Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pernt of Review

The show was great. X has got one of the most phenomenal singing voices you can hear. (Seriously, if this kid gets out and starts doing jazz cabaret? We’re all going.) and his gay preacher had us screaming in hysterics. I was a kind of non-plussed with the costume scheme (1983 Benneton ads called…they want their sequined turquoise blazer back), and the local rags probably said it best when they said, "Some vignettes are better than others" – too true. Afterwards we hit Preston’s and then Grandma’s w/Mo’s folks, X, CC and her date who looked a helluva lot like Luke Wilson. Weird.

I narfed a Pust-created Jag Bomb in lieu of a Chard Shooter, (Mopes, your look of shock was priceless) and after kibbitzing with the TNT cast for a minute, it was home to bed.

Btw- I do get the royal asshole award for missing TNT. My fricking roommate was in it, and I can’t even get up the frickin’ time/gumption to go. I, am, a, douchebag.

But, I’m a douchebag who’ll be getting a love seat for his tv room. Finally I can watch tv the way the good lord and easter bunny meant, and not in the unromantic sexual vibrating tantric sex seats. If anyone has a line on a humongous tv that might’ve, oh, fallen off the back of a truck?

You just let this guy know.

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