Monday, April 17, 2006

Ganked from Rusty, 30 tings...

I am unoriginal....have at them!

1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight?Never been in a fight. I’ve had my ribs dinged pretty bad during sparring, and my bell rung far too many times
2. Most money you ever owed a utility company?Ugh, heating bills in Minnesota. For-Sucks. (I had a back payment to the Cable Company that was close to $300. Thanks old roomie.)
3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar?Never kicked. I was meeting some friends at the 90’s a couple of months ago, and the bouncer said that I was visibly intoxicated. I hadn’t even had a drink yet. Dicks.
4. Longest time you slept in a car?I passed out in my car in college. I don’t recall how long I was out, just that driving was not a good idea. When I woke up I was covered in frost. Dumbass.
5. Most f*d up nickname you've ever been given?
"Doc". I totally didn’t dig on that one. "Grower" isn’t effed up, but maybe the weirdest?
6. Worst job you ever had?Manual office labor when I was 15. Moving heavy boxes from one part of the office, to another. It was mind numbing.
7. Shortest job you've ever had?Can’t recall
8. Longest romantic relationship?3 years9. Shortest romantic relationship?Overnight?
10. Food that you would eat till you puked?Sushi, or Chinese buffet.
11. Food that even looking at makes you puke?Bar food. Wings, Cheese sticks. White Castle. (I heard them described as "steamy" before. Ish. Don’t call food steamy.) Canned mushrooms. Convenience store hot dogs. Lil’ chubs. Plastic packaged baked goods. (They need to be fresh outta the oven. Plastic wrapped pound cake? WTF)
12. What music saved your life?Tracy Chapman.
13. Person you miss the most in the world?Anyone I love who I don’t see. Family wise? The grandparents.
14. Worst movie you've ever seen?Hooooo, lately it was "Ultraviolet". Historically? I walked out of "The Witches", and nearly threw my VCR away during "Batman and Robin" and "Branagh-stein" (Ugh. Kenneth Brannagh with drawn-on abs)
15. Best movie you've ever seen?Godfather part 2. Mad acting.
16. Craziest stuff you've ever done sober?Live
17. Ever almost die?
18. Ever fistfight a member of the opposite sex?No. The one woman who perpetually goads me into fighting can kick my ass.
19. Best place you have ever lived?I love Mipples in the Springtiiiiiiime.
20. Worst place you have ever lived?After about 1 month, Western ND can suck your life away.
21. Bad habit you have.Multi Tasking. Getting my house ready for people on Sunday was like watching a keystone cop. Do I dust, wait, I need to cut up vegetables, wait, the dishes need done, wait….See? Maddening, I’m sure. That, and being really agreeable.
22. Noise that makes you want to punch people?Loud crying kids in restaurants.
23. Your favorite tattoo?I’m still giving thought into getting one that says "No". (See #21)
24. Least favorite tattoo?This one. Ick.
25. At your poorest, were you a ramen noodle or Mac and cheese aficionado?Ramen. Lower fat. Plus, Mac and Cheese takes work/milk/butter. Ramen needs water. Easy.
26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal? Oceannaire for me and the old roommie on her birthday last year. It was worth it, but had I known our later outcome I would rather have spent it on better company.
27. Best gift you ever got?I can’t recall. They are all special in there own way. Nookie usually ranks up there.
28. Best pet you ever had?The chickens were fun, but stinky.
29. Ever run from the cops?Yep. Come and get me, coppers!
30. Money or love?
Schtupping. (I’ll take love twice over, and three times on Sunday)

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