Saturday, April 08, 2006

So I've been busy. Chillski, nutter butters.

I'm gonna free style this so you get the jist of where I've been at:

Work= Way too much to do. They are watching productivity. Meaning, monitoring 'net usage. Dig? I'll start posting more shite from home.

Parents= Helping them clean up their old house to get it ready to sell. Once that's ready, I can focus on my home improvement pj's. Yee Haw.

Party= TNT party a few weekends back was a blast, and I didn't drag my ass to bed until 6am. Because we are nincompoops. JJ, D-baby, Dorajar, and Cursy McCurserson all crashed. It was...hilarity. And no one wanted breakfast. Which made me sad.

Body= My body has been frassy. Big time. So much so, that when I told me mum about how long my (hammy/neck/back/shoulders) have been frassed up (to the tune of 4 months) she actually said "You need to see a doctor." When the royal nurse says it, you know it's probably not good. Plus, I can't help that I've felt kinda...soft? Injury='s many days of not running/sparring...many days of not running/sparring make me feel soft. The worst bit? I grew out a Van Dyke beard (not a goatee, you beatniks) and I found tiny gray hairs in it. I'm falling apart.

Karate= I suck. Seriously. Been having issues kicking higher than my waists. Poople.

Wire Fu= Can't go. Too much other stuff to focus on. Like healing.

Theatre= I've seen some good stuff lately. Good stuff. I'm hoping that what we see tonight (Point of Revue at the Mixed Blood) will continue the trend. I've agreed to work with the KFH guys again to do a fundraiser called "Great Moments in Kung Fu History". I'm hoping (cough cough) that SOMEONE with the initials MD will wanna do it. Also, I've had more commercial/industrial auditions picking up again. Good signs all over.

Near miss- Almost had to do a staged reading of TNT since my roomies business flight was delayed. Almost.

Sports= Saw my first T'Wolves game since their inaugural season. Sat close enough to count the # of highlights in the T'Wolves Dance Team's hair. (16,352 total) Yes, I shared beers w/Dorajar. Yes, I ate a salt free pretzel. And received slight, sliiiiight ridicule.

Days Off= This warm weather prompted me to take a half day off last Wednesday. I ran (A good sign body wise. Many miles were covered) Mopes stopped over, and we ate fajita's, drank some thingytails, enjoyed the sunshine, and even let Geeeeeoooorgie Kitty roll around on the sunny sidewalk. (Lil' sumbitch was covered in grit. Then jumped into bed with me that evening. Gritty Kitty in the sheets. ) My favorite part? Seeing the green buds coming out of the trees. The lilacs are a-blooming!

Bowling at BLB= I suck balls. TLC and FW will never let me join league night. I actually succeeded in throwing the ball backwards at the crew. (There is a story there. No, I wasn't hammered. I just can no longer carry capless Carmex in my drawers.)

Brunches for Buddies= Having Dim Sum on Sunday. B/C I'm half Chinese. (BabyP, Please! You had Chinese food for dinner last night!) I'll let you all know how the chicken feet are. (Thanks for the invite, Melinite)

'Kay, that's enough for now. See you soon, splooshers.


Melinite said...

Thanks for coming out on Sunday. Hope the dim sum made you feel better. Whenever I'm feeling poor in body or spirit, it's straight to the beef and Chinese broccoli for me! Manna from the Celestial Kingdom. :)

Hope you had fun raking/hot tubbing!

P said...

Not at all darlin', thanks for the recommendation! (I'll never look at eel the same. Eel-rection, btw.

Raking was for sucks. Boo-Too sore today (Didn't have a lot of time to tub it, so we ended up sleeping instead.)

Hot tubs for buddies tonight though, lemme tell ya!