Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ganked from the board of Callness...70 tings.

70 too many? You tell me...There were a bunch missing, so I added my own and left others if you had anything pressing you wanted to ask...

1. Initials: MDP
2. Birthday: 12/25/1974
3. Favorite fruit? Kilborn
4. For or against same sex marriage? For
5. Are you allergic to anything? Nope.
6. Are you bisexual? No. I'd rather have it for free if possible. (Think about it...)
7. Have you ever slept in someone elses clothes? Yes
8. How many U.S states have you been to? 45
9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in? 2
10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? No
11. Name something physical you like about yourself? I possess lush, wavy Back Hair
12. Something non-physical you like about yourself. I'm terribly polite
13. Do you have any pets? Co-Owner of Georgie the burly tabby.
14. What is your dream car? One that’s reliable, low-maintenance, and get’s good gas mileage. 15. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Italy
16. Do you like sandwiches? My nickname is Grimace.
17. Are you bipolar? No. OCD about certain things, yes.
18. What dream car do you want your spouse to drive? I’m not married.
19. Have you ever had pancakes for dinner? The best is hitting up Perkins for a "Tremendous 12" after bar close.
20. Where would you want to go on a first date? South of France.
21. Ever killed a warm blooded animal? Nope.
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yes.
23. Ever kissed under fireworks? Yes. Sometimes even experienced fireworks. Kiss me.
24. Do you like president Bush? Not especially. Bitch owes me $10 and a bottle of Olde English.
25. Have you ever bungee jumped? Yes (Branson MO. RSvP and I did it.)
26. Have you ever white water rafted? I tooted in the tub once.
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Even older than that. Senior’s are my demographic.
29.Spent an amount of money on something and were embarrassed later? Yup.
30. Are you racist? I liked NJB's response, so I'll bastardize it: Down wit' whitey.
31. What song are you listening to right now? The Reflex by Duran Duran…in my brain.
32. Threw up in public? Yes
33. What was the last movie you watched? V for Vendetta. Seeing “Good Night and Good Luck” tonight.
34. Ate the last piece of pizza in a box? Yes
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Work
36. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Define "seriously"
37. Have you ever hit on someone of the same sex? No
38. Were polite to someone you didn't like? Yup. You should be cordial to everyone. Or, just hit them.
39. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Smile/Eyes…I really try to pay attention to when the roofies work.
40. What's your favorite body part of the opposite sex? Whatever tastes the best ground up in chili.
41. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Large Coffee of the day, or a Large Skim Mocha. And a piece of the reduced fat blueberry coffee cake. It’s the bomb.
42. Do you try new things when you go to the same restaurant? Not always.
43. Lied to your boss? No
44. Say something totally random about yourself? Read any one of my posts. If that ain’t random, I don’t know what is. “Maureen…I found a way to impregnate men”/”Dad, Please! You had a hard-boiled egg for lunch!”
45. Do you have an iPod? A what?
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yeah. Thanks mom.
47. Do you have freckles? Yes.
48. Do you have body issues? Yes.
49. Are you comfortable with your height? Sure? No? Are you?
50. Do you like someone right now? I like a lot of people. I'm a liker.
51. How tall are you? Shouldn’t this be switched with # 50? 5’10”
52. Do you speak any other language besides English? Yes. Bubba-bonics. ("Jeet yet?")
55. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes. 9th grade.
56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes
57. Do you watch MTV ? No. TV is the Devil.
58. What's something that really annoys you? What doesn’t?

People who take shit too seriously (or out of context in order to take offense or create conflict. Or people who are uber-sensitive and read into things too much.), the current Gov’t administration, people who consider arts funding to be a burden rather than a necessity, people who like to talk about themselves ad nauseum, Sunday drivers, when a recipe I make doesn’t turn out right, my own propensity for sloth, Coveter’s, cat hair on dark clothes, when I fuck up a home project, people who comment negatively on my diet/exercise habits, indecisiveness, missing Karate class, disrespectful behavior, frasser’s, music snobs, people who have to be sarcastic with every fucking response or consistently look for ways to invalidate others to make themselves seem witty, douchebags, selfish behavior, burnt toast, dysmorphia, waking up sore, intolerance, assholes, Intelligent Designers, My squeaky kitchen faucet, my broken refrigerator light (my house in general can get annoying) cheaters, liars, ne'er do wells, quit-claim deeds, high-falutin' poncey fucks that think they are better than everyone else.…
Most of the time? I just turn the other cheek. All of these things? Not worth getting worked up over anyway. Just keep livin'...

59. What are some things you really like? Food and Cooking, Exercise, Books, Mad-Hot kissing and schtupping, The Interweb, Theatre, Movies, Martial Arts, My wonderful Family, My wonderful friends, Having people over for airplane rides, making people laugh.
60. Do you like Michael Jackson? Pre-1993, sure.
61. Are you gay? Is this b/c I have a rainbow bumper sticker on the back of my car that says "I like it when balls are in my face"?
62. Ever been in a wreck? Yeah. I’ve been a wreck. (See Baby P over the last holiday season)
63. Do you know how to pump gas? Is this code for “Spankin’ it?” Yes.
64. Do you drive? I’m a fucking Jedi when I drive. Hell’s yes.
65. Do you have any tattoos? Freckles. (Still thinking about getting the kanji for "No")
66. Any piercings? My Piercing gaze. (I love saying that)
67. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No. I cause people to go to the emergency room.
68. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Isn’t that the point of a dare?
69. What's your favorite state to live in or want to live? In a Captain Morgan’s induced stupor. (I could do well in Laguna Niguel, CA. Or 4 corners. Hot, arid, with a lot of places to free climb.)
70. If there was one person who would be like your twin who would it be? I’m gonna have to say Dorajar, since we’re both nincompoops.

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