Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Le whew

Well. The dreaded big team meeting was a bit of a let down. It boiled down to "We don't know anything either. Please stop spreading rumors if you can. We aren't going anywhere any time soon".

So whew, and huh? We ended up talking about the weather. How very...Minnesotan...of us.

I'm growing so violently sick of the terms "Market volatility" and "Unstable Financial Conditions" that I'm pretty sure that I'm getting an ulcer. And poor NMMC. Laid off 80 nurses? Right. Before. Christmas? (My co-worker's wife was one of them) Ugh. Just. Ugh. Thanks, hospital of my birth.

Okay. Done with that.

Last night the SO and I attempted to watch a racy flick from her queue. Seemed like a pretty good idea at the time. Until the roommate came home about 5-10 minutes into it. It was pretty uncanny how often he found an opportunity to bounce upstairs with some form of current events or another. And to see which scene we were on. Awwwwwkward. (It was awful, btw. If you want to watch "Lie with Her", don't. Get pR0n instead. It was pretentious smut. The worst kind.)

Below zero temperatures belong in mid-February and need to last 3-4 days. Nothing "Wonderful" about this "Wonderland". It's a wonder I don't pack it in and head South. Frass...

ps: Yes, Moll. Anything by Dan Folgerburp is crap, IMNSHO. If James Brown is the "Godfather of Soul"? then he is...like...the "Great Uncle of Emo-Rock".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know, but I think he is related to Karen Carpenter by way of that song...." the logs on the fire fill me with desire..." Ew!