Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feels good...

So good good good. Things are well. Well-ish. I still need to start working more dilligently on studying for my 6...however I just received some good news-

No Refunds'll be performing in this years "Five Fifths of the Fringe" in April. For the uninitiated, this means they take a piece of classic theatre/film and chop it up in to 5 bits. Handing out sections to 5 different theatre companies to present their particular "Take" on the material. Previous years have had "5/5ths of the Godfather" and "5/5ths of Casablanca"...ah hell, read all about it here:

This year..."The Wizard of Oz". I have no idee how they gonna kung fook that shite up. What I do know is that you need to be concerned when you get an email from Matty-boom-boom saying "Would you be willing to learn the Chinese Long Sword?"

Noooo. Noooo, stop. No really. I can't. Seriously. Just...leave the guilt out..okay. Fine. I'll learn the stupid sword.

I really hate this shit, can you tell?

Annnnnd, they're fixing to do a remount of "GMIKFTH" in May. Cool. I might even get a chance to be behind the mike this time around. (How funny'd that be, one of the "voices" actually getting into a fracas.) Funny how what started as only a one night fundraiser turns into a two week run. They ain't got no mama. Truthfully, It'll be nice to extend the run. I don't think that neeeearly enough folk got out to see it the 1st time around. 'Course, that means handing my own a$$ to myself for two to three weekends. (Sighs) I'm gonna buy stock in advil.

What this also means is stepping up training. (Which started slowly after "Lootie Patootie") I've started getting up all ripe and early and wailing on ze muscles. Stretching out doubly in the a.m. and p.m. as well as, Lord help me- Trying to work my way up to sitting in a deeeeeep horseback riding stance for one minute intervals. Running again starts Friday. (And thank goodness for the weather warm up.) Actually, the old bodski is feeling better. I was anticipating boo-too soreness but so far, so good.

ION- She who is a girl that is a friend that resides in secret asked if I'd audition for she and the Mann. ("Macbeth" be the play. Fall be the season she runs. Did I just turn into a fucking pirate? Yar!) Gotta callback which is also awesome blossom. Read for the same roles I played when I did the show up in the 'Cloud back in '99. I won't lie, I'd love to do the show. Hell, I'd like to do some great Shakespeare again. ( with Redwright, LSA, KWT, and the aforementioned Super Secret GF. Working with really talented people makes me want to get better as an actor.) I'll hear yay oder nay when she gets back. In the meantime, I ain't finna hold my bref.

That is all. Hope everyone had a quiet, relaxing, and productive "Singles Awareness Day". (Dorajar and I 86'ed our original plans for a nice night out and subbed wine, AWESOME take out Thai, and "SFU". We're on season 5. I can almost see the light)

Oh..."Chai Thai" on cedar is a hidden gem. Cheap eats (Almost every menu item is under $9)

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