Monday, November 09, 2020

So now what? Week 24

I've never been in the habit of gloating.  Something about the smug, self-righteous nature of it, adding insult to injury always felt super disrespectful to me.  

I'm also not alone in saying, again, that if you are a Republican or "right leaning" or whatever I honestly (at this point) don't care.  The elected individual in the Oval Office was unfit, unsuited and unqualified for the job.  At stake was a sense of decency and integrity.  While we get battered by a pandemic, calm and clear leadership *must* prevail.  The idea of political affiliation as a dogma is almost quaint.  

And still, as it was pointed out to me last Wednesday by a- wait- former high school classmate- it is *I* that is sowing division by lumping the supporters of the 45th President into a large group of *racist/xenophobic/islamaphobic phobby phobby oxen-frees*  

As it's been further pointed out, the THEY of the Republican/Right-Leaning are feeling ATTACKED and have ONLY felt like it's the LEFT who is acting awful and beligerant and well now THIS is why I NEVER Talk about POLITICS on FACEBOOK because it's like you get CANCELED and NO I DON'T do a TWITTER because THAT'S EVEN WORSE!

That's the biggest crock of horseshit I've heard in 4 years of reading daily horseshit from the Commander-In-Chief.  Since/If you're not listening, I hope you'll understand that I'm coming to you from a place of love.  In fucking fact, I don't know if it's just the fact that you're suddenly *feeling* the umbrage of Democrats and the voices of oppressed people and that's it's gotten somehow worse because, I don't know, asking nicely hasn't seemed to work all that well so there's been some shouting.

There's been some protesting.  There's been some dissent.  From day. One.

As the aforementioned high school chummy pointed out, playing Devil's Advocate (seriously.  That's SUPER fucking helpful and REALLY drives your point home) 78 million voters showed up for the guy, and am I *really* calling them all racist?

You. (Clap) fucking (clap) bet.

Here's the thing- and it's worth repeating every week so I hope you can take this to heart so I don't feel like a broken record.  Left.  Right.  Democrat.  Republican.  If you are white, you should kind of already know where this is going, if you're white then you're pretty much winning the lottery every day from a race standpoint.  And because racism- not patriotism or George Washington- slavery is the backbone of our nation and even stooped and bent it is still the pall that washes over us.  45 gave people, who tire of hearing about how bad white people are, a reason to stop having the conversation.  In fact, tried making it ok to consider a "Great America" as one that favors you in your whiteness.

Fuck, look, we benefit as a society from the oppression of people of color.  That they turn up in droves when the call to unite our country is made, and do so with grace and dignity and a love of the country is what really unites us.  You know what doesnt?   A chode for a president who fosters unease and fear because *that's how he learned what's successful*

And it isn't leadership.  It doesn't unify.  And that there are people in the nation that just don't care is heartbreaking.  That you are in love with your abuser and vote against decency and unity while crowing for it is...I mean, it's frustrating?  

But at least it won't be 4 more years of reading about a President who makes insane (Insane.  IN. FUCKING. SANE.) Proclamations via Twitter.  

Anyway,  SIDE note- I drank for the first time in many many many months on election night which was wasted since the winner wasn't announced.  I spent the next 4 days recovering (I'm old) and then partied it up after there could be no question as to our next president on Saturday night.  

You want to go on and say "Hey, can *I* say he's not MY president, then?"  Well yeah, that's your fucking right.  It makes you sound like a chode, since the reason people said it in the first place is because a Trump presidency wasn't just a step away from normalcy and decency, it was a weighted fucking dive.  And what will be in a few short years, looked back on as one of the darkest times in our nation's democracy.  Segregationists fought FOUGHT tooth and claw for their RIGHT as AMERICAN CITIZENS to keep schools separate.  We looked back in our civics classes and used those examples of changes that needed to happen.  That we stepped back into that era, when America wasn't so great, should be a cautionary tale.

78 million voters are okay with that.  Were okay with daily lies.  With racism.  So, I guess if you're married to the direction ("Right") maybe you should consider a divorce.  Being progressive is, at it's heart, about progress.  Not about giving flat earther's and anti-vaxxers a pulpit to well-actually the tits off the rest of us.

RIP George Floyd, 24 weeks on.  The world will have it's eyes on you.

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