Monday, October 12, 2020

Hi. Don't matter what the paper's saaaaayyyyy VOTE

Hello.  It's Monday, October 12th.  Indigenous People's Day.  And it's been 20 weeks since the murder of George Floyd, and in the interest of keeping you apprised of current events- they granted the officer who committed the murder bail, and a free pass to someplace nice to cool his heels before the trial.  Where?  Well, it's been hidden from the public out of safety concerns.  Because WHAT?  What does a cop need safety concerns for?  Retribution?  Cops are the GOOD GUYS?

If my sarcasm doesn't feel genuine, let me please explain that there of course, many overcrowded prisons which are also underfunded yet STILL managing to make people incredibly wealthy that are filled with (pssst BIMPOC) people who couldn't afford to pay for bail or didn't have the privilege of having someone pony up bail for them for their (predominantly) non-violent crimes.  Guess who promised a contract to one of those for-profit prison builder's?   Anyway, it's speculation but my speculation is that a certain shitbrick on the Union passed a cup around to ensure bail was secured.  It's fuckery.  Angering fuckery.

If you wanted to know something about the for-profit prison system, I didn't even use the pay-to-read NY Times article showing the depths of concession's 45 made for his donors in order to curry favor and more donations.  It's from Fox Business, and those contracts are meant to make people wealthy by building cheap boxes with bars for not-white prisoners.  Look, just re-watch "The Shawshank Redemption" if you wanna know how that kind of backdoor profiteering looks in a FICTIONAL STORY and not IRL.

In case you*do* have a subscription (and at $99 a week for digital, it's a lot.  I get it.  I did it right after the election of 2016 when the first wave of the "war on fake news" happened, and haven't looked back.  I used to tease an old girlfriend for her habit of lounging in bed on a weekend reading the Times, and now I find myself glued to the daily briefing.  And with bombshells like Trump's taxes and just the other day, showing how he refilled the swamp by profiting from the presidency...which, as you know, is ill-fucking-egal...I mean, did you want to know how this asshole should fry in jail.  That he built.  

And here in the Twin Cities...someone passing bad checks gets murdered?


Toward the election-

So as more and more citizens vote absentee this year (A number that is up, obviously, due to public safety during the pandemic), the polls will likely start to give American's an idea of who is legitimately winning earlier.  No more needing to stay up late, as it is entirely possible numbers and projections can and will be made showing who the next President will be before the actual election day.  I bring this up, because you will also start to see a winner and a loser, and so far the numbers indicating who the loser is points to the person who was the loser back in 2016- however, as we know due to graft, a carefully orchestrated campaign to dissuade voters of colors put on by Cambridge Analytica, Russian Interference, a batshit Electoral College system giving more weight to voters in smaller/less-densely populated areas which tend to skew Republican/Conservative versus urban/Cities which tend to favor progressivism, and an absolute abundance of outright fiery racism and sexism...

And well, here's to the last 4 years of my ulcer and mental health deterioration and loss of foundational trust in our unstable institution of governance in the United States.  I guess it didn't pay to be patriotic with a big heart and giving a shit about other people when the racists who think a lady shouldn't run the country and a bankrupt sexual predator with no integrity or experience with foreign policy is THEIR FUCKING GUY.

Anyway, the one thing I want for my 7 readers to do is still vote like there is a cannon aimed at your home or your job is on the line or your kid is sick or your best friend who is GLBTQIA or spouse who is Black or I'm running out of analogies.   We're not going to survive as a country at this rate.  And the hyperbole is not hyperbole any more.  Trump is the asshole who learns their house is being foreclosed and decides to trash it.  

The newsrags are going to start focusing on an eventual winner and eventual doesn't secure the nomination any more than my good thoughts will.  He needs buried in votes to prevent any possible repudiation.  And I want you to be the one's to bury him in them.  Vote.

I want to bring this up because if we've come to expect anything from the White House and...*him*'s how scorched Earth batshit they get when the shit hits the fan...(which it has for four years on the daily, and within the last month at a breakneck pace.)   With him sick and desperately trying to show how tough he is, and while he is incapable of talking and Tweeting at once, he's going to start dropping whatever decorum he has and start getting crazy nasty.  (If you're digging so goddamn deep that you have your staff threaten to release damaging information on your LAST political opponent from FOUR YEARS're only slightly in trouble.)

I leave you with an image or a thought I keep coming back to when I'm out on my morning constitutional.  There's a line in a book about someone so tough they fight like a cornered bear.  Then I kept thinking "fighting like a trapped animal?  Like a caged animal?"  (If you've ever caught a beastie that did NOT want to be in a live trap, you'll know it's a pretty terrible image.)  On further reading, there IS an attribution to an Indian Cricket team that had a rally or something along the lines of "Fight like cornered TIGERS!" But goddammit, a Tiger is a noble beast and *I* was born in the year of the Tiger and fuck that noise there has to be something...OH! THANKS GOOGLE!

The original term was "fight like cornered rats".  Much like the sister phrase "Rats on a drowning ship", it was intended as a slight (in aulde Englysh...whatever.) and personally I prefer the image of the rat scurrying and trying to get out with no where to go.

Still.  They can still bite ya.  And leave an infection.  And with all the shit that's happened on this inept fuck's time in office, we have so much cleaning up and healing to do already.

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