Thursday, July 17, 2008

You know you're getting old when...

You're getting your hair cut and the stylist starts tugging on a fine clear hair growing OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF YOUR FOREHEAD!!! (I said that I was going through my unicorn phase) I asked her kindly to leave it be but it was all like "Nooooo, no I'll get it!" Like she was doing me a favor.

And then she asked if I'd like my white eyebrow hairs plucked. (PAI MEI...I AM IT!) I drew the line, citing that they made me look wise.


SPEAKING of old, I'd like to wish a happy belated bloggy berfday to my big brother: RSVP! I spent Sunday (his actual B'day) at his place chasing my nephew (Who is now ambulatory, able to reason, and enjoys running full tilt with his x-foils locked in attack position), my parents dog, and eating grilled goodness. Awesome. I usually note his birthday with some embarrassing story, but really...what's there to say about a guy who was run over by a bus when he was in senior high?

And if I had a scanner, I'd post a picture of him posing in his mesh crop-top shirt. Boo-ya.

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