting my free drink. This came to a head on my Golden Birthday when I wrecked a hotel room and tried to make out with any gal in my group who was willing (Not many were). Things change again, and the next year, my (at the time) GeeF chastised me for wanting to go party. (You're too old to do that, she said) So we spent it playing darts with her girl buddy from out of town. Low Key. And Boring.

Subsequently, every X-Mas since 2000- I've not had a birthday bash. Or a "real" cake for that matter. With the exception of last year, a VERY memorable Birth-mas.

We had both fams over to OUR big kid home, and gave them all a suprise, which was our Engagement. (It was memorable, did I say that? I'll bore you with the story sometime)

...but the other night, my love asked me if I would like to have a party on my birthday.... Well, what do you think kids? Should I have a party on my birthday? Will there be anyone in town for it? Hmmmmmm, I shall ponder.

ps: I'm also not fussy this year for gifts. All J and I want are Home Depot gift cards in ANY denomination. Okay, maybe the definitive Monty Python DVD Collectors Set...But THAT'S IT!!!
pps: I don't want anymore Spiderman anything. Seriously.

ppps: The one tradition I've done since I was 10, is to get up around 5:50 a.m. and spend the last couple of minutes as my younger self. (I was born at 5:53 am.) If I'm feeling awake for it, I'll blog you guys with my last few moments as a 20 something.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Yknow, Old Saint Nick was a bit of a dick...

As some of you know, I work part-time at a store that shills theatrical make-up/supplies and also formal wear. 12-15 hours a week. Chump change, but when you buy a house and plan on getting married, well... poppa gotta pay the bills. So it pains me to say this, but during the holidays (Halloween and X-mas respectively) we get some, how do you say? Ah yes...characters.

Take this Joe Rogan, Fear-Factor looking guy that comes in tonight looking for a Santy-suit. Normally, no big whoop- But when you come in 5 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING (hint: Don't EVER go into a store right before they close. I now sympathize with those poor souls who only want to go home. If you know when they close, go WELL in advance. Trust me, you'll make someones day without realizing it) I start to shut down my normal customer oriented facade, and turn into an uber-snoot. (Remember, our costume rental portion closes at 6pm. This is almost 3 hours later) He whiiiiiines to me about how he is almost outta gas and was told (By a day-worker, I'm guessing) that our store is open late. I think, "I'll be this guys hero and sell him his festive suit, and get to the gym in time to burn the chubs and some frustration." Look on the bright side, I say!

Well, he balks at the purchase price, and wants to rent. While financially this is a better choice, it means trying on stuff. And try on he did. For 30 minutes. And he bitched. Vocally, so that I could be his audience.

Folks, this is the 16th Santa I've put out the door. Every one had a different gripe regarding the suit, whether it be the quality, the beard, the faux-boot covers. Every-single-one. I eat spoonfuls of ka-ka every day at my big-kid job. I don't need Kris Kringle here giving me my after dinner palate cleanser.

I finally got rid of him...along with my sugar plum dreams of "wailing on my pecs & lats". I think, the stars willing, if I get into the Chan, that it would be a significantly better 2nd job than the shite I have to wade through there. Spirit of giving my ass. When you are 5' 6" ( I saw your drivers license you lying midget...trying to pass for 5'10"? I AM 5' 10"!!!! Peter Parker's Height, dammit!!!) Do not expect to fit into a big man's fat suit. It isn't "fitted" douchebag. It's meant for a right jolly old elf. Hell, even I bought a Santy Suit. (For my winter tours. "Atkins Clause". Get it? An excuse for a "skinny Santa". Eat, poppa, eat...No one likes a skinny Santa. )

Someday I'll rail on about the tux rentals and the type of clientele. But not today.

G- Thank you for the Turkey Day invite again. It made me feel really good. Really.
Raven- I need a tree made of Brooks Brothers Ties.
Portland- This too shall pass.
Jabas- If I win the lottery, we're going to Disney World. I need a vacation.
Molly Molly Buck Buck- Thanks for reading my crap.
Tallen- Fixing up my house sucks. I know it's worth it...but it sucks
Kaiser- Thank YOU for inviting me to the Vikes. I haven't seen a game since '95 (vs. the Bucs...we lost) but I was gussy-ing up said house when you called.