Friday, December 24, 2010

Yeah, yeah...(Sticks tongue out)

Busy, Busy, Busy. Okay? With Halloween, followed immediately by a new gig, followed by auditions (you heard me. It's been too long to post on my dumb blog without a grand theater identifier) I've been swamped. I barely have enough time to find scrubbed p0rn online. Sheesh.

To nutshell-

Great. I barely got my costume finished in time (thanks, mom) meaning by about 9pm when there were barely any kids any more anyway. We had a good turn out, good scares, and holy shitballs I'm happy to be done "making" the decorations. Next year should be a piece of cake just to throw the shit up instead of having to cut/build/sew/blah.

New Jobb'ed!
I won't lie to you. Despair is a very real and animate thing. Even if you're a posing positive patty like I am, the wiggling niggling of fear stays lurking at the periphery. I'd like to attribute some of the more positive events that have occurred on hard work and perseverance but I'd like to think that other factors played in. Example- On about 10/17 (Happy birthday, Mom!) I quit drinking. I wanted to see if that would positively affect my energy (and checkbook) and for better or worse, it did. 2 days later I scored and interview. I was hired the following day.


So now I'm a rep in Variable Annuities New Business. It seems like a good fit, and it's been satisfying to be able to send emails to the contacts at the temp agencies saying "Um...I now have a job. Thank you." (I can't type the undercurrent of animosity. My laptop would fizzle out. Sufficed to say, my opinion of them has diminished significantly)

Another thing I decided to do during my moments of clarity, was to see what was out there theatrically. A few shows popped up and I said "Eff it. Let's go". The musical was...funny. Funny b/c I haven't done a musical in, oh, 7 years. And it isn't like my forte' or anything, I just knew what I wanted to play- and got it. Eff. Yes. A few weeks ago, there was another gig that was going up in '11 that looked promising. Having been produced 6 years ago, I loved the show and it was fortuitous that I figured now I'm old enough to play the younger parts. Any way, more info on those two mama-jamma's later.

The movie that has (felt) like it's been going on for months came to a close (finally) The finished product is good. Really good. I just wish I didn't look like a puffy pancake. (Seriously. That's a lot of puffy water-retained face to see on the big screen. Eep) A full length version should be airing soon on the public access stations in Stipples. Pip.

Blah blah blah, running, blah blah blah , lifting weights, blah blah blah karate. I'm sore.

And old. Someone has a big-kid birthday coming up tomorrow. How the heck about that?

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