Monday, May 07, 2007

Proud O' my kids...

Oooooo, so many posts in one day? Making up for lost time, are we? Pbblbhbsppbblssst!

So, I begrudgingly went out to the High School for rehearsal this last Saturday. To say I was not looking forward to it would be an understatement. I was still wicked tired and trying to catch up from sleep deprivation due to midnight movie showing. (Yeah, yeah...I danced, and now I have to pay the piper. I don't remember it taking so long to recover from getting off my normal schedule!)

I was sore, and feeling severely under-worked out as well as being incapable of getting up outta bed to even jog.

I wanted to go frass around the farmer's market, but couldn't.

No, instead I had put it in my mind that I was going to spend the better part of the morning through the late afternoon (Ugh, before needing to speed my ass back home to grab dinner early enough to not feel "full" before the show...) Pure optimism, right here.

What I got was a surprise... for a couple things.

1- The kids were milling around in their gi-costumes and I had to give them a belt-tying tutorial. (Too funny)

2- The fights. Okay, to be sure they aren't martial artists. Cool? But they were up their sellin' it, kung-fu'ing each other. I mean like they'd really really worked on the stuff I'd shown them. For the first time I could just watch and let'em go. (And props to my Ophelia who sells things like nobodies business)

3-Subsequently, I was able to clean up/add some bits in order to bring the funny.

4- I had forgotten that Polonius still didn't know how to do Tornado kicks. (Something I was reluctant to show him and deliberately left it out of the 'Ography to put in something more tertiary for him) He balked and said he at least wanted to try to learn it. Okay, cool. So I gave him the footwork he needed to "travel" and promised to work it later...which I didn't remember doing. So I gave it to him and bless his heart he gave it a whirl. He's no Walker, but he got the jist of it. So it stays.

So yeah. If you're free this Thursday/Friday/Saturday (NO FORGIVENESS FOR YOU IF YOU MISS "GMIKFTH"!!!) , in the North Eastery suburbs, and have $6 lying around go support my kids. They're working their butts off.

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