Monday, April 24, 2006

Rhino humps Hippo

That probably sounds weirder than actually seeing a Manhattan Toys Rhino 69'ing the MT Hippo first thing in the morning, but there you are.So I'm sitting here posting at a little past 5 in the a.m. due to a case of insomnia that hit 'round 4. I know that I've been slightly delinquent due to work keeping me fairly busy, and not that I haven't seen or done anything frassworthy. Maybe I've felt soft? Contemplative? Overwhelmed? Underwhelming? Whelma and Betty?

Let's see...Stir Farters-

Last weekend was great. I was able to get a shite ton of preliminary lawn work done and finally frassed up the thatchey mess which was my lawn. There is something truly gratifying about getting outside and getting all that work started. I hit pre-test class in BC, where I did bag drills with a kid who reeked of onions. (Seriously? Nearly made me vomit. Nothing like man funk, mixed with White Castle. Vom.) That evening I went to a BQ at the Palacio del Perry out in scenic EP where we were joined by my whole fam damnily and the 'bean. (Thanks hon. Your family is hella generous) Much food was eaten which in turn caused much stomach frass, so I was poopsbagoda by 9pm. (I’m figuring out that I need to steer clear of niblets/snacky food. Totally stuffed my self on cheese and crackers before even eating my Boca. It was an UNcomfortable nights sleep for buddies. ) Besides their overwhelming generosity, Mr. Perry deserves a "good sport" award for enduring the tirade of dad imitations. That no one else gets.

Except we nincompoops. We few. We happy few. We band of ‘poopsgaboda.

Bunny day I fuh-HI-NALLY got a chance to bust out the old go-rilla. (Thank God I still had propane. You wanna know what’s grosser than gross? Charred salmon bits from last years final barbecue. That shit took forever to clean, lemme tell ya. And the smell? Whoooo) While 'bean frassed around the house, I hit the only store in the TC metro that was open on Easter (The Wedge) and did the final touches before opening my home to Ma, Pa, Mo, and The WW clan. (Thanks for coming over, love. His F-ness was a real trooper, and it’s great y’all get along with my parents, even if they are a little eccentric.) Yet again, too much food was narfed by yours truly, but the company (again) was devine. How's that for spiritually thinking on Easter?

The rest of the week was weekable. A CB gathering on Wednesday at the Frethcastle. (Which was, to be certain, blogworthy. Bengays being tossed like pizza in the Kitch, DDR getting stomped in the attic, and two girls kissing during poker? Really, it's not all glamour...) Movies were attempted (Almost done with "Capote", really really finished "Oldboy", and I forgot to mention that I watched "Waiting" with Ry-Gonn. That movie was alllll about guys trying to show their johnson's to each other. I'm not gay, Mom...I swear. I hate Ryan Reynolds abs) I fixed a wholesome roughage fest for Dorajar (Spicy Black beans served over brown rice and topped with veggies? Fuck a bunch of pricey gasoline, I’ve got your natural fuel source blasting out of my HEY-OH!!!! Seriously. Lots of fiber in that meal) And I started taking N0-2. N0-2 is awesome, btw.
More on this last weekend later, campers.

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