Friday, August 01, 2008


That's right, bitca's! The 2008 Minneapolis Fringe Festival is in full swing, and if you love theater then you owe it to yourself to turn off "So You Think You Can Frass", drag your butts outside, and take in some shows! But first, I must turn your attention to some peemping:
No Refunds Theatre Company is re-mounting their fall show which had a successful run at the Bryant-Lake Bowl: "Sun Tzu's The Art of War". Come see yours truly and the rest of the ninja's as we tell the tale of war and strategy, and it's relevance to today's current events. There is also a Mambo. (Seriously, this is a really funny show that I am most proud of) More information is available at:
See a endorsement with an attached online review here:
See Mattso Boomer's and Mr. Charlie's (The writers) Interview on MPR:
(btw- It isn't bad kung fu. Clearly they haven't seen the show yet. hiiiiiYA)
Or, check out the Fringe Festival show selection (For there are many, many good looking shows this year) at:
Go now! Rarig! Opening Sunday night! Your stupid will turn to smart!!!

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