Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The I.V's, take 4


This year I did it right. I went with the good Torcher folks so that I actually had a theatre company to sit with. (Rather than we dolefully sit in back making the occasional snarky comment and nipping from our flasks) We hit Solera before hand, then skidaddled over to the theatro for the actual shindig. And it was okay. Thoughts? (Opinions, please)

Buddy...you were so right to wear the hipster pop culture-y t-shirt and tux this year versus full out formal wear/dress suit. Sure, you're about 10 years out of date with the look and you own 6 or 7 tux coats...but f#ck that. You at least could maintain a modicum of cool when it was a veritable sauna (again) inside.

Hosts...quit talking about yourself. And your show. You're from LA and NY respectively. The TC has to have some representation.

Again, we enjoyed 25% of the acts. The remaining 75% caused hand holding, squinting, flask groping, eye rolls, sidelong glances, runny nose, fever, and erectile dysfunction. Per normal, BNW puts out the most crowd pleasing act. Thank you. And thank you Dudley Riggs.

The kids...at least they relegated the kids act to one this year. But still...it was the finale' and it was from a show that...aw f#ck it...I left so I could beat the rabble to the after party. Moda...she...she didn't make it...I couldn't...I couldn't save her.

The faux paparazzi? Ugh. I get that they're trying to create this glamorous atmosphere but really? We're stage actors. We usually make a pittance and not 7 figure contracts plus residuals and a percentage of the gross. And it reminded me of this gig. http://happychristmasbaby.blogspot.com/2008/03/huh.html
And seriously, dude? Take the lens cap off your prop camera.

The models...the f#cking modelling show. Can we...ugh. Can we not do that next year? 4 years running it has been the LEAST favorite part of the after party. It leaves everyone with a bad taste in their mouths and pumps the breaks on the evening.

Otherwise...I love dressing up for this thing. I love hanging out with the TC Theatre community. Hanging with folks who have the mutual sense of purpose. Of desire to create. (Poncey little git, aren'tcha P?) Of the hugs, kisses, and smartness which is (We) who brought our flasks in lieu of buying pricey cocktails ($5.50 for tonic and a diet coke? Sorry, nope. Think if there was actually BOOZE in them?)

And the afterparty at Moda's? Kicked ass. And Gremlin? F#ck yes. I screamed. We all did.

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