Friday, March 23, 2007

Age 12 revisited...

The a.m. conversation. Overheard at "The Coffee Kiosk". Little old woman from Mutual Funds and her little buddy. Both being very eco-consious, they brought their own silver and black coffee mugs to have them filled.

I'm distracted, concocting the perfect cream/sugar mix and so my back is to them. Got the visual?

Cashier: "Oooooooo, yours is bigger than his"
Lady: "Oh, not by much. Mines long and skinnier and his is a little shorter but thicker around"
Cashier: "Well I guess your right. Is that good? Did I get it all in there?"
Lady: "Oh yes. I think you filled it up"

I might be "in a mood", as the case may be (When am I ever really not?) But I really can't make this s#it up.

1 comment:

GW said...

*Giggles* That is priceless!