Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Listy!

Did you know that there were, like, a TON of end of year lists this year? Many starting in September? End of year lists are becoming as ubiquitous as Target when it comes to pushing holidays and far earlier than the public is probably comfortable with. So here, starting only a mere 10 hours before Midnight, December 31st 2010- CST- I will present you with the year-end Happy Christmas Baby Meme! For your benefit and arousal...questions by me, for me! Me!

Happy New Year, Baby P! Did you keep your resolutions you made when '09 changed to 10?

I sure as hell...can't remember. I think so? We partied at Moda's house until the wee hours and I was pretty intoxicated by the end of the night. Sufficed to say, we played at the playground across the street in the freezing cold and snow in our shirtsleeves. Kisses were had. Conversations were...kind of followed. It was hazy, and we met FeeJ for breakfast after we shook off our booze clouds.

My resolutions tend to be take better care of myself. Save money. Do more theatre. The ilk. And I'm usually half assed about it. Maybe even quarter-assed.

Did you travel anywhere new?

Oh shit yes. After a fairly slow travel year in 2009, I managed to finally get on a plane. We hit Portland, OR for a wedding and some relaxation. We had epic breakfasts, seafood, and ocean-time. It was hard to come back.

Closer to home, we finally managed to cross a bullet point off our list and go camping up North. It was a beautiful trip with beautiful sights, challenging hikes, and strange weather, and wonderful food.

So what's new in the stew, Nancy Drew?

Gosh. Much. Theatrically, it started off kinda slow for me with a workshopped production at the Illusion for their "Light's Up" series by my friend D'Brode...and then? Nada. A few on-camera's here and there and a couple of murder-mystery dinner gigs, but nothing substantial on stage. (1/2010, 3/2010, various) To be honest, it felt sort of numb. So...

...I finally took the comedy class my mom and dad (and buddies) wanted me to take. It didn't prove to be as fulfilling as I had wanted, but it gave me an idea as to where I think my head should go in terms of artistic creation. I tried for a Choy La Fut gung fu class...but it was cancelled. (03/2010-04/2010)

I became mobile, computerly speaking, and am now the proud owner of a wireless laptop. (9/2010)

I shot the film about the 30's Era St. Paul gangsters which filmed through August/September and some of November. It was trippy, and until I saw the finished product hadn't realized that I'm in the entire f#cking thing...yeesh. It was around this time that I realized I should probably start losing the weight I'd been trying for since...oh...resolution 2007? '09? Fahk. (09/2010-11/2010) Anyway, filming forced me to...

...Learn to drive a stick (manual transmission). At age 35. In a car from 1930. (09/2010)

The biggest thing was our new fitness/wellness/health goal- Distance run training. Starting last winter we stopped light chub-burning 20 minute runs and started to pile on the miles and immerse ourselves in run culture. And while I'm not as fanatical as Mo-Mo is, I learned all there is about Vibram's, Karnarzes, Fartleks, and their ilk. As it stands, a full marathon might be in the future for 2011. (February 2011-present)

Christmas was kind of a big deal. I felt accomplished in the sense that I finished my shopping by 11/15/2010, but for my big-kid birthday I got a big wonking 42 inch TV. Holy crap.

We'll ask about your accomplishments in a tic- C'mon...have a tissue. You aren't on Barbara Walter's...what were your low points?

Well there were definitely some pits here and there and everywhere. I was getting pretty unhappy at the temp gig working for the Big Gay Wagon Company and so shortly after we got back from Portland...I resigned. (7/2010) I immediately took up with a new gig that turned out to be a pretty bad fit, which I realized about 2 days in to it. It didn't take too long to shuffle temp agencies and being more than a little burnt out in short order before that one ended too. (08/2010) Instead of being placed right away as promised by my new temp service, I was shelved. Or forgotten. Or whatever. Sufficed to say...I spent approximately 1/4th of the year unemployed.

By far and away my longest stretch to date. (08/2010-11/2010)

Loss was sort of a trend in '09 with Dad and Rock. We remembered the anniversary and it was somber (and, I'm fairly certain, I stayed in and got blotto by myself) The trend began anew in 2010 when our dear Georgie shuffled off his orange tabby coil to the great big litter box in the sky. (08/2010)

Okay, man up, kid. So what are your accomplishments? Be humble, now.

Okay, wow. Running. If MapMyRun is accurate (member since 03/2010) then I've put on about 700 miles this year and ran my first (half) marathon in June. In fact, I think I've competed in more races this year (7) than I have karate tournaments in my life. These have proven to be some of the most challenging physical activities I've engaged in since probably before high school and backpacking in the Rockies. (I'm looking at you, Mud Run) Some have been for a good cause, others to have fun with buddies, and others as a simple goal needing to be met. More over, I'm really starting to enjoy putting on the distances...AND I'm planning my 2011 courses. Sick out! (4/2010, 6/2010, 7/2010, 9/2010)

While taking my health into my own hands, I also quit drinking hard booze. My tummy has thanked me, my life has thanked me, and it's helped me to get some shit done for a change. (10/2010)

I fixed up and prettied up the bathroom and stairs. No small feat for a man who is all thumbs. (Not, you know, perfect. But it'll do. 11/2010)

I restarted the family Halloween diorama tradition (10/2010)

I got a new contracted job that I think is a (knock on wood) good fit. (11/2010)

Also, I auditioned for and got cast in two shows for 2011. So the first 1/4 of my 2011 has gig-age to look forward to with some pretty awesome casts. (11/2010, 12/2010)

I started going back to karate 1-2x's a week like I've been trying to do for the last 2-3 years. (I'm old, and it hurts more, but I do realize it's something I enjoy a lot)

What big-events in the world do people need to remember?

Locally speaking, we got a new ball park and that did wonders. We also had an early onset blizzard the likes of which we haven't seen in nearly 20 years. This was wonderful to help us know what it's like to have to shovel 8 times in a 24 hour period and listen to incompetency on the radio in terms of why the streets were plowed...but the next biggest deal it caused was the cave in of that there old Metrodome.

In big-worldly news...well, the things that come to mind are being glad the miners escaped. Nice to know that a potential tragedy was curbed. It was like baby Jessica all over again. Except with a bunch of Chilean Adults. With all the recession/housing/polictical shit talking, I hope people remember the big ticket deal- The frickin' oil spill. (Starting 4/10) The analogy about us "fucking" the Earth and the Earth getting back aside, it was one of the largest catastrophe's to affect the coastline...ever. If people would spend five minutes figuring out ways to help clean up who aren't glued to reality TV or named Kevin Costner then I think the world might start to be a better place.

Okay, okay...calm down. Anything else?

Yup. I spent a lot more time with family this year. And I think I've maintained the course in terms of my relationship with my girl.


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