Friday, August 01, 2008


In my interest of only being a part-time luddite, I started joining "social networking" sites about 2 years ago. (Blogger notwithstanding...that was originally started to frass about homebonership...LJ was for personal frass, and then I was reminded that everyone and their kitteh was on Myfrass, Frasster, and the newest: Frassbook)

So I joined, joining the millions of folks who enjoy keeping tabs on their buddies or simply like to measure their status based on the number of peeps they can "friend". (As a testament to my inability to touch these sites at work, I've narrowed down my daily visits to Frassbook and Myfrass...Frasster comes in dead a$$ last)

So weird things happen on these places, adding fuel to my normal luddite tecknolojickal feerz...

1st- I've been "found" by a number of peeps in my youth. Meaning, waaaaaay back childhood. Like, folks who were infants when I moved out of my home the first time back in 1993- Founded me. Not to mention old S.O.'s who have moved on and started families on their own. Like I said...weird.

2nd- Someone threw a sheep at me.

Wait...Okay, so yeah I get it. First you get "poked" (which, for some reason, illicits laughs from yours truly b/c I always turn it into a double entendre. It's a high school joke that...nevermind) So "Suzy Q has poked you! Poke her back!" or "Bill Pants wants you to join the group 'If you mix 'Star Wars' and 'The Grapes of Wrath' you will have a recipe for greatness!"... So you get my point. I've been poked, prodded, scratched, spat on...I half expect to log in and have it say "Tom R. peed in your fridge! Did you want to pee in his tureen?" And the groups! "So and So just joined 'Watching Rocky Balboa makes me want to take on the world!'" or "Blah de Bloo just joined 'Zombie Fetishest's are Misunderstood"...


And then some MF threw a sheep at me.

Sometimes teh interwebz gets a little to weird for even me.

1 comment:

momo said...

Thank you for finally writing this blog. It's hilarious.