Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hot ball$!

Hard to say it was an "epic" weekend when you don't wanna set foot in the out of doors. For serial. 110 degree heat index? Oof. The mega hot weather has got my car acting frassy (Apparently, transmission fluid can boil. Therefore, Baby P's car likes to rev up to 4,000 rpm's without going over 30 mph. Fuck. Like taking my car into the shop is something I can get excited about. My tummy turns at the prospect after working so hard to save $. Whine, over.)

So what to do? Same thing we do in it's freezin' ba11s outside- Movie nights for buddies.

Friday- "The Libertine" coupled with Thai veggies and RED curry this time. So adventurous, trying the red and all. Let's see. Johnny Depp. John Malkovich. Period piece. Seemed like a hot ticket. Really, it was kinda "meh". Don't get me wrong, they all acted the heck out of it. And the mood, and the costumes, and the make up, and the lighting (Lit entirely by candles, dontcha know? Fascinating.) da dah da dah da dah. After it was done I said "That felt like it would have been a better play" and sure enough- Based on a play. (Doi, P) Plus, the director douche decided he wanted to shoot it "documentary" style rather sweeping/epic dolly shots like most period films. Shoddy.

Skip it, y'all. Seriously. It isn't an overlooked gem. Even if you want to make wild hot humpies with Mr. Depp.

Sats- I cut my pitifully blonde lawn. More rehearsal. More car vroomy vroomy frass. (Sorry MD, for not making it out to the BBQ. Too hot to move) We snuck in a clandestine visit to the BBP (Thanks Redwright) B4 heading home.

In a sweeping turn of events, Peppa cooked dinner for movie nacht zwei!

The movies: I opted for TV shows this time, promising myself that I'd get caught up on "Fuss" shows. (Or, "What's all the fuss about") "Deadwood: Season 1" and "Da Ali G Show"
The Food: Greek Pasta. (Chicken, Artichoke hearts, olive oil, tomatoes served over penne.)

The food was teh good (Thanks again, Pepps) "Deadwood"? I think I (Or maybe the good peeps at Video Stardom?) fucked up, since I ended up with season 2 and we had a bitch of a time trying to get ourselves involved with these characters and their relationships. It seems like it'd be good? Maybe? Ali G though? Okay. Fine. You win. Funny shit. Couldn't take it. Laughed my a$$ off. Gonna need to see "Borat" now. "My seester is number 2 or number 3 sex in mouth in all of Khazikstan..." Wow.

Sunday was all day frass. 'Bean was kind enough to cart my a$$ to the Depot to load up his loaner truck with mulch (Seriously? That thing is bigger than he is. I mean. He doesn't even come up to the cab) 2 trips. 36 bags. (20 for dad). 4 transplanted tree's. 50 feet of weed barrier. And 1 case of heat stroke. (So. I was hydrating myself. 6pm rolled around and I hit a wall, is all. Did you know when you get heat stroke that birds look like they are flying in slow motion?) We invited ourselves over to the WW ranch for some more float time b4 calling it a night.

Did I mention I finally drug my cottage cheese buns out to run? On Saturday. And Sunday. I am a machine. 100 above or 20 below...I'll f#ck up the mean streets of Nordeast.

Hoo. It was hotter'n a b#tch, though. Hope y'all stayed cool, my babies.

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