Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming to my census...

5. That is the number of badgering correspondence requesting I fill my 2010 census form out. I did it, of course. (And considered adding George teh Kitteh as a co-resident. I resisted, of course...) It's the dumbest thing ever and it doesn't really give one the sense of civic pride that comes with, say, voting. But I did it. It got me thinking of where I was 10 years ago and why those bastards at the census bureau didn't pester me then...then I realized life was very different. I was, of course, a C.H.U.D. (Carnal Hedonist Uptown Dweller) then I realized that I wasn't living in Uptown at all at the time which made me switch it to C.H.A.D. (tm) which stood for Crazy Headcase Apartment Dweller. Far more accurate. (RSvP and I lived in SE Mipples by the "U") Incidentally, and no offense to the Chad's of the world, but I think calling someone a "Chad" would be a great insult. Akin to "D-Bag". You go to a bar with a bunch of white ball-capped D-Bags? "Man. This place is crawling with Chads. Let's bail and get taco's." See?

Anyway, my point is 10 years ago I wasn't census'd. I did, however, get my wisdom teeth pulled. Coincidence? I think not.

What else...

I saw "Crank" and "Crank 2" (Hey. When Moda is at rehearsal it becomes bad movie night) Anyway, these flicks are inSANE. Not even bad, just the point where I found myself liking them in spite of their high bullshit factor. They were more action comedy than anything.
They made you want to...I don't know. Chug 6 Red Bulls and go for a run. Insane.

Oh. I'm starting improv classes at the Be-NeW. It'll be a hoot. I gotta be really honest, I'm not too hip on "games" etc. Zip Zap Zop? Nope. But it'll be nice to have a different outlet and see what all the fuss is about. Buddies like Ry-Gonn have been asking me to do it for a while now. And I think that dad would've liked it too. We shall see.

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