Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time to breath a collective siiiiiigh.

Well...I don't think I got the noble beaver gig. Dag.

The weekend was too toooooo busy, but remarkably enjoyable. It all started on Thursday night into Frrrrriday.

I took a little half day so that I could get home and nap/pop a couple of IB's before the show. We were blessed with good crowds nightly, and the biggest surprise was that 'Bean, AL, Rusty, Portana, and RSvP came out to see us on Friday night. (I shouldn'ta turned my back on RSvP though. One second I was talking to AL, the next he was charmin' Marvin the crowd. Folks, he's been doing this to me since I was in the 8th grade. Frass! And the next moment he was throwing hook kicks over Matty-boom boom's head. In nice dress slacks. My mother would be mortified. I just thought it was cool that he could do'em w/o stretching out first.) Party foul of the evening was that I ripped out the crotch of my jeans while stretching and exacerbated it during fight call. I mean, it was already frayed quite a bit. I just didn't expect my bits to have so much...exposure.

Afterwards, we mosey'ed on over to Dorajar's for a small intimate gathering...and I proceeded to eat my weight in chocolate espresso truffles and cheese. I also got into an argument with Sciple regarding the name of the brutish robot Neanderthal that was the arch-nemesis of Super Joe Commando's Adventure team. (He was absolutely positive it wasn't in the GI Joe canon, and I had too much wine to effectively Google the stupid thing. And I know you wanna know what we nerd-burgers were talking about:


Sats...well I just didn't sleep in like I shoulda. I got up, split with Dorajar and went home to frass around for a bit. (Read: Clean) hadda brief dinner, did another show (Heisse Carl from work, LSA+Tim, Tootchie, etc. I just realized that I could totally be getting my days and audience members mixed up) And Gabpril. At this showza, Chowie's weefie took some awesome pics which I'll post like toast when I get a copy of the CD. Afterwards I went to a HUGE old party at Redwright's, frassed, talked 7th grade politic with Frank, met "The Baron", and again...stayed up way. Too. Late. Snnxxkzzk

Sunds..MAMA's day (Where our illustrious scoundrel was unable to contact his mother, since she and papa-san were in...Lisbon? I think?) Went jogging with Dorajar nice N early before she split to hang with her mama. Attempted another omelette brefkist for myself (With the accompanying veggie sausages and whole wheat English muff-muff. The egg turned out all right, but broke in mid-flip. Frass!!!!!)

It was a great final show in terms of audience-age. KWT and clan were there, as was Phyllis and her mama...so we were guaranteed the most raucous and unique sounding laughter throughout the show (Including the heaviest laughter during the more obscure theatrical references) For yours truly it was a so-so show. Even with 800 mgs of IB, I was at the Zenith of pain in terms of soreness. I f#cked up my kip-up for the first time during the run, I f#cked up the Wizard fight (Again) And in spite of a tutorial from Robby on how to do a helicopter safely & correctly? I managed one rotation before my body just...stopped.

Post show, all the usual infirmaries were there. In addition to re-opening all of my cuts on my foot (And bleeding over my white gi pants) my arms and back started to go numb. And while I was bummed that the show was over (And that my kids didn't show up. ) I knew that a much needed recovery was necessary. See? I'm gonna listen to my body! Don't wanna risk over-training and cause permanent damage, y'know? I wanna get mileage out of the old carcass, and I'd DEFinitely be unable to train at the best of my abilities when I'm injured.

Yeah. What?

Anyway, post show I hit the Tower with some castmates (W/Dorajar and X coming later) where we frassed/listened to bad music (Seriously. To the a$$hat who thought that a Green Day marathon was a good idea? Eat me.) and discussed awful performance art. After we left I ran into the Fabulous Former Fringe director and her hubby, Rik, Foster, etc. where I found out she was at the show as well! Well awesome blossom.

I showered and napped while Morajar made stinky veggie wraps, we read about Moab (I read my script) then headed to hot tubville before hitting the cop bar for karaoke goodness. I don't think that I've laughed that hard in a while- Specially with Carlton singing "Ape Man", Mo doing interpretive dance behind Carol-ton singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart", and 'Bean rocking out some AC/DC. Well scratch that. Some Archie Bunker looking dude sang some Shaggy...And we alllll stared.

Bed. Again. Late.

So to all the folks who missed the show...well to quote the Wizard "ha HA!" You missed out. Fiends.

1 comment:

Roman said...

I only talked to your friends because I haven't seen AL in forever and your other friend had the coolest baby-doll t-shirt ever. "Drink till he's cute"

That's just awesome.

And Dawson deserved to get kicked in the head. He was wearing a helmet. It's not my fault.