Monday, August 28, 2006 go baby. Home Depot is winning.

There. I said it. None, I repeat, NO project got completed this weekend. Why, pray tell? What did Mikey do, you ask, with his solo weekend?

Nada. Nothing. No workouts, No mowing, no mulch laying, no edging installations...zilch.

Well, scratch that bit. A smidge.

Friday= Was supposed to meet a friend for cocktails after her shift ended. I got dressed, headed downstairs to wait for a phone call. When 10pm rolled around, I started reading...then snnnnnzzkkzzk.

I woke up at midnight to see that she'd called to say her shift ended way late and she went home to bed. I'm off the hook, hookers.

Sats= I spent the whoooooooooole day cleaning my house to prepare for the arrival of the 'Beans mom. Top- to- bottom. For future reference, y'all? It takes approximately 2.5 hours to dust/clean the hardwood surfaces which includes moving furniture. Another 2 to clean the windows. I gave some thought to going out and catching a film, but opted to rent a couple O' DVD's instead. ("Layer Cake"= Awesome. "Kingdom of Heaven"= bo-ring. If I want to watch a film about the Crusades, I'll re-rent Terry Jones BBC documentary.) I was going to hit the Dakota Jazz Club around 11pm and watch my friend Adam play their "free set", so as I struggled through "Kingdom" I started dozing again.

Taking it as a sign, I went to take a power-nap so I had some energy for later when BOOM!

3:30 am.
Wide awake.
So I went downstairs and chopped veggies for an omelette, had a glass of wine, and picked up a book. Then watched some more "Kingdom of Douchedom". Before finally succumbing to sleep around 6am.

Waking later on Sunday, I was super excited at the prospect of omelettes. 'Bean woke me up with a call of "Are you Decent?!" And I replied: "Jellybean...I'm NEVER decent" which was as good of a response as any to segue into my introduction to his mom. And boy howdy, is she Texan. Tan, twinkly eyes, bright blue t-shirt, white jeans, white canvas shoes....and one of those gold-coiny looking rope belts. No s#it. She was darling, and she gifted us a bottle of Italian red wine.

Instead of omelettes, I spaced out "Dim Sum" breakfast I had planned with the Thorne's et. al, which was in...ohhh, 10 minutes. How I remembered without 'Peppa is beyond me. So breakfast went until 1pm. I come home and DAD calls which was another 2.5 hours on the phone. (He was giving me the 411 as to who I should vote for Hennepin County Sheriff. And that was just the 1st hour, kittens.) Which meant my afternoon was gone before I needed to head over to the No Refunds Theatre Congratulatory dinner @ the New Chatterbox Pub in Saint Paul. Good Times. Free wine. Good food. And a be-kilted Shinobi-Wan schooling us at freeplay cricket.

Then home. A Mo-visit to recount her road trip...then bed.

So FeeJ and the Thorne's are CLEARLY the winners when it comes to home projects.

I just plain suck in the most unmotivational way. Boo.


tallen said...

overall, you're still WAY ahead of me on the home projects... this was a particularly (oddly) productive weekend for me. i'll go back to doing nothing soon... promise ;-)

Melinite said...

One of these weekends, we should do some shared project time.

hrryyhs: Hurrahs! (17th C spelling)