Friday, July 13, 2007

Happiest of Happy's!!!

To big bro' RSvP!!! The new daddy-o is celebrating the 13th anniversary of his 21st Birthday, and to celebrate I'm skipping out early to have a lil' lunchable's with him. No embarrassing stories will accompany today's happy blog, although the other day when I was driving home from work I remembered the time he got run over by a bus...

That'll bake your noodle, won't it? "What??? The master ninja was attacked by a deadly ninja school bus? Say it ain't so?!?!?!" Nope. True story. This was before his training, you see. Nowaday's, those school buses wouldn't stand a chance. Hiiiiii KEEBA!!!

Other famous Cancer-ites sharing their b'day's with big brother include Picard, Han Solo, and the dude that directed "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", and my buddy KH. (Happy birthday, gorgeous)

So shout out, email, call, frass and wish the bestest role model you could ask for a happy birthday!!!


momo said...

Happy birthday Roman, you old so-and-so!

Portana said...

Oooo...Mr Smooth is having his birthday! Many fine wishes to him. Sadly I wish I could say he is of the older generation...*sigh* stupid chronological age order.

Roman said...

Mr. Smooth?
