Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sprang has Sprung

Hey ho there! My daily lack of blogging is going to catch up with me. I BLAME THE WEATHER! So starting last weekend we evidenced a HUGH-mongous warm up. My yard is entirely sans snow and the only accumulation that's visible, really, are the mondo piles that've been pushed up in parking lots. Well, that and the snow mold- or "mould". That mystery had me reeling and thinking pod people were living in my yard.

So yeah, I've been trying to play outdoors more. Can you blame me? 60 degrees! In Mid-March! And it's High School tourney/March Madness! This is going to poke some serious holes in my airtight theories regarding MN Winters. (Note to...well everyone who thinks that this was a mild winter? Just remember- It never really ended from last year. I'm talking winter of 08/09 sorta trailed off into Fall from April to November and we got dumped on. Again. And December was witch-tatty cold)

Lo and behold the 1st day of Spring is approaching this Caturday. And while I've only but cautiously removed plastic from the kitchen windows (HOLY MOTHER I WAS ABLE TO AIR OUT MY HOUSE!!!) it'll be no time before I'm in full spring madness. That said, here are some tips and reminders for early Spring fever:

1- Just because the precipitation goes from snow to rain, doesn't mean people are going to drive any better. In fact, their confusion may make them drive worse. Trust public transportation.

2-If you have buddies who smoke, the melty snow will invariably show where they tossed their butts. Instead of the large tin can with cat litter in it that you left out for them to use as an ash tray.

3-Avocados. Totally in season. Get your guac on. Or Breakfast burrito. Or soup. Chow down on that noble vegetable while the chowing is good.

4-If you live in the city, your tap water is gonna reek for a few weeks. Runoff. Pure and simple.

5-One of my walking/jogging routes is by a dog park. Smell has no fury like a winters worth of melty poop.

6-When the weather spikes, people will foolheartily don their shorts. Be warned. There may be a glare.

7-I'd, um, well don't just put away your salt or shovels yet. I'm just sayin'...

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