Friday, April 28, 2006


Has this week drug by for anyone else? Like...molasses going uphill in the winter slow?

Thought so.

Crap, I'm about to frass about LAST weekend when THIS weekend pretty much starts today. It always frasses me up when I hear ahead of time that the weather is going to be shite for the next three days. Oh well. My tulips need it. Annnnnnd that makes me sound really gay. ("Really P? I thought it was when you said 'Gee, I like it when balls are in my face'...I thought that made you sound really gay")

So last weekend my friend YND came into town from LA so I had a little bbq for he and Jabas. We were later joined by Mopes, Brandino, Carlton, and even Grimes popped over for some frassing (And oh how I frassed. I'm a pretty big douchebag when it comes into getting argumentative over hot button topics. I really need to shup in a big bad way. Really. Could you act like a bigger dork in front of guests? This, folks, is yet another reason why I avoid politically charged discussions. One- I just don't like'em. Two? I come across sounding like an uninformed & argumentative douche. ) Question of the night from YND? "Who's that hot Asian chick you're standing next to in the picture?" Yeah MD, he was frassin' 'bout you.

Other than that, (and the fact that I, ohhhh, grabbed the red hot handle on my fire pit creating a HUGE blister on my hand) the night was wonderful. I love small gatherings and grilling. (Cautiously optimistic) This...could be the start of a great summer.

Sunday? That's right, pampers...Lawn frass. And oh, how the 'Bean and I frassed. I moved approximately 700 lbs. of black dirt (That's about 3 trips to Home Duh-Pot in my little Saturn. Please. Can someone be impressed? That is a shit-ton of topsoil, yo) We were both stripped to our waists in a vain attempt to get a little sun. After all that manual labor, I was getting pretty tired and still hadda go see a softball game. After staining the new wooden catbox (Thx, Minnaportana) I sat out on the stoop with my celebratory beer. Hm. That was pretty good. I think I'll have another. Dorajar calls me to see what my afternoon pursuits were, and I knew that after all that lawn frassin' I was gonna need a nap.

This was at 4:30.

Cut to 7:30 and Baby P waking up to his cell phone ringing with the text message "Longest nap in the history of naps?" Oops. One too many.

We next cut to the week. "Woman in Mind"...awesome.
Cast in "Blackbeard, for Instance" this summer. Awesome awesome.
Cocktails with Mopes at "Psycho Suzi's" and deeeeeeep conversation. Enlightening.
Annnnnnd...did I miss anything? Nope. Just a long ass week. (Oh, karate for buddies and working out. Christ, you're a dork)

Mostly, it felt like a really long and stressful week. I was frassy, argumentative, and selfish. And it wasn't even a full moon.

I'm gonna need vacation, stat. Duluth trip for buddies in 2 weeks.

Or maybe I could just jump out of an airplane.
Or hit someone.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Bogarted from Fitzable

1. I'll respond with something random I like about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll name something we should do together.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or just me).
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll leave you a quote that is somehow appropriate to you.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal so you can do the same for other people.


Fuck a bunch of blogger. This shit is banana's. B A N A N A S. Won't let me post.

Rhino humps Hippo

That probably sounds weirder than actually seeing a Manhattan Toys Rhino 69'ing the MT Hippo first thing in the morning, but there you are.So I'm sitting here posting at a little past 5 in the a.m. due to a case of insomnia that hit 'round 4. I know that I've been slightly delinquent due to work keeping me fairly busy, and not that I haven't seen or done anything frassworthy. Maybe I've felt soft? Contemplative? Overwhelmed? Underwhelming? Whelma and Betty?

Let's see...Stir Farters-

Last weekend was great. I was able to get a shite ton of preliminary lawn work done and finally frassed up the thatchey mess which was my lawn. There is something truly gratifying about getting outside and getting all that work started. I hit pre-test class in BC, where I did bag drills with a kid who reeked of onions. (Seriously? Nearly made me vomit. Nothing like man funk, mixed with White Castle. Vom.) That evening I went to a BQ at the Palacio del Perry out in scenic EP where we were joined by my whole fam damnily and the 'bean. (Thanks hon. Your family is hella generous) Much food was eaten which in turn caused much stomach frass, so I was poopsbagoda by 9pm. (I’m figuring out that I need to steer clear of niblets/snacky food. Totally stuffed my self on cheese and crackers before even eating my Boca. It was an UNcomfortable nights sleep for buddies. ) Besides their overwhelming generosity, Mr. Perry deserves a "good sport" award for enduring the tirade of dad imitations. That no one else gets.

Except we nincompoops. We few. We happy few. We band of ‘poopsgaboda.

Bunny day I fuh-HI-NALLY got a chance to bust out the old go-rilla. (Thank God I still had propane. You wanna know what’s grosser than gross? Charred salmon bits from last years final barbecue. That shit took forever to clean, lemme tell ya. And the smell? Whoooo) While 'bean frassed around the house, I hit the only store in the TC metro that was open on Easter (The Wedge) and did the final touches before opening my home to Ma, Pa, Mo, and The WW clan. (Thanks for coming over, love. His F-ness was a real trooper, and it’s great y’all get along with my parents, even if they are a little eccentric.) Yet again, too much food was narfed by yours truly, but the company (again) was devine. How's that for spiritually thinking on Easter?

The rest of the week was weekable. A CB gathering on Wednesday at the Frethcastle. (Which was, to be certain, blogworthy. Bengays being tossed like pizza in the Kitch, DDR getting stomped in the attic, and two girls kissing during poker? Really, it's not all glamour...) Movies were attempted (Almost done with "Capote", really really finished "Oldboy", and I forgot to mention that I watched "Waiting" with Ry-Gonn. That movie was alllll about guys trying to show their johnson's to each other. I'm not gay, Mom...I swear. I hate Ryan Reynolds abs) I fixed a wholesome roughage fest for Dorajar (Spicy Black beans served over brown rice and topped with veggies? Fuck a bunch of pricey gasoline, I’ve got your natural fuel source blasting out of my HEY-OH!!!! Seriously. Lots of fiber in that meal) And I started taking N0-2. N0-2 is awesome, btw.
More on this last weekend later, campers.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Do you have:
(1) your own cell phone
() a television in your bedroom (Not yet)
() an iPod or three
() a photo printer
(2) your own phone line
() TiVo or a generic digital video recorder
(2.5) high-speed internet access (i.e., not dialup)
() a surround sound system in bedroom
() DVD player in bedroom see above answer
( ) at least a hundred DVDs
(3) a childfree bathroom
( 4) your own in-house office
( ) a pool
( ) a guest house
( ) a game room
(5) a queen-size bed or larger
(6) a stocked bar (Doi.)
(7) a working dishwasher
( ) an icemaker
( 8) a working washer and dryer
() more than 20 pairs of shoes
( ) at least ten things from a designer store
( ) expensive sunglasses
() framed original art (not lithographs or prints) something that a friend drew
( ) Egyptian cotton sheets or towels
(9) a multi-speed bike
( ) a gym membership
( 10) large exercise equipment at home
(11 ) your own set of golf clubs
( ) a pool table
( ) a tennis court
(12) local access to a lake, large pond, or the sea
( ) your own pair of skis
(13 ) enough camping gear for a weekend trip in an isolated area
( ) a boat
( ) a jet ski
( ) a neighborhood committee membership
( 14) a beach house or a vacation house/cabin (It’s the families)
() wealthy family members
( ) two or more family cars
(15) a walk-in closet or pantry
(16 ) a yard
( ) a hammock
(17 ) a personal trainer (I am, does that count?)
(18 ) good credit (I have debt, yes, but I’m a black belt in paying my bills)
( ) expensive jewelry
( ) a designer bag that required being on a waiting list to get
( ) at least $100 cash in your possession right now
(19) more than two credit cards bearing your name (not counting gas cards or debit cards)
(20) a stock portfolio thanks to worko
(21) a passport
( ) a horse
( ) a trust fund
(22 ) private medical insurance
( 23-ish) a college degree, and no outstanding student loans (Still TBD)

Do you:
( ) shop for non-needed items for yourself (like clothes, jewelry, electronics) at least once a week() do your regular grocery shopping at high-end or specialty stores
( ) pay someone else to clean your house, do dishes, or launder your clothes (not counting dry-cleaning)
(24 ) go on weekend mini-vacations (Road trips for buddies. I’m feeling an itch right now)
( ) send dinners back with every flaw
(25 ) wear perfume or cologne (not body spray)
( ) regularly get your hair styled or nails done in a salon
( ) have a job but don't need the money OR
( ) stay at home with little financial sacrifice
( ) pay someone else to cook your meals
( ) pay someone else to watch your children or walk your dogs
( ) regularly pay someone else to drive you in a taxi
( ) expect a gift after you fight with your partner

Are you:
() an only child
( ) married/partnered to a wealthy person
() baffled/surprised when you don't get your way

Have you:
( ) been on a cruise
(26) traveled out of the country
(27) met a celebrity
( ) been to the Caribbean
(28 ) been to Europe
() been to Hawaii
(29 ) been to New York
( ) eaten at the space needle in Seattle
(30) been to the Mall of America doi
( ) been on the Eiffel tower in Paris
( ) been on the Statue of Liberty in New York
(31) moved more than three times because you wanted to
(32 ) dined with local political figures
(33 ) been to both the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast

Did you:
( ) go to another country for your honeymoon
( ) hire a professional photographer for your wedding or party
(34) take riding or swimming lessons as a child both
( ) attend private school
( ) have a Sweet 16 birthday party thrown for you

Ganked from Rusty, 30 tings...

I am unoriginal....have at them!

1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight?Never been in a fight. I’ve had my ribs dinged pretty bad during sparring, and my bell rung far too many times
2. Most money you ever owed a utility company?Ugh, heating bills in Minnesota. For-Sucks. (I had a back payment to the Cable Company that was close to $300. Thanks old roomie.)
3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar?Never kicked. I was meeting some friends at the 90’s a couple of months ago, and the bouncer said that I was visibly intoxicated. I hadn’t even had a drink yet. Dicks.
4. Longest time you slept in a car?I passed out in my car in college. I don’t recall how long I was out, just that driving was not a good idea. When I woke up I was covered in frost. Dumbass.
5. Most f*d up nickname you've ever been given?
"Doc". I totally didn’t dig on that one. "Grower" isn’t effed up, but maybe the weirdest?
6. Worst job you ever had?Manual office labor when I was 15. Moving heavy boxes from one part of the office, to another. It was mind numbing.
7. Shortest job you've ever had?Can’t recall
8. Longest romantic relationship?3 years9. Shortest romantic relationship?Overnight?
10. Food that you would eat till you puked?Sushi, or Chinese buffet.
11. Food that even looking at makes you puke?Bar food. Wings, Cheese sticks. White Castle. (I heard them described as "steamy" before. Ish. Don’t call food steamy.) Canned mushrooms. Convenience store hot dogs. Lil’ chubs. Plastic packaged baked goods. (They need to be fresh outta the oven. Plastic wrapped pound cake? WTF)
12. What music saved your life?Tracy Chapman.
13. Person you miss the most in the world?Anyone I love who I don’t see. Family wise? The grandparents.
14. Worst movie you've ever seen?Hooooo, lately it was "Ultraviolet". Historically? I walked out of "The Witches", and nearly threw my VCR away during "Batman and Robin" and "Branagh-stein" (Ugh. Kenneth Brannagh with drawn-on abs)
15. Best movie you've ever seen?Godfather part 2. Mad acting.
16. Craziest stuff you've ever done sober?Live
17. Ever almost die?
18. Ever fistfight a member of the opposite sex?No. The one woman who perpetually goads me into fighting can kick my ass.
19. Best place you have ever lived?I love Mipples in the Springtiiiiiiime.
20. Worst place you have ever lived?After about 1 month, Western ND can suck your life away.
21. Bad habit you have.Multi Tasking. Getting my house ready for people on Sunday was like watching a keystone cop. Do I dust, wait, I need to cut up vegetables, wait, the dishes need done, wait….See? Maddening, I’m sure. That, and being really agreeable.
22. Noise that makes you want to punch people?Loud crying kids in restaurants.
23. Your favorite tattoo?I’m still giving thought into getting one that says "No". (See #21)
24. Least favorite tattoo?This one. Ick.
25. At your poorest, were you a ramen noodle or Mac and cheese aficionado?Ramen. Lower fat. Plus, Mac and Cheese takes work/milk/butter. Ramen needs water. Easy.
26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal? Oceannaire for me and the old roommie on her birthday last year. It was worth it, but had I known our later outcome I would rather have spent it on better company.
27. Best gift you ever got?I can’t recall. They are all special in there own way. Nookie usually ranks up there.
28. Best pet you ever had?The chickens were fun, but stinky.
29. Ever run from the cops?Yep. Come and get me, coppers!
30. Money or love?
Schtupping. (I’ll take love twice over, and three times on Sunday)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Ganked from Two Cherries: Write me sometime?

Dear Baby P, you have a cute______.
You make me _______.
You should _______.
Someday I will ______.
You + me =________.
If I saw you now I'd __________.
I would build a _______ just for you.
I would get your name tattooed on my __________.
If I could sing you any song it would be _________.
We could __________ under the stars.
My love for you is like that of ____________.
(P.S. ______________.)

Repost this "dear, 'your name'" and see what people say

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm thinking...

About getting a gym membership. I received a mailer from the fitness joint up the street offering reduced enrollment and it's been stewing in my craw. I checked out their website, and I started to think how much I miss my "Y" membership and the ability to use multiple machines instead of just my weightbench, dumbbells, and the city streets.


I have 2 dim son's

Wow…just, wow. This'll be a little random. Deal.

Dim sum brunches for buddies on Sunday was great. (Even though I selfishly monopolized the shark fin dumplings and Chinese broccoli) Peking Garden now has the distinction of being one of the most diverse brunch crowds I’ve ever seen. Dora and I talked about seeing African American, Indian, Chinese, and interracial families all frassin’ over the carts and enjoying the hell outta breakfast. (Honey, you should have got a bun. You know you wanted it. I know you're kicking yourself, but you know you would’ve got the "magic bun" with the squishy octopus surprise center.) If we go back it’ll be a big struggle to decide on tripe vs. pig intestine stir fry. They could just call it "Hot Dog" stir fry so as to not frass the new customers.

The restaurant had these big ol' fish tanks lining the wall, and they were filled with ginormous crabs, lobster, and eel. One eel was in this weird sun worshippy pose, prompting Adam to say: "Maybe it has an eel-rection"? Heh. And you people think I say some weird shit*? ( He’s a keeper, Melinite. Sorry that Mo and I speak a different language when we’re out in public.) And seriously, where is Mr.Eel’s schwantzengruber? Do they even have one? Is this even a blog-worthy stream of consciousness? And why is it I want to say "Eel Pout" in lieu of just saying "Eel"? I mean it isn’t like they are super unhappy about anything.

"Hey Eel."
"Hey baby P"
"You okay eel? You look kinda down."
"Oh, you know…usual stuff. Had a bad day at work yesterday"
"That’s too bad, eel. Cheer up, okay?"

Do you ever feel so weird that you sometimes weird yourself out? Maybe I’m getting weird because I’m getting older. Weird…Old. Wold? Mr. Wold was the other 2nd grade teacher at my elementary school. After "desk cleaning" day, he was doing desk check and went up to a kids desk that wasn’t clean. (He did the 2nd grade version of "defying the man" and didn’t clean out his desk. Anyway, Mr. W grabbed a corner of his desk and turned it upside down…spilling the contents all over the floor. (He was a big guy) Well, that’s really all the scandal one can find when one is 8 years old, but you bet your bippy that news traveled to Ms. K’s class toute suite. Think about shite like that happening nowadays? It wouldn’t.

Say hello to ADHD.

Sunday afternoon was manual labor at Ma and Pa’s. Get this, I was so exhausted by the end of the day I was actually nauseous. After naplets for buddies, and some nibbles as a pick me up, I headed over to Kaiser’s to watch people play poker. That’s right. I engaged in the most boring activity one can engage in. (For me anyway. But I’m pretty transparent when it comes to my dislike of cards. I liked the hanging out with buddies aspect. The actual threat of cards bores me) And I especially liked the fact that Mopes won some $ on the $10 I gave her for buy in. I didn’t like the fact that I hovered over my leftover cheese plate and annoyed the crap outta people by trying to get them to nibble. Then just ate the cheese all by myself. B/c I’m a nibbler. Say it with me: "Be a nibbler" (The frickin’ brie was so frassin’ good though)

Pernt of Review

The show was great. X has got one of the most phenomenal singing voices you can hear. (Seriously, if this kid gets out and starts doing jazz cabaret? We’re all going.) and his gay preacher had us screaming in hysterics. I was a kind of non-plussed with the costume scheme (1983 Benneton ads called…they want their sequined turquoise blazer back), and the local rags probably said it best when they said, "Some vignettes are better than others" – too true. Afterwards we hit Preston’s and then Grandma’s w/Mo’s folks, X, CC and her date who looked a helluva lot like Luke Wilson. Weird.

I narfed a Pust-created Jag Bomb in lieu of a Chard Shooter, (Mopes, your look of shock was priceless) and after kibbitzing with the TNT cast for a minute, it was home to bed.

Btw- I do get the royal asshole award for missing TNT. My fricking roommate was in it, and I can’t even get up the frickin’ time/gumption to go. I, am, a, douchebag.

But, I’m a douchebag who’ll be getting a love seat for his tv room. Finally I can watch tv the way the good lord and easter bunny meant, and not in the unromantic sexual vibrating tantric sex seats. If anyone has a line on a humongous tv that might’ve, oh, fallen off the back of a truck?

You just let this guy know.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

So I've been busy. Chillski, nutter butters.

I'm gonna free style this so you get the jist of where I've been at:

Work= Way too much to do. They are watching productivity. Meaning, monitoring 'net usage. Dig? I'll start posting more shite from home.

Parents= Helping them clean up their old house to get it ready to sell. Once that's ready, I can focus on my home improvement pj's. Yee Haw.

Party= TNT party a few weekends back was a blast, and I didn't drag my ass to bed until 6am. Because we are nincompoops. JJ, D-baby, Dorajar, and Cursy McCurserson all crashed. It was...hilarity. And no one wanted breakfast. Which made me sad.

Body= My body has been frassy. Big time. So much so, that when I told me mum about how long my (hammy/neck/back/shoulders) have been frassed up (to the tune of 4 months) she actually said "You need to see a doctor." When the royal nurse says it, you know it's probably not good. Plus, I can't help that I've felt kinda...soft? Injury='s many days of not running/sparring...many days of not running/sparring make me feel soft. The worst bit? I grew out a Van Dyke beard (not a goatee, you beatniks) and I found tiny gray hairs in it. I'm falling apart.

Karate= I suck. Seriously. Been having issues kicking higher than my waists. Poople.

Wire Fu= Can't go. Too much other stuff to focus on. Like healing.

Theatre= I've seen some good stuff lately. Good stuff. I'm hoping that what we see tonight (Point of Revue at the Mixed Blood) will continue the trend. I've agreed to work with the KFH guys again to do a fundraiser called "Great Moments in Kung Fu History". I'm hoping (cough cough) that SOMEONE with the initials MD will wanna do it. Also, I've had more commercial/industrial auditions picking up again. Good signs all over.

Near miss- Almost had to do a staged reading of TNT since my roomies business flight was delayed. Almost.

Sports= Saw my first T'Wolves game since their inaugural season. Sat close enough to count the # of highlights in the T'Wolves Dance Team's hair. (16,352 total) Yes, I shared beers w/Dorajar. Yes, I ate a salt free pretzel. And received slight, sliiiiight ridicule.

Days Off= This warm weather prompted me to take a half day off last Wednesday. I ran (A good sign body wise. Many miles were covered) Mopes stopped over, and we ate fajita's, drank some thingytails, enjoyed the sunshine, and even let Geeeeeoooorgie Kitty roll around on the sunny sidewalk. (Lil' sumbitch was covered in grit. Then jumped into bed with me that evening. Gritty Kitty in the sheets. ) My favorite part? Seeing the green buds coming out of the trees. The lilacs are a-blooming!

Bowling at BLB= I suck balls. TLC and FW will never let me join league night. I actually succeeded in throwing the ball backwards at the crew. (There is a story there. No, I wasn't hammered. I just can no longer carry capless Carmex in my drawers.)

Brunches for Buddies= Having Dim Sum on Sunday. B/C I'm half Chinese. (BabyP, Please! You had Chinese food for dinner last night!) I'll let you all know how the chicken feet are. (Thanks for the invite, Melinite)

'Kay, that's enough for now. See you soon, splooshers.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ganked from the board of Callness...70 tings.

70 too many? You tell me...There were a bunch missing, so I added my own and left others if you had anything pressing you wanted to ask...

1. Initials: MDP
2. Birthday: 12/25/1974
3. Favorite fruit? Kilborn
4. For or against same sex marriage? For
5. Are you allergic to anything? Nope.
6. Are you bisexual? No. I'd rather have it for free if possible. (Think about it...)
7. Have you ever slept in someone elses clothes? Yes
8. How many U.S states have you been to? 45
9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in? 2
10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? No
11. Name something physical you like about yourself? I possess lush, wavy Back Hair
12. Something non-physical you like about yourself. I'm terribly polite
13. Do you have any pets? Co-Owner of Georgie the burly tabby.
14. What is your dream car? One that’s reliable, low-maintenance, and get’s good gas mileage. 15. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Italy
16. Do you like sandwiches? My nickname is Grimace.
17. Are you bipolar? No. OCD about certain things, yes.
18. What dream car do you want your spouse to drive? I’m not married.
19. Have you ever had pancakes for dinner? The best is hitting up Perkins for a "Tremendous 12" after bar close.
20. Where would you want to go on a first date? South of France.
21. Ever killed a warm blooded animal? Nope.
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yes.
23. Ever kissed under fireworks? Yes. Sometimes even experienced fireworks. Kiss me.
24. Do you like president Bush? Not especially. Bitch owes me $10 and a bottle of Olde English.
25. Have you ever bungee jumped? Yes (Branson MO. RSvP and I did it.)
26. Have you ever white water rafted? I tooted in the tub once.
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Even older than that. Senior’s are my demographic.
29.Spent an amount of money on something and were embarrassed later? Yup.
30. Are you racist? I liked NJB's response, so I'll bastardize it: Down wit' whitey.
31. What song are you listening to right now? The Reflex by Duran Duran…in my brain.
32. Threw up in public? Yes
33. What was the last movie you watched? V for Vendetta. Seeing “Good Night and Good Luck” tonight.
34. Ate the last piece of pizza in a box? Yes
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Work
36. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Define "seriously"
37. Have you ever hit on someone of the same sex? No
38. Were polite to someone you didn't like? Yup. You should be cordial to everyone. Or, just hit them.
39. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Smile/Eyes…I really try to pay attention to when the roofies work.
40. What's your favorite body part of the opposite sex? Whatever tastes the best ground up in chili.
41. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Large Coffee of the day, or a Large Skim Mocha. And a piece of the reduced fat blueberry coffee cake. It’s the bomb.
42. Do you try new things when you go to the same restaurant? Not always.
43. Lied to your boss? No
44. Say something totally random about yourself? Read any one of my posts. If that ain’t random, I don’t know what is. “Maureen…I found a way to impregnate men”/”Dad, Please! You had a hard-boiled egg for lunch!”
45. Do you have an iPod? A what?
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yeah. Thanks mom.
47. Do you have freckles? Yes.
48. Do you have body issues? Yes.
49. Are you comfortable with your height? Sure? No? Are you?
50. Do you like someone right now? I like a lot of people. I'm a liker.
51. How tall are you? Shouldn’t this be switched with # 50? 5’10”
52. Do you speak any other language besides English? Yes. Bubba-bonics. ("Jeet yet?")
55. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes. 9th grade.
56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes
57. Do you watch MTV ? No. TV is the Devil.
58. What's something that really annoys you? What doesn’t?

People who take shit too seriously (or out of context in order to take offense or create conflict. Or people who are uber-sensitive and read into things too much.), the current Gov’t administration, people who consider arts funding to be a burden rather than a necessity, people who like to talk about themselves ad nauseum, Sunday drivers, when a recipe I make doesn’t turn out right, my own propensity for sloth, Coveter’s, cat hair on dark clothes, when I fuck up a home project, people who comment negatively on my diet/exercise habits, indecisiveness, missing Karate class, disrespectful behavior, frasser’s, music snobs, people who have to be sarcastic with every fucking response or consistently look for ways to invalidate others to make themselves seem witty, douchebags, selfish behavior, burnt toast, dysmorphia, waking up sore, intolerance, assholes, Intelligent Designers, My squeaky kitchen faucet, my broken refrigerator light (my house in general can get annoying) cheaters, liars, ne'er do wells, quit-claim deeds, high-falutin' poncey fucks that think they are better than everyone else.…
Most of the time? I just turn the other cheek. All of these things? Not worth getting worked up over anyway. Just keep livin'...

59. What are some things you really like? Food and Cooking, Exercise, Books, Mad-Hot kissing and schtupping, The Interweb, Theatre, Movies, Martial Arts, My wonderful Family, My wonderful friends, Having people over for airplane rides, making people laugh.
60. Do you like Michael Jackson? Pre-1993, sure.
61. Are you gay? Is this b/c I have a rainbow bumper sticker on the back of my car that says "I like it when balls are in my face"?
62. Ever been in a wreck? Yeah. I’ve been a wreck. (See Baby P over the last holiday season)
63. Do you know how to pump gas? Is this code for “Spankin’ it?” Yes.
64. Do you drive? I’m a fucking Jedi when I drive. Hell’s yes.
65. Do you have any tattoos? Freckles. (Still thinking about getting the kanji for "No")
66. Any piercings? My Piercing gaze. (I love saying that)
67. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No. I cause people to go to the emergency room.
68. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Isn’t that the point of a dare?
69. What's your favorite state to live in or want to live? In a Captain Morgan’s induced stupor. (I could do well in Laguna Niguel, CA. Or 4 corners. Hot, arid, with a lot of places to free climb.)
70. If there was one person who would be like your twin who would it be? I’m gonna have to say Dorajar, since we’re both nincompoops.