Thursday, March 25, 2010

The way the gears turn

I really like having buddy cooking nights coming back. (I know, I know...this is probably sounding more like a hippo blog. Go with me.) Since Moda has a shortie rehearsal I figured I'd buck the tradition of "I make breakfast and grill/She makes dinners" and whip something up. Thing is, I'm such a frassy flibbertigibbity impatient bing-bong that I'll look at close to 14 recipes before eventually picking up taco's and arranging them on a plate like I made them myself. I exude frass.

After having tiring non-run day, I went to bed last night fully prepared to say "eff it" and chop up a bunch of veggies for marinated tofu veggie wraps. Leaving for work this morning, I was silently cursing the unwashed masses making my commute hell when I noticed a ton of trucks on the road. So where did I go with this seemingly random observence?

"Hm. Many trucks. Well of course, they're bringing in fresh sea food. Metro Mag had that article last month about the best time to buy seafood being Thursday, which is today. Ergo, the increase in diesel guzzlers can clearly be attributed to the fresh delivery of ocean fare to the Twin Cities stores and restaurants. Perhaps this is a sign I should try making seared scallops with pasta. Perhaps I should."

Yeah. Don't ask. I wound up making a joke about the movie "Any Which Way But Loose" this morning (Clint Eastwood and an Orangutang? Glorious comedy!) and all the babies looked at me like a grew a nipple on my forehead. I looked at the one person who knew what I was talking about and said-

"Well. There I go again dating myself. What? Oh. It was nice. I was a little embarrassed when I ordered a glass of wine and myself was actually trying not to drink for Lent. Myself was pretty charming. I don't know if we'll go out again, but we agreed to do coffee later in the week. Myself had a pretty sweet smile and was really good at directing the conversation back at myself. Who knows. Oh- And when I went to pay, myself insisted we go Dutch. That's pretty 80's, but that's cool. I'll pick up the coffee for myself and I later."

What is this madness?

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