Thursday, August 24, 2006


It's funny how all the fires that come up at work don't ever get a rise out of me, but the little things can just bite my balls. Today-

I'm going to toss my leftover Chinese in the break room fridge, only to find it full. Now, I get to work at 7 am-ish so it has NEVER been a problem to sneak a corner to stash my vittles. But SOME thinking mo-fo felt the pressing need to cram a 24 pack of water in the fridge. So everyone else has to contend with their inconsideration!

"I think that's just rude" exclaimed a woman standing next to the fridge with a disdainful look on her face.

"Rude? You haven't heard the stream of profanity I want to utter right now. What, The, Fu..."

So. I pulled that shit out and set it on the top of the fridge. B#tches. Between that, and the people who leave their cream cheese in there for weeks with a little no "Oh please, pleeeeease don't throw away my cream cheese for my daily bagel. Pleeeeeease" even THOUGH the sign on the fridge CuhLEARLY states "We will throw away your shit after 5pm EVERY Friday if you leave it in the refrigerator." (We had some problems with mold, see. ) People, Please! You are defying the simple rules that GE has set down! I don't see any cots? Or tasteful couches and coffee tables. I don't see a coffee machine?

This is not-you-HOUSE! Stop bringing TWO GALLONS of MILK and leaving it in there all week! You're using up your 5X5 square inch allotment that has been allowed by management! Stop bringing in your Hefty Hefty Cinch Sacks to cart your FOOD in!

Seriously. 150 work on this floor, and we have one teeny fridgey fridgey buck-buck to work with. A little consideration, people.

In other news, steamed mixed veggies with tofu is actually pretty good. Makes for WONderful leftovers.


Unknown said...

You would hate me.
I currently have in my work fridge:
1 huge bag of costco spinach
1 huge bag of costco salad greens
24 organic chicken sausages
1 tub of grated cheese
1 tub of garlic seared mushrooms
1 tub of cottage cheese
Yes I am taking up 3 shelves of space.
No nobody is going to say anything to me as they are scared that I will destroy them.

Melinite said...

In the dorm fridge in my office, I have 1 1/2 bags of baby carrots, one small tub of hummus, one package of flat bread, and one tupperware container of tuna salad. Normally, there's some yogurt in there, too, but I forgot to restock this week. :)

My favorite work snack is mixed nuts (salted). Yum.