Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Weird...cute, but weird...

What I thoooought I overheard my co-worker say was "Scuttle Butt Muffin Tops"...

But she was really referring to this:

"Cuddle Bug Muffin Hats". We're having this informal competition, see? We post as our desktop wallpaper pictures of our respective nephew (moi) and her grandkids (Of which, there are triplets) I was currently leading the way with him hulking out at the pumpkin patch and have continued to lead the way with "Pirate Baby" in his crib ("Yar...don't be tryin' ta take me binky...yar...") But now, b/c the triplets don't have hair, she's resorted to cheating by ordering cuteness pie hats off the web.

I will not be defeated.

1 comment:

momo said...

Um, honey? Did you happen to poke around that site at all? Did you happen to see one of their other little gems, called...wait for it...the Cuddle Bug Diaper Cake?


People with babies are so weird.