Monday, July 09, 2007

Two to grow on:

First, this represents one side of the two sided shelf which housed the sauces that were Heiss. Note the "Danger" sign. I opted for one of the few sauces that didn't have a warning label requesting that you make sure it doesn't come in contact with your skin. The way I see it, if it's so hot that it diminishes the flavor? The sauce is useless, and you wind up loosing the feeling in your mouth. And that's if you're lucky. Recall the story of my buddy Adam, who topped his steak dish at El Meson with "Ass in the Tub Hot Sauce". He lost his hearing for about 25 minutes) If you look at the first bottle on the second shelf down (The reddish cap with the white top) that's mine. It's supposed to look like a Santa hat.) Directly below that and to the right in the photot is a bottle with what appears to be Mardi Gras beads. That's the "Show yer T#t's" brand hot sauce. Not that the two have even a remote connotation. I held the bottle up over my head for nearly a minute and it didn't do a dang thing. Well, the Abuela that was running the counter put a suspicious hand near the hem of her shirt...but that was all. Close call, that.

And here is the infamous flat tire. We carefully took her up to the corner Chevron station where I valiantly attempted resuscitation to no avail. After the free emergency Mavis roadside assistance showed up, he recommended that we take it to "Chip's Tire's" on Monday a.m. Chip was an affable man. Skinny, pepper gray handle bar mustache to match his hair. Tinted specs. Pall Mall hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Barking orders and running around like a man half his age. He delegates tire patching detail to one of his employees who after a cursory glance discovers the culprit: A well placed nail. The head of the thing looked like it was the size of a dime. Our tire didn't stand a chance. One quick patch and we were off like a prom dress.

And While we were frassin' in the Tire store wait area...working our crossword with gusto ("Quick! What's a 16 letter word for a 1988 movie starring Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenburg,") , this man who was from NYC was audibly talking to (I presume) HIS insurance agency or roadside service. He made this big deal about being from NY, loudly announcing it to the person on the phone's recieving end AND to the Tire store patron's. ("WHAT? YEAH'S. THAT'S RIGHT, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK CITY, NY...WHAT'S IT TO YA? EHHHH, YEAHYEAHYEAH DESE GUYS ARE GREAT.")

People amaze me. They really do.

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