Monday, August 14, 2006

Of Frass and Frrreeeeeinge

If my voice was absent these past few days it was largely due to that raucous party known to all as The Fringe Vegetable. By my own admission, I’m a turrible Fringer (Always starting the run with the intent of seeing boo-too shows, and then wind up barely seeing a skinny handful. My bad.) This year proved better than years past however in the fact that I was actually able to get out and enjoy the Fringe atmosphere. 1st time in, ohhhhh, 3 years I’d wager? Hmmmmmm. Funny that, eh? AND armed with a Fringe bu’on and artist pass (Always funny, seeing that. Makes me feel all artsy) there was really no reason I couldn’t go. I just…didn’t? Fringe induced narcolepsy tends to about these 10 days: Sometimes a result of seeing a lot of shows, seeing bad shows, crowds, working on your own show. It’s maddening. Which also meant I spent the better part of the weekend in a partly to mostly catatonic state. Not even drink induced.

A recap:
Frids: Moped bopped over after doing her Fringe Hippying and we snarfed Curry b4 she spit the bit for more Fringeness. I…stayed in and read.

Sats: More depot trips. Spent some cat time at Rosackers. (Their store kitty is super cute…albeit incredibly gassy. I’m not kidding. Scientests, take note: That cat’s ass should be treated as a renewable fuel source!) After a quick clean up at home, we took a little side trip to go purchase…the prop.

I don’t know what inspired me to go this route for a character. Our show was a free-form lampoon of the Am. Idol series and the only structure I was told was to make up a funny character. On our road trip, I bounced the idea of a redneck cowboy (Do you have any other characters you’d maybe like to try, P?) off of Mopes. The caveat was that instead of singing, ohhhh, country- He’d do a hardcore gangsta rap. Then in the semi-finals something from musical theater (I’ll get to that in a minnit) and then an Italian aria for the final. Get it? Play a type. Play against it. Comic. Gold.

So the NRT boys were cool with it. And opening night I frassed onstage in overalls and did "The Humpty Dance". Woo. Hoo. (Felt re-dickly un-funy for some reason) And here I thought it was a well thought out bit.

Back to the story- Here we were on an overcast Saturday afternoon, in a Fantasy Gifts, perusing banana hammocks. W/Peppa’s helpa, I settled on something that looked like this guy, right here:

The sunbitchin’ cashier had to ring my card twice…then call it in. (Let’s not embarrass baby P too badly while waiting to buy his smut) We amused ourselves by looking over the delightful adult genital mold ( know, mildew) kits. Something about dipping my package in plaster of Paris just so my lover has a little C and B paperweight doesn’t sound all that appealing.
After a delicious dinner of angel hair pasta/pesto/shrimp, two shots of tequila, and an iron resolve- I the show and sang "Age of Aquarius" from "Hair".

While taking my clothes off.

‘Cause that’s what they do in that show, dontcha know?

It's just too bad we didn’t have a full house. Or maybe it was better that we didn’t?

Yeah. Prolly better. Methinks I'm not well-suited for hammock work.

We hit the ‘Mad for a post Fringe nightcap and called it an evening. Too much adrenaline wore me out.
Sunday pissed me off. I had started the day with the only intention of laying some concrete when KA-boom…all day rain. All. Day. (Does anyone else hate walking into a store like Cub or Rainbow after it’s rained and your rassin’ frassin’ shoes squeek the entire time you’re in there? Just me, huh?)

We closed. (After I receive a cryptic message that a pint was waiting for me at Herks. I had no idea what it meant until I saw Trev-monster holding up the end of the bar) Mom came back along w/Ro and Co and they were thankfully spared the hammock viewing- (Funny thing- Mother chastised me on my choice of "bit")

I came home.

Had marinated chicky boob sammies w/sauteed veggies and discovered that my Grill is persnickety (FAHHHHK!) I do want to encourage y'all to hit the Farmers Market. It’s sick. The veggies look like they were grown at the Alamagordo test site they’re that big. After milling around the house like zombies, we hit the closing night celebration at Joes ‘round 10pm. Which is a pretty good frassin' time all around.

Although I've learned that my car is teh Fooked. (Double FAHK!!!)
Annnnnnnd. I’m looking at having a pretty lame ass start to my evening tonight.

So. Mixed bag of ennui, frass, joy, and embarrassment. Welcome to mid-August campers! And happy Montag!

(In other news? CONGRATs to Tech and Portana who became engaged this weekend! You kids ROCK!)

1 comment:

Portana said...

Thanks sweets!
So with this new news, the barbque upcoming is now turning into a house warming/engagement celebrating/end of summer send off kind of deal. Will keep you posted on the when. (Its now looking like Septembre`).