Monday, July 09, 2007

Hi. Aloha. Mazel Tov. We're back now. Alive. Barely. I won't spare you all the gory details. Maybe I'll cut/tag them into episodic LJ entries. Maybe I'll just make a mini-book that can accompany the DVD footage we shot while tripping on the road. Sufficed to say, it was a helluva a trip and I'm already going into post-trippy depression. Some highlights:
1 flight into Denver with a SCREAMING pampie right behind our ears for 1.5 hours. (Mo was upset that she didn't bring a taser. That child was Chucky and Damian all rolled up into one. It was his evil eyebrows.)
We logged 1,540 miles on the borrowed Ford Focus.

Hit 3 states.

Met a hippy with a lisp at the Hostel. ("I am the offith!")

17 margarita's. (Part of our half-assed itinerary was to find the perfect margarita. I tell you what, it was NOT the margie they served in Eagle Nest, CO at the Historic Grand Vault Saloon and Inn. Cheap bastards. At least it served as the "quirky bar" we wanted to visit)

15 different kind of brew pub pale ales.

One "Half" Litre of Jack.

One "Half" Litre of Morgans.
Eating more different versions of beans and tortilla's than you'd want to eat and be in the same room as another human being. Prrrrrt.

1 flat tire fixed by Chip the magical tire guy.

1 retarded Mikey thinking that a jog in 109 degree heat with 0 humidity was a good idea in Moab. (As well as an uphill jog at 8,000 feet above sea level in Santa Fe)

A burning desire to relocate to Durango, CO (While we're young. We had the best breakfast there) or Santa Fe, NM when we're older. (We danced with the hippies in town square, pausing to realize that we were probably the next youngest demographic by 20 years)

5 different hikes of varying intensity- ranging from a leisurely 2 mile putter around the Canyonlands, to an intense 4.5 mile hike that went from 8,000 to 9,010 feet, then down. Then right back up again. (And some mo-fo was jogging it! With his pregnant wife! Nootz to them!)

A deranged multiple-personality disordered tour guide at Mesa Verde named "Ranger Jo" She was a trippy lady. She kept channelling "Grandfather". "Grandfather, will you tell us why?!?!"/(Back to herself) "Girl? You don't wanna know"

In all that, we managed to sneak in both a sushi night in Santa Fe (The owners appreciated my lame attempts at Japanese. Kampei indeed) and Thai food whilst parked in Denver on our last night.

Then I got home and found out that my water heater is busted. Flooding the basement. Again.
At least he kept the lawn watered. It's greener than my nabes, anyway.

Hi guys. It's great to be home. I missed my city. And my roommate. And my kitty...

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