Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well, a fine mess

I'm awake.

I dreamt that there was a bee in my apartment I was sharing with Morgan Fairchild and when it lit on the floor I threw my body atop of it to squash it with my head. I heard it buzzing in my ear and roused myself awake with the feeling that it'd sting my inner ear. So here I am. 3 am-ish.

The moon I see is fat in the sky. Orion is shoulder-to-shoulder with it. And it is cold.

Not a very triumphant return to the blogging world, but here I am. I work in the fidouchery world, so it's been a really scary time to want bread on your table. My day to day blogs have had to be tabled in lieu of simple web surfing since my bosses (Or managers. Direct reports. Whatever) have been hovering to make sure I'm "productive". Three "bosses" in twelve months. Re-dick. All of whom have said they'd be there for the long haul. I should've known. At least they're still here. There've been many, MANY lay-offs (sorry. "Re-structures") in the last few months and it's provided a fellowship of fear. Not fun to be working.


I've been tasked with taking forced time off ("Floating" holidays. MN branches of our office don't take normal sanctioned national holidays and we're given three "floaters" to take that aren't considered "time off") So Thursday marks "National Me Day 3"*. (Last Thursday being the official start of Me Day) I hope to blog some more and more over, write some more.

That's right. I don't hope to quit my day job, but I've recently been harboring a secret wish to write for a living. Creatively. Go fig. It started with a wish to pen my dad's memoirs about working for the county- which I've been nagging him for years to do- and made me think it would maybe make some great non-fiction ala' Sanderson. We'll see. It's some fascinating business, what 36 years policing our county will provide. I've been also experimenting with home cooking which falls in line with our troubled economic times (e.g. No restaurant reviews in the future)

All told, we're holding steady. And I hope to post more topical s#it as the days progress towards my birthday.

Oh yeah. The *? So I'll be posting my wish list later (In the vain hopes that the government wants to do a Baby P Bail Out some day) but for my birthday? Think of something nice for/about yourself. Just one. Real quick like. Or about me. (I'm a selfish Sammy) And either post it, or think it. It's no big whoop.

Hope to frass at you some more on my down time.

ps: I have a call back tonight. Think of me, frassers.

1 comment:

momo said...

Proud of you, darling. The writing, the goals, the callback...all of it. You've got such a vibrant spirit to share. Corny, but true. I love you!