Monday, February 12, 2007


No. Real time eulogy here. It's been settling in over the course of the day. I just found out today that an actor that I performed with in "Henry V" back in January 2005 was killed in an auto accident by a drunk driver. He was a good kid. Really a good kid. We'd frass backstage before our entrances. He was funny, charming, a little crazy (Always a good sign) and had a smattering of interest in the arts that were martial. More stuff to BS about. He'd tease me about stupid things like how much I talked, going so far as to leaving a loooooong drunk message on my voicemail one night during a cast party I ditched (Back when I was ditching parties left and right) "Tell me one of your stoooooories...HAR HAR". You might recognize the kid from the TI casino commercials where he "challenged the cop to a drag race" (They play it on loop at the 'Dome. Coincidentally enough, that was an audition which was one of the last times I saw him.)

He'd moved out to LA to pursue the dream, and was coming home from a film shoot when it happened. He was 24 years old.


So. Sorry to come back after radio silence with the bad news, but if you are with a loved one...give'em a hug.

Peace, CeeK's. You'll really be missed. You were one helluva talented kid.

1 comment:

Shinobi-wan said...

raising my glass
for words I can not find
to fit a life
I never knew