Thursday, February 15, 2007

Better get these out quick.

Once again, weird dreams ruled the night-

1st one was SR, myself, and the guy who does the scheduling here at my office all sitting around and planning Torch's '07/'08 season. No idea where that one came from.

2nd bit- Sitting around, frassin' online w/Dorajar and I get a Myspace friend request from this guy who an ex dumped me for. Dora asked whether or not I'd accept him and I told her "only on the condition that I can tear out his heart"...(Yikes. Let's get those issues to a happy place, buddy) Then Dora told me that she accepted him as a friend, and that love and peace are and should be unconditional. I told her I still wouldn't, since principal and character were more important to me.

3rd bit...swimming in a shark tank. I know, I know...this completely makes no sense since I have a f#cked up unnatural fear of sharks. But there I am in this salty tank. I see little sharks (No bigger than 4-5 feet long) They look like dog or nurse sharks. Not maneaters. The trainers are floating nearby for safety and telling us how to handle them. I look down and tearing ass up is one of the sharky's that clamps itself down on my hand. It doesn't hurt, per se. The trainer's keep hitting it on the side, hoping it'll get the hint that I'm not plankton. Finally another swimmer comes over and pries it's jaw loose. It swims off, but only to come tearing ass back to clamp down on my hand.

4th bit...I flew again. I love dreams where I fly. It isn't so much that I'm pulling a Superman, but it's almost like swimming in air. (Pulling myself up like I'm doing a butterfly stroke) This time I flew through an ornate theatre, periodically needing to duck to avoid hitting my head on the balcony....

The 1st bit I know is embedded in the fact that I auditioned for her company last weekend. So that's there. Why the scheduling dude showed up, I have no idea.

2nd bit, probably has to do with this weird influx of ex-gf's finding me on myspace. And that I found a nude pic of an ex (Who cheated on me with 5 dudes) when I was downstairs digging through my picture box last weekend.

3rd bit, was b/c of this:

Wiki led me there after I was reading an article on Urban Legends. They chum. You snorkel (Or if you are scuba certified, get dropped a few feet) shark passes the cage. "Cage goes in the go in the cage...Sharks in the water....Farewell, and you old Spanish Lady..." Even if I had the $1,500 per day they charge...I'd like to tender a hardy "Fuck No" maybe.

The 4th? Fuck, who knows. I should get a prescription for Adoral or Ritalin or some ADHD drug...

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