Friday, April 28, 2006


Has this week drug by for anyone else? Like...molasses going uphill in the winter slow?

Thought so.

Crap, I'm about to frass about LAST weekend when THIS weekend pretty much starts today. It always frasses me up when I hear ahead of time that the weather is going to be shite for the next three days. Oh well. My tulips need it. Annnnnnd that makes me sound really gay. ("Really P? I thought it was when you said 'Gee, I like it when balls are in my face'...I thought that made you sound really gay")

So last weekend my friend YND came into town from LA so I had a little bbq for he and Jabas. We were later joined by Mopes, Brandino, Carlton, and even Grimes popped over for some frassing (And oh how I frassed. I'm a pretty big douchebag when it comes into getting argumentative over hot button topics. I really need to shup in a big bad way. Really. Could you act like a bigger dork in front of guests? This, folks, is yet another reason why I avoid politically charged discussions. One- I just don't like'em. Two? I come across sounding like an uninformed & argumentative douche. ) Question of the night from YND? "Who's that hot Asian chick you're standing next to in the picture?" Yeah MD, he was frassin' 'bout you.

Other than that, (and the fact that I, ohhhh, grabbed the red hot handle on my fire pit creating a HUGE blister on my hand) the night was wonderful. I love small gatherings and grilling. (Cautiously optimistic) This...could be the start of a great summer.

Sunday? That's right, pampers...Lawn frass. And oh, how the 'Bean and I frassed. I moved approximately 700 lbs. of black dirt (That's about 3 trips to Home Duh-Pot in my little Saturn. Please. Can someone be impressed? That is a shit-ton of topsoil, yo) We were both stripped to our waists in a vain attempt to get a little sun. After all that manual labor, I was getting pretty tired and still hadda go see a softball game. After staining the new wooden catbox (Thx, Minnaportana) I sat out on the stoop with my celebratory beer. Hm. That was pretty good. I think I'll have another. Dorajar calls me to see what my afternoon pursuits were, and I knew that after all that lawn frassin' I was gonna need a nap.

This was at 4:30.

Cut to 7:30 and Baby P waking up to his cell phone ringing with the text message "Longest nap in the history of naps?" Oops. One too many.

We next cut to the week. "Woman in Mind"...awesome.
Cast in "Blackbeard, for Instance" this summer. Awesome awesome.
Cocktails with Mopes at "Psycho Suzi's" and deeeeeeep conversation. Enlightening.
Annnnnnd...did I miss anything? Nope. Just a long ass week. (Oh, karate for buddies and working out. Christ, you're a dork)

Mostly, it felt like a really long and stressful week. I was frassy, argumentative, and selfish. And it wasn't even a full moon.

I'm gonna need vacation, stat. Duluth trip for buddies in 2 weeks.

Or maybe I could just jump out of an airplane.
Or hit someone.


Melinite said...

Sounds like you need a brunch on Sunday. :)

P said...

I think so too. And the Farmers Market.

I want eggs.

Unknown said...

Jump out of a plane?
Now who on earth would do that?
It was awesome go do it!

Hit someone?
Well seeing that I am unbeaten in sparring this season, you could hit me.
I might hit you back, but I think you would like it.

From the hot Asian chick :)