Monday, October 26, 2020

Both Sides week 22

 I had a really, *really* long post about the both sides conversation.  It was fairly topical in lieu of the WSJ article about how two Pennsylvania neighbors with opposing political views stay friends.  (It's the WSJ so of course they want you to pay for it.)  I also had some friends who are writer's and can articulate with more eloquence and grace than I about speaking points you frequently see batted back and forth which laid the groundwork for a calm transition after election day.  It's free, so I'd recommend giving it a read if you have the time.

In the last week, though, we've had the final debate and an appointment of a new Supreme Court Justice and while I originally wrote about my parents, and the importance of what I learned from them and how foundationally-speaking we're all sort of alike and the party-system sort of sets us up for failure (and has, deliberately) for the better part of 25 years.  Here's what it boils down to, and if you are a well-meaning person with a social media presence who, shall we say, veers right then this next part is for you especially because I'm going to give you the bottom line.  

It's been, in my experience, that people who lean conservative are those that post something like *There is SO much HATE coming from BOTH sides"* with particular emphasis on capitalizing specific parts of THEIR posts.  (I'm not a fan)  It's usually followed by a rejoinder that we are all human beings or (occasionally) a copy and pasted list of the GOOD THINGS the PRESIDENT has done for our country.  Or maybe it's a feel-good video, or whatever.  To help you understand in the same way when you tell someone to CALM DOWN they generally do the OPPOSITE? 

From a social media (and, by extension, how you really feel)  If you are posting about both sides being culpable in spreading discord what you're (really) asking the other side to STOP TALKING ABOUT POLITICS MY GOD I HATE ELECTION YEAR SO MUCH!

Since I lack the grace of my friends up there and with kind regard to people sharing the Pennsylvanian version of the Capulets and Montague's having a pot luck.  Here's where I think the actual division lies.

1) Donald Trump is a garbage human being, unqualified and unfit to lead the nation and exemplifies a list of terrible qualities that shine like a lighthouse directly into your bedroom.   There's no escaping the non-stop barrage of awful that is either repeated, you are reminded of by the news cycle, and- this is important- to have to constantly listen to people defend him...not just stupid attendees of his super-spreader dog and pony shows, but who defend ultimately such a frustrating exercise that it causes the more base instincts to be displayed.  Like anger?  Like anger.

2) The modern GOP playbook is rotten and manipulative and people that still think they are acting in their best interests as citizens are similarly frustrating.  And to refer back to point one?  You are supporting an individual that falls so beneath the ideals of common decency that it's no longer fathomable to think you care about the hopeful ideals of democracy.


To qualify this-  Democrats aren't outside the realm of deep and harsh criticism and I'm certain there are people who would be quick to point this out by way of defense.  But at least I know them.  All of them.  And I'm still aligning with *My* side.  It's that self-awareness that adds to the frustration.  We know about Obama's drone record.  We know what Biden did with segregationist senators.  It's been news and public record.  Fuck, we can't even agree to a candidate any more unless it passes a purity test and matches an imaginary ideal.  

To listen to the *hate* coming from the *right* ends up being a regurgitated broken record of Fox talking points.  And if you can't be divested from the realization that it's an *entertainment Cable News Channel* that's designed specifically to provoke like a haunted house tailored to YOUR fears, then we can't keep talking.

IF YOU ARE STILL HERE- I get it.  "Politics" as is pushed in your face every day is like a boring game of air hockey where the goal is taped shut and it's *click* back and *click* forth in an obstinate wheel of uselessness where shitty laws (BY THE RIGHT) that benefit corporations and the wealthy and disenfranchise those in need get slipped through the big noisy fights.  Those used to be hush hush while you were watching the latest news, but they end up invariably doing the most damage.  HOWEVER since about 2009, there's been no hanging on pretense.  And since the RIGHT has chosen to actively be nasty in PLAIN SIGHT with their politics...the abuse has become business as usual.  And when you grow accustomed to it or just figure that's how it's going to be?

It's probably pretty jarring when all the lefties start saying "Enough is enough" or "this is bullshit".  And of course, Amy Coney Barrett- a yet untested and incredibly unqualified individual that went up for 2 weeks of hearings and said a whole lot of nothing about a whole lot of stuff she's on record as previously saying just got nominated.   So now, when I think of my daughter.  My baby girl.  And whoever she wants to grow up to be- boy, girl, non-fucking-binary.  That's my kid.  MY fucking KID.  And that someone might get to rubber stamp legislation that says she can't control what goes on with her own body?  Or marry who she chooses?  Or use whatever bathroom?

Hey, at least when your kid starts figuring shit out it would affect your daughter too.  So, equal opportunity.  And HEY!  White dudes!  We won the LOTTERY!  WOOHOO!!!

Sorry, gross joking aside- I do have anger and hate about the following.  (I can talk about it.  Or not.  It's not like this uncontrollable fit. ) But if you want to vote for TRUMP and think you lean RIGHT then you support:

Kids in cages, White Nationalists, a President who has lied (on record) about the severity of the pandemic and continues to do so (after re-configuring the pandemic response team in 2018) and who averages 50 false claims (lies) a day.  Who is crass, uncouth, and lowers the bar with every public appearance.  Who is unfit to lead.  Who is in debt to foreign entities that place him at risk of endangering our nation.  Who frequently flies in the face of the constitutional resraints meant to provide balanced leadership.  Who is, unrestrained and unable to rally and unite our nation.  

If you still want to vote for him after the first two?  If those are "meh", then honestly you aren't just a conservative or even a Republican and I think you need to have a lot of self-reflection time.  Because what that makes you is a pretty disgusting judge of character.  

But whatever.  He would sexually assault women whenever he could and that's what his fame taught him.  Not grace.  Not humility.  Not gratitude.  And I went to high school with a BUNCH of people who have DAUGHTERS who are super okay with that.  Not a deal breaker.  

That's fucked up.  That's ONE side.  

And the neat part is, if you don't want to or cant' vote for Biden?  You don't have to vote at all.  But remember, Biden has to be held to standards he's promised to uphold.  And you have a LOT of pissed off democrats who are hoping to right the ship for everyone.

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