Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Winter blooze...

(Courtesy's 9 most Bad-Ass Bible Versus...which again, made me laugh out loud at work.)
Okay, so yesterday I quick like a bunny checked the weather since I noticed the frost gathering on my stairwell window and sure enough- it was FOUR degree's with a TEN BELOW windchill.
It just feeeeeels like it's getting (not just) colder than previous Fall/Winter's when I could jog in shorts until mid-December. I chattered a bit on the drive to and from work, angry that my hands were hurting and I would have to forgo a jog before company arrived.
Company was had (Fon-Do night. Who knew? FeeJ, Mags, Moda, D-Baby, 'Lis, CRT, and eventually Lars showed up. I provide the shelter-They provide the booze N' niblets. Deeeeelish.) and when I took out the trash? Yup. Still reeeeeeally nipply.
So this morning, bloated and stuffed from wine and cheese fondue I find my long undies in the dark (Noticing in the bathroom that I looked like a lumpy sausage stuffed into its casing by an amateurish butcher...I mean they were TIGHT! Like, compression panty hose for varicose vein sufferer's...only momentarily realizing that they were a size x-tra small that were grabbed by accident and have found a place crammed at the back of my undiepant drawer for YEARS!)
I threw on my thick-gray zippered cardigan, busted out my 12 year old Columbia jacket worn only on the truly frigid mornings, thick gloves, scarf, and head wrap...loaded up my satchel with soup and prepared myself to truly enjoy the warmth my coffee would bring...stepped outsiiiide...
Huh. It doesn't feeeeeel as cold as yesterday. And sure enough, news and weather announces that it's almost 30 degrees out with practically no wind. Practically balmy.
And so, I drove to work with the heat off. Sweating. With the window cracked. So now I'm an over dressed sausage sitting at my desk.
Wart. The. Fork.

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