Monday, August 21, 2006


Lawnmowers run much better when there is gas innem. IJS.

Friday I came home to a pleasant surprise: My camera phone. wOOt technology. Prepare yourselves for some lascivious photo's. The world is a dirty place when seen through my eyes.

(And I proceeded in slicing my fingers open trying to pry my old tricorder cell phone apart to get the fucking SIM card out.)

Mo-peppa came over and I gifted her (In spite of the fact that it was a day early. I'm impatient. Shup) And the 'Bean was kind enough to give us an invite to see Debbie Duncan and Dennis Spears perform together at Sophia. They were phenom- We et, Danced, and went for a leisurely stroll over to Nicollet Island where we considered crashing a wedding ("I bet there's free booze in there") and saw 1,000's of fat spiders idling on the bridge...That, I'll admit, was freaky. And I don't even mind spider's.

Saturday- It's "Mo's Day" as I was reminded throughout the day, therefore we do "Mo things" including:

Reading and Relaxing at the Wilde Roast over mocha's
Hitting the Mipples Library to return some s#it and see if they have a copy of "Freakanomics" (There's a 4 week wait until the next available copy)
Midtown Global Market for lunch. (You should all go. We danced to African rhythms. Stay away from the Thai. Boo for onions)
Walking around Minnehaha Falls. (Many pampied children and weddings. If you know someone who was married there and a half naked dude winds up in their photo's- blame me)
Shopping for her evening outfit at Calhoun Square. (WTF Happened to that place, btw?)
Then napping, to prepare our bodies for the evenings event:
Psycho Suzi's (I gave Rik Reppe my S.O.'s phone number. Does that seem weird?)
Nye's (Paint thinner is weaker than the cocktails at Nye's)
Finished with dancing at the Froooont (I was accosted by a woman dressed as Hamburgler. No lie)

Thanks to everyone who came out to play. You made it an awesome night.

Sunday I poured a cement sidewalk. Which was a bitch. I'm all over sore today. And it still looks like shit. But...I'm done. That was "The big project of '06". After that I was pretty wiped, HOWEVER I had another big kid birthday to attend so my shout out to Magrooders! Happy B'day, sweetness!*

And finally...I watched "Brokeback Mounting". It was good and all, but for the life of me I'm not sure what all the fuss was about. I thought Michelle Williams was pretty awesome.

*I would like to point out for the record that whenever I go over to Redwrights for a party, 2 things almost ALways happen:
1) I eat, waaaaaay too much. Yes. Way too much. It's, like 10 a.m. now and I still feel like I'm stuffed to my trachea. A Boca burger, pasta, hamburger patty (Yeah, that's what I think did it to me. Vom) Annnnnnnd, hovering for a half hour over the spinach artichoke dip (And the salmon artichoke spread that was right next to it) Makes for a very unhappy Baby P.

2) I forget something. July 4th it was my cowboy hat. Yesterday it was my man-satchel. Complete with work ID, and wallet. Not fun. Booooooo....


raven said...

Darn....we were right next door at GZ. Had we known we would have said hello!

P said...

Funny, I was thinking of y'all when we walked past the line to get in. For some reason I remember being able to go between rooms (The Front over to GZ) but it was closed off!

Boo. We'll find you next time.

raven said...

Well, for a while when GZ was remodeling the entrance, you could go between, since you had to enter through the front. Otherwise, it's just an employee only crossover for the bartenders that tend both places.

We are pretty much at GZ every Saturday definitely let us know and we'll find each other.