Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Directions! Welcome!

Hiya! Welcome to HappyChristmasBaby, or welcome back as the case may be. I've been making spartan posts these last few years and I hope to change that in order to drudge up some new readers and focus on what is important- My ever changing stupid view on our world, Minnesota, and my place in it. The content won't be changing too much- You'll still get my doofy opinions, I'm bound to offend, I will make many spelling errors, and this won't be horribly exciting to those who don't know me (I'm hoping to change that)


I'll be focusing on things in smaller, bite-sized portions! In an attempt to make your lives more enriched they will be areas that make me happy, drive me nuts, and mostly are points of interest that I feel a stronger thought-base and will make for a an entertaining read. Eventually-meaning sooner rather than later- I'll be reverting to Tumblr or Wordpress etc. which will give me the ability to categorize the content so that you can skip the bits you don't like or care for and read what you do enjoy. (Kind of like the folks who circle their cereal bowl to focus on the marshmallows in their Lucky Charms versus the tasteless bits)

Areas will include:

Daily observations and personal jibba/jabba- This is the part where I say something like "Does anyone else want to own a custom made baseball jersey that says "Warlock" on the back? Or "Watch the faces of other drivers when they roll through a stop sign...it looks something like this:" (Inserts wacky self-portrait via the digital camera I received for Christmas.)

Originally, I was going to resume posting the crap about being unemployed which makes spending time on this baby wonderful. HOWever (fingers crossed) that may very well change soon. I hope. : (

Food/Home/Garden- Here, you'll find the projects I've been working on or starting around the house (i.e. the great bathroom sink debacle) garden status (guess what? There are GARLIC NUBBINS!) Cooking disasters (I may or may not title it "Crap I make with what I have in the pantry") Restaurant reviews/opinions (Did you know what I learned at Meritage? That if you 86 the tarragon from bernaise sauce? You get Hollandaise. No lie. Their fries are crack)

Working out/Running/Karate/Health- Like it hasn't been trampled to death, I'm taking my race training more seriously this year, in addition to weight training. I've also made a goal w/'Fu to start putting more time into getting the black belt I've put off for the last 10 years or so.

Theater shite- I just closed "Joseph" out in Ah-No!-Kah and will be starting 12 Angry Homeslices in about a week. Here you'll find theater mumbo/jumbo and the ilk.

Movie Reviews/Netflix/Nerd Ravings/Pop Culture hoo-ha- Readers Digest condensed movie reviews will live here, plus salivations regarding upcoming geeky film events. I have a feeling Moda will give this one some distance. Just sayin'.

Reality TV/Professional Sports/Politics- Are. You. F#cking. Kidding me?

There it is, kids. I'll be regurgitating some ideas here that I've been typing up so there'll be boo-too stuff to keep you occupied. For my two subscribers, hello. For new readers, I hope you'll enjoy this. For Mom- I'm sorry.

Feel free to comment, frassers...


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