Friday, March 02, 2007

Bill Murray has accepted my friendship on "Mystalker"...I can die happy now.

"Yes, your's true. This man has no dick"

ION. I'm home. After close to a 85 minute commute from Woodbury, I stayed in. I shovelled my front 3 times. (Once "full out". The other two were just to make foot paths to my car) I went to bed early. Got up uber-early. Called the ol' workski "weather line" that said "WE OPEN!", and promptly thought to myself: "F#ck the hell outta you". And called in. After lying in bed dreaming about work costume parties where I'm wearing the camo-pants from "KFH", and having them tear open for some reason, revealing everything up to my underpants. I'm sent home from work, but ultimately get stuck in my car. Cold winter air blowing into my torn trousers. And I'm craving a bloody mary. I woke up to my roommate POUNDING on my door saying "SNOW EMERGENCY IN 10 MINUTES! YOU'RE GONNA WANNA MOVE YOUR CAR!!!"


So we go out and shovel around our vehicles, RE-shovel the walk (4x's now) which has accumulated another 10 inches overnight. Help a few poor people get "un-stuck" (Seriously folks...ROCK your car. Don't just put it in drive and try to go. It won't. Work.) And shovel another section of snow on the "odd" side of the straSSe in order to park my car so that it doesn't find herself stuck as well.

Karma Boo-Foo'ed me when I got undressed out of my wet and snowy duds. I was running upstairs when BOOM hit my left foot on something and when I looked down ("Damn...I have hairy toes!") and I was bleeding like a sieve. After warshing it off, I somehow managed to take a chunk out of the top of my middle toe- So after trimming the, skin. (Sorry) and coating it with liquid skin?

Heck, I feel like a new man!

No plans this weekend outside studying. Y'all should stay inside if you can. This weather is re-dick.


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